Sr b e alls Viebraeftan """"""""" '"""'" 'WwbiiWwwiiii..) im.aii mwm,,,m.m:mclmnmmmmm,m,il.mlUi,mwmm Li F s k, CI h - y .' . X . ' ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON OR AFTER THE DANCE CALL UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Good9 Prompt LIVERY SERVICE ooooooooooooooc . JAS. 1. DAVIS JEWELER and OPTICIAN 1210 O STREET Fine repairing a special ty and the best of goods at reasonable prices. DR. JNO. J. DAVIS Qradualo Rcfracllon- 1st and Optician Spectacle and Gyo- Olaises Correctly Fitted. Office 1222 O St Auto Phono 8021 FRESH EVERY PAY! Oar Candies and Baked Goods are Always Fresh and Good. Catering Is our specialty THE MAXWELL CO., rjotli Phonea. 13th Hurt N Btraeta T. J. THORP & CO. Rubber Stamps, Stenoili, Soals, Trade Checks, Keys Locksmlthtng, General Machino Works, Model Makers, Etc. 308 So. Ilth, LINCOLN DONS GAFE 114 South Ilth J. Wright. Kgr. Ladles' Dining Room In Connection. OPEN O A. PI. TO 1 A. 91. Instantaneous A r b i 1: r ator IIOWB'8 I'AIIMAMKNTAKY I'SARIS Uv nil ingenious t'Mrtnrmngeiiicnt of tlie whiile subject-mdl let of pructicul parliament ary law, the cluiirmnii, the upenkcr, the member who next lias the floor, or nny one else, when lie opens litis book in the middle, lm beore fits ees a complete summary of every rule needed in the conduct qJL any meeting. It slips easily tnlo and out of tne jfioeket. Exactly Milted to women's clubs, too. Iteintr used and recommended by officials of the General Federation, nnd the W. C. T. O. SOvts. (onapprovalif desired). Club tales HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers of Pros and'Cons (complete debates), SLGl Commencement Parts ( for a occasions), 31-33-35 West 15th St., New York City Pctry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly. Tine Rice Bread Our Specialty. Phone us and Your Order "Will Receive Prompt Attention. L Slv vi H B mM I H Bh BH H I V Y kv I WSpTfr P f T T T T F f t f'l Tp OLIVER THEATRE n fllJn4'?Jf'n'JT'Tf'F 1 n p n n n f r f TONIGHT, SAT. AND 8AT. MATINEE W. 0. PATT0N In the Western Play THE SLOW POKE Mat., 50 & 25c. Eve., $1, 75, 50 & 25c MONDAY EVE., NOV. 12. Maliarali's Minstrels TUESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 13. ;ComiiT thro' The Bye JHHliMHMHtHMKMHIHHH)(' ..LYRIC THEATfiE Mat., 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admlslon, 10c and 15c. TANNEHILL & REDCLIFFE MURRAY J. SIMON8 SHECK BR08. WILLIAM8, THOMPSON & CO. RUDOLPH ASKELAND J. J. WILDE LYROSCOPE The BIJOU 3 Shows Dally: 3.00, 7.45 and 9:00 p. m. Prize Matiness Tuesday and Thursday. 10c ADMISSION 10c Nights Reserved Seats 5c Extra HENRIETTE AND FERDINAND Sensational European Novelty Artists MR. BOBBY RANKIN The Musical Comedian WOODFORD AND MARLBORO . Presenting "A Timely Lesson" PROF. O. H. MITCHEL World's Greatest Ventriloquist MR. WILL H. 8MYTHE Singing "Smile on Me" VOYAGE AROUND A 8TAR On the Biograph UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. November. Friday, 9. "Music. University Vesper services, 5 p. m., Memorial Hall. Unions meet. Palladians meot. 1 Band Informal, Memorial Hall. Thoro is no tlmo like. Harris 'tinier If your watch isn't up to date you bet ter soo Harris, tho watch doctor,1137 O St. - - China Tainting classes" dn Saturdays and Thursdays. Careful firing. Kath leen Hockstrassor, C45 South Four teenth street. Phone, A 2098. LOST A fraternity monogram stick pin, sot with pearls. Finder pleaBO re turn to Nebr.askan ofllco and receive liberal reward. McVoy Printing Co., 125 No. 12tli 8t., has turned out some neat, work for University organlaztlons. Why not take your baths at Chris Bath House, corner Ilth and P Sta.? Yo.u will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter, Botany Changes. It hns been arrangod to glvo up botanical rooms 108 and 110 In-No-J braska Hall for tho uso of tho Stato Horticultural Society for tholr annual mooting, January 