JL b c 2) a tl s txJb r a 0 h a n U iv M I XEbel)aUElfletvagftan THE I'ROPEllTY OF -TIIK UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkiiiurka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. EDWIN MHiROY SUNDERLAND, '07. KDITOn-lN-CIIIKK S. M. RiNAKKn, '00 -- - MnnitKlnR Editor Fiikd Bam.aiiu, 'Oi Nowb Editor W. E. HTANDEVEN, '07. M'HINKSH MANAOlCn Gay Haiidv, Amltitiint Mnniwr BvnoN E. Yodkk, '08, Clrctilntor DAT TELEPHONE, Aulo 1528, KiOHT, Aulo 2385 md 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Ofitce Basement, Administration Building Postolflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable In Advance 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo ulinrRod for nt thu ruto of 10 cento ior liiHortloa for ovory llftoon words or fraction thoroof. Faculty notices and University bullotlun will Rludly lo publlHhod froo. Entorcd ut tlio iioHt'.fllco nt Linooln, Nobnuikn. tut Hocond-oliiHH inntl iimttor undur tlio Act of ConKroHH of March il, 1871). A U8ELE88 FIGHT. Tho usolossnGsa of tho agltutionl that culmlnatotl in tlio combined mooting of tho Senior and J union classos yostorday morning appealB to us very strongly. Wo are wholly un ablo to soo whoro any possible good to tho University of-NobraBka can bo forthcoming and wo do believe that infjhlto harm will bo done If tho mat tor Is not dropped at once. Tho basis of tho troublo as wo un der8tnnd It Is two-fold. In tho first placo somo students, and possibly tho majority, rosont tho action of the Chnncollor and tho Board of Regents In passing tho regulative rulo concern ing tho segregation of students In tho rooming houses thruout Lincoln, claiming that there is a clear Imputa tion of general moral laxity among tho studontB In such a rulo. Theso OOOOOOOOO Are not wore as an ornament, but they need not be the reverse. The skilled worker takes into consideration the size and shape of tho wearer's face, and reduces the objectionable features to a minimum. Perfect fitting glasses cost no more than ill fitting ones. HALLETT, Jeweler and Optician 1143 O STREET EYes examined free oooooo o studonts further maintain that the oxocutlvo officers' of tho University havo no right to regulate private and entirely oxtra-Unlvorslty affairs of tho students of our institution. Tho second cause, and the ono that has probably brought tho whole mat- tor to a focus, Is tho recent action of tho Chancollor in Bummarily threat- onlng to expel certain studonts who aro not abiding by -tho, regulations re ferred to above. Wo maintain that neither of tho above causes, nor both togother, aro sufficient cause for tho pronounced stand tho two upper classos hayo taken. By their action tho Juniors nnd Seniors havo Invited tho attention of the pross thruout tlio country to a situation that will easily, lend itself . to exaggeration and gross misrepre sentation. Nebraska will bo denounced as a stronghold of immorality and will suffer a "black eyo" that may hurt lierfor years to como. ,As to tho justice of tho regulation, wo havo llttlocommont. It Is a mat tor of personal opinion and1 each- side Bhbws Btrong argumonts to back Its contention. It has been adopted by tho Chancollor and tho Hegonts after supposedly careful consideration and ' provlous oxporlonco with these gentle men convinces us that tho opinion of tho student body, oven as a unit, would movo them not a whit. Moro than this, If tho Chancollor oxpcls a student for a breach of tho recognized regulations of tho Univer sity, ho has tho authority of tho state behind him and his right can be ques tioned only thru tho courts. Call him autocratic If you will; denounce his actlonB as tyrannical if you please. You must, nevertheless, admit that his position gives him tho right to act as. ho does. And besides this, as was aald at tho mass mooting yesterday, tho student body has voluntarily con sented to abide by tho regulation ro fered to by tho moro act of registra tion, and In so doing agrees to accept whntovor punishment may be In store for tho violation of tho rulo. Absolutely nothing can bo gained by a continuation of tho present agi tation nnd wo sincerely hope that tho matter may be allowed to drop, onco and for all. New Books. Tho following now books havo been rocolved at -Clio Library during tho weok: Donnlor and Layons Flore com plete de la Franco. Campbell, D. IL Evolution of plants. Carter, J. B Religion of Numa and other essays ontho religion of anclont Rome. Carvor, T. N. Sociology and social progress. Eisloy, R Wllhelm Wundt's philos ophic and psychologic. Gemot, C. von Xylologlsche stu dlen. - O 00"00'00'0 O00000000 Ooobol, K. Organography of plants. 2 vols. - Graves, H. S. Forest mensuration. Great , Britain Master of tho rolls, calendar of tho proceedings of the committee for tho advance of money, 1G42-56. 3 vols. Ilartwlg, J. Ulustrlstes gcholzbuch. T-nibmf .Tnnrnnl Vnla 1 l 1-Iuffor, F. M. Tho fifth queen. Iluolsen, Charles Das Forum Ro manum. ' Jonks, Edward Parliamentary Eng land. Konlg, Edmund Wllhelm Wundt. Prescott, F. C. Selections from Jonathan Swift. Rose, J. H. Development of tho European nations. 2 vols. Ward, L. F. Applied sociology. . Winkler, Die Gesetze Hammurabi's. A reporter has boon suspended by tho Michigan Dally for giving an un true account of the Angell memorial portrait fund. Good Overcoat Weather Good Clothes Weather Not too late to get togged out and not too early to do It quickly. If you have been "looking around" with nothing but dissatisfac tion as a result, then you have missed us. We show only comfortable, satisfying materials, and we make them Into the same kind of garments. There Is no dissatisfaction with those who deal with us, because we have the right priced QUALITY fabrics which we build around you In such a way that your every attitude will exhibit your clothes In lines of grace. DRESHER Open Evenings too busy making clothes to close. Lincoln's Fashionable Tailor, 143 So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. a UNION GOLLEGE TAILORS BiiTfifi VL Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of cbvrse AUTO 1550 In the Debate World. Michigan, Chicago, and Northwest ern, who now compose tho member ship in tho North Central Debating League slnco Minnesota's withdrawal, havo adopted the general plan of de bates in force In the new Central De bating Circuit (Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Nebraska, and Iowa). Each University will havo a team on each sldo of the question, and all these de bates will take placo tho same even ing. Tho question has not yet been chosen. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Notro- Dame, and South Dakota havo formed a debating league similar to tho Cen tral Debating Circuit. Wisconsin has already begun de bating tho municipal versus private ownership question, which is tor bo discussed at Lincoln next spring by Nebraska and Wisconsin. Syracuse University has adopted a now method of selecting its intercol legiate debaters. They will bo picked from tho teams which represented tho four classes in tho series of interclass debates. Michigan gives each of her inter collegiate debators-a-cash prize of $50. - Harvard has decided to throw tho Yale-Harvard debate open to the pub lic. Tho exponses will bo defrayed