The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1906, Image 1
Tiui,Ji.;;'t,viiwmwiijJiiHuli.litH','M'Mi'tflt wym t i PL L1 VoI.yi. No. 36. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN? SATURDAY, IOVEMSER JO, t906. Price 5 Cents. K pi in mi ''"''l'l"''l''W"lM'WWMWMMWM4ljWMtMIW TTbeSteito IFlebxareftan I' V i-, r- '- -'- v , B ,w J r ;io It jr? NEW EMTEIJNITY STRONG ORGANIZATION MAY IN STALL AT JJE1RA8KA. Phi Alpha Tau Offers Charter Forum Debating Club Accep tance Is Uncertain. to It, 1b rumored that thoro'ls a plan on foot to establish a chapter of Phi Alpha Tau fraternity at the Univer sity of Nebraska. This fraternity Is do-J voted to the promotion of oratory and debate, as well as distinguished schol arship, and the offer of a charter has come to the Forum Debating Club, which is composed of members of the University debating squad of last year. ojU Phi Alpha Tau has .Its strongest ii M i pX- QQQOOCOCOCXXXXXXXXX :?v v v ". Jrt. . t.-NX r r. . '.,' f.-.Y ' It ?'' '. ' -'".: T ,' y ooocococxxxxxxxxxxx)aoocoocra chapter at,the University of Wiscon sin. When Nebraska's debating team was in Madison last spring its mem laers wero entertained at a banquet .given, by -this, .fraternity" and. at that time it-was suggested that a chapter should bo installedat Nebraska. Fol lowing thelr suggestion, tho. "Wisconsin chapter have -further-urged the ad vfsaDiflty of establishing a chapter-in Lincoln, tracT recently th'eioff or of a charter was received by the Forum Debating Club. . . ". Nebraska's prominent -position n among trans-Mississippi universities Is supposed to be a prime factor In the action of PhlAlpim Tau." It is not known what action will be taken by the FbrumDebatlng Club, but It Is ex pected that-a -meeting-will be called for some time next week. Thl 'Alpha Tau Is a fraternity of the nature of the professional organiza tions' already Installed at Nebraska and membership in It will not debar a man, from membership In any other "Greek. letter society. ,' , . ' Miss Grace C. Sargent, '05, Is teach ing. In the Syracuse schools' this year. VAR8ITY WIN8. Basket-ball Team Defeats Humboldt Athletics at Humboldt In the first game of the season tho basket-ball 'Varsity defeatod tho Hum boldt "Athletics" on Thursday oven lng by tho decisive score of 37 to 19. The gamo was played in Humboldt be fore a crowd of more than two hun- drod persons and was aiuexcoptionally fast contest. The Humboldt team has consider able local reputation and plays a con sistently clever game. In team work, however, tho "Athletics" were out classed by tho 'Varsity and tho out come of the gamo was. ovidont from the start. The line-up of the game was as fol lows: Humboldt Rlst and Morris, for- v k ma BHfi WB&.HBhk nm-m&i NEBRASKA'S FOOTBALL SQUAD. wards; Petrashek (captain), center; Porr and Boyd, guards. Nebraska Burruss and Walsh, for wards; Moser (captain), center; D. Boll and P. Boll, guards. Reforee-gP. R. Jones. Umpire I. M. Smythe. Scorer R. M. Carroll. MORE BONES. Two Bushels More of the Gruesome Relics Unearthed. Prof.'E. H. Barbour spent Thursday ten miles, north of Omaha in company with R. F. Gilder, who recently made tho important discovery of tho re mains of what is thought to be the most, prlmltiye man found in America. The circular mound, In which these re mains wero found, was further exca vated and many things of value wore added to what had been before -scoured. Tho work of excavating was particularly difficult owing to the hard ness of tho foot or more of burnt clay which protects, the bones. The 'success which attended .these effo'rffiPmay. be judged by the fact that Professor Barbour brought back with him a two-bushel sack full of 'bones. DR. HEDLEY TO SPEAK. Will Address First Union Meeting at the Oliver Tomorrow. Dr. James Hedloy will givo his loc turo on tho subject, "A Kingly No," Sunday, November 11, at tho Oliver Theater. This will bo tho first num ber of the series of men's meetings to be held at the Oliver this year,, These meetings aro well known among upperclassraon, but for tho pur pose of informing tho first yoar men It may bo said that thesa meotings are lor men only and are conducted by the City Young Mon's Christian Association, assisted by tho University. Association. Tho meetings aro to bo held every Sunday .afternoon, and .tho doors open at 3:30, singing begins at 3:45, tho lecture commences at 4:15, meeting closing promptly at 5:00. Ev Good music Is one of the special fea tures of all these meetings and the speakers are the best that-can be pb-. talned in the country. ARTICLE BY DR. MAXEYt Appears in October Issue of "The Law Student's Helper." "Legal Aspects of Our Intervention liv'Cuba" Is the title of an -article of perhaps olght hundred words by Dr. Edwin Maxoy of the College of Law, which appears in the October issue of "The Law Student's Helper," a prominent legal magazine published In Detroit, Michigan. It will be remembered that Dr. Maxey addressed Convocation on this subject not long ago, and his article is similar In its treatment. Separat ing the legal aspect of the question from the political, Dr. Maxey suggests several phases of tho question that are of particular interest to .lawyers, with out attempting, to establish his opin ion fcy'any sustained argument Miss Ruth Thompson, '06 is teach ing in tho high school at Malvern, Iowa. " . CREIGOTON GAME BIQ EXCURSION GOES TO THE METROPOLIS THI8 MORNING. High Enthusiasm Cornhutkers Will Capture City Crelghton an Unknown Quantity. - At 10 o'clock this morning tho Bur lington train will leave tho dopot at Sevonth and P streets with as enthusi astic a bunch of "NebrasJScans" as has over left tho llttlo collogo town of Lincoln. Hundrods are going to Oma ha to help tho team score a doclslvo victory ovor tho Croighton boys- and each one or tho hundrods Is going for a good tlmo. After much solicitation, tho amount necessary to pay 'tho ox- penses of the band has been raised, and that worthy-body will be present with all Its members. Jt the student body turns-out as It Is expected to ' do, with oolors flying and with an abundance of megaphones, th& plan is to take-Omaha by storm and make tho peaceful citizens open their eyes in wonder at the "college spirit" that will bo unbottled in their town joday. A procession -will, .be formed at the depot, and,, headed by the band, and Including the team in carriages secured for the purpose, a parade will take place down Tenth street and up Farnam to the, Paxton Hotel, where the team will . make their headquarters for the day. ' Tho gamo will bo called' at 3 p. m. at the Vinton Street park, situated at Fifteenth and .Vinton streets. A South Omaha car will deposit the spectators at tho gates, after a ten minutes' ride from the hotel.. Little has ben heard concerning the Croighton team and little dan be a.Id of their strength and weight,, They promise us a good .game, however, and a largo crowd of local rooters, will (Continued on Page 3.) vl ' aft-,. ,