u. r. Gbe 3D a 1 1 IRebrasftan -t. Stylish Sterling ...Suits A n V. !l ' I 1 A YOUNG MAN WHO WANTS THE NEWER EFFECTS IN OLOTHES LIKES THE KIND THAT DO NOT GO TO THE EXTREMES THOUGH AT THE SAME TIME DE NOTE HIS PERFECT DISCRIMINATION. HE IS ALL THE BETTER PLEASED WHEN WITH THE KINKS OF STYLE HE SECURES OLOTHES OF SERVICE.. HE WILL LIKE STERLING CLOTHES FOR THEY WILL BEAR HIS SE VERE CRITICISM AND WILL SATISFY HIS IDEAS OF ECONOMY. COPYRIGHTED 1906 BWmDKEE.KMCAI&lWOOD "Ask the Man Who Wears Them" The Sterling Clothiers Engineering Notes. Harold Foster, ex. '0G, was a visitor at tho University last wook. He la at present engaged with a surveying party on tho Union Pacific. Druco Benedict, M. E. '01, has ac coptod n position with tho engineer of tests of tho C. B. & Q. railroad at Au rora, 111. Ho will do considerable work with tho Burlington dynamometer car. Tho department of Mechanical En glnoorlng has juBt received a Wm. II. BrlBtow pyrometer, which will accur ately measuro temperatures as high as 21)00 degrees Fahrenheit. Tho department of Electrical En gineering will graduate twice as many SonlorB as any previous year. The Junior claBS bids fair to equal Jf not to oxcood, tho present Senior class In numbor of graduates. L. A. Sheldon, M. E. '01, was mar ried to Miss Evolln Enolx of this city on October 22. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon will be at home after November 15 In Schenectady, N. Y., whore Mr. Sheldon . has a responsible position in tho stoam turbine department of tho Gonoral Electric Company. 11 possible to standardize accurately all ammeters and voltmeters used by Ihe department, as well as Uiobo belonging to private parties Jn tho state. This feature of tho laboratory Is in lino with tho intention to establish an ofll cjal standardizing bureau at tho Unl verity for tho stale of Nebraska. The apparatus will bo Installed In that por tion of thft Electrlctl Engineering lab oratory whl civ has been used by the Domestic Science, department. Tho romalnlng apparatus consists of two Thompson portable ammeters and two portable Weston voltmeters, Tho lat ter Instruments are models in work manship and neatness of finish. Professor Richards has been ap pointed by Judge Hostotter of the Twolftlxjdjatxlct of Nebraska as a mem ber of a board of appraisers to doter nilno tho value of the Kearney water works. Tho other members of tho board are Engineers Rosowator of Omatfn and Klrsted of Kansas City. Professor Morso' has. In hand, as con sulting engineer, several municipal electric lighting projects, In different Nebraska towns. One of those in cludes tho Installation of a reinforced concrete dam and tho introduction of auxiliary units in the shape of gasoline engines and direct connected genera tors, to bo used at low water times. Tho Electrical Engineering depart ment has just received about $600 worth of now apparatus, which con sists of tho following: One typo "K" potentiometer and equipment, includ ing two Weston dry colls; a Stand ardom, a typo "H" D'Arsonvol gajvo nometer, and a type 'H" Balistlo gal vanometer. This apparatus will make HEATED MEETING. (Continuod from Page 1.) tlon became somowhat heated. Sec tion one was adopted without difficulty and section two was carried after some argument. Soction three was the rock on which tho meeting split. An amendment and an amendment to the amendment woro proposed and lost by narrow margins and thd committee was compelled to arise from tho committee as a whole before definite action on tho original soction could bo taken. Much enthusiasm was displayed at the meeting, along with Bomo argu ment, and it is 'expected that the final mooting will see a stlll laVgor atten dance and a still keener Interest. jL SPALDING'S OFFICIAL FOOTBALL WSk GUIDE Containing the New Rules with full page explanatory pictures. Edited by Walter Camp. The largest Foot Ball Guide over published. Full of foot ball information; reviews; forecasts, schedules; captains; records; scores; pictures of over 4,000 players. PRICE 10 CENTS. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Chicago, SLI,ouls, San. Francisco, Minneapolis, 'Denver Buffalo, Syracuse, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington Cin cinnati, Baltimore, Kansas City, New Orleans, Montreal, Can., London Eng., Hamburg, Germany. ' Send your name and get a free copy of tho now Spalding Fall and Winter Sports Catalogue, containing pictures and prices of all tho now seasonable athletic goods. , The Myron C. Clark Publishing Com pany, publisher of "Engineering-Contracting," a weekly paper devoted to matters of interest to engineers, la In search of several Nobraska students to solicit subscriptions for tho maga zine among the engineering classes. For particulars lnqulra-of the manager of tho Dally Nebraskan. Tho membership committee of tho University Y. M. C. A. will meet In tho Association rooms on Friday, No vember 9, at 7 p. m. A Band Informal will be given to morrow night In Memorial Hall. This popular University function deserves a largo attendance. A Jayhawker Dream. Wo have a good chanco to boat tho Cornhuskera. The Kansan. BREAD, PIES rrx. lpi iiin3 uiiii iii AND CAKES" -,rzS Cream ah winter YU '" " - 'S'S'. We Serve Hot Drinks arid Ice COME IN Meet me at r Ed Young's Sec Our English Tobaccos I Ye Old Smoke Shop The Daily Nebraskan Only $2 per Year i Gregory, the Coal Man rV r .IT s J "" 1 W Jf p r : o