15, 16 and 17. Tho mootlngs for papors will bo hold In tho locturo room (110), while tho lab oratory tables will bo uiod for tho dis play of apples. Lectures and labora tory work In General Botany .will bo suBpondod for these three days, but will contlnuo without Interruption for all other classes. Laboratory work will bo resumed as usual on Friday, tho 18th. For many years tho Horti cultural Society used to meet In tho botanical rooms, but two or thrco years ago they began 4.0 meet at tho Farm. Thoy have concluded now to come back to tho campus again, great ly to tho delight of tho botanical stu dents, who "small apples. Dr. Besscy Not Going to Florida. Contrary to tho reports In tho dally papers, Dr, Besscy Is not going to Baton Kouge, La., to read a.papor, nor Is ho going fioin thuo-to Florida, as tho papors say. He proposes to stay by his classes until tho holidays, whon ho is planning to go to Now York to attend soma botanical mootlngs, and at tholr close ho hopes to take a run down Into Florida to soo tho country and tho people, and Incidentally to do some colloctlng of subtropical sea weed. Chancellor Andrews left ycBtorday for Fullorton, whoro ho dolivored a speech last night. Tonight ho will deliver an address boforo tho Pal ladlan Society and ono later In tho evening in ono of tho churches In tho city. After this ho takes tho train for Baton Ilougo, La., whoro ho will at tend the scientific and educational conventions which will be hold thero next week. Many of tho faculty will bo In attondance. Prof. A. S. Johnson of tho depart ment of Political Economy and Com morco has received an Invitation from tho department of Economics of tho University of Wisconsin to glvo a number of lectures thoro on various general and special subjoctsy If able to accept, Professor Johnson will spend a few days thoro directly after re dl V mo unnsimas iiouuuyB Students In Economic Geology, hav ing completed a study of tho leading sandstones and limestones in tho United States, are now working on tho samlB and gravels of Nebraska. Each student must sample and Iden tify at least sands, and also bo ablo to describe all building stones of eco nomic importance In tho stato. Mr. A. E. Slialflon of tho Stato His torical Society, Is collecting and ar ranging a complete sot of pamphlet lawsfrom tho different states .and territories for ttfo uso of momJiars of tho legislature, Tho subjects which thoso'laws cover aro: Insurance, rail roads, corporations, schools, game, roads and revenues. - Junior Party Committee. Tho Junior party committee mot In U. 110 yesterday at chapel time. Plans for tho coming party woro discussed. It was decided to havo tho party Fri day, November 16, at Memorial Hall. Another meeting of tho commltteo will be held next Tuesday. Junior Prom Committee. The Junior Prom committee mot at chapel time yesterday, but adjourned lmmodlatojyon account of tho Junlor Sonlor class meeting. Another meet ing of the commltteo will bo held next Tuesday. ffiffiffi90 3 - ueaa Anxious to havo yon cohio and see us on all sorts of ATHLETIC G00D8 ospoclally on Boxing Glovos, Punching Bags, 'etc. o o 8 Lincoln Cycle (o. Jj 1317 O St. g H. E. Sidles' Old Stand H ELECTRIC SHOE Repairing Factory The only up-to-date plant in the city. It saves you time and money. . , ' . . . . 1220 O St. COOQCCOCCGOOCOCOCCOOQ We Would Llko to bo Your Luundrymcn. YULE BROS. 000000000000000000000200C HUYLER' Chocolates and Bon Bons. Satfdt ft Jags' UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 NorthJEImnJh. Bell 348. Auto 3881 X.&ttlr-we3C- Shirts IN WHITE OR FAST COLORS., THE BEST VALUE' OBTAIN ABLE AT $1.00 OR $1.26. ClUCTT, PCABODY & CO. MAKER Or CLUCTT.AND AHnOW COILARS I g jjllNIVH " C. j). TUCKER, Jeweler, 8 DR. S, s; SHEAN, Optician 8 3.1123 O'STREET. YELLOV FRONT I YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED, jj J v J ; ) V' ' Ti -.ZlStAf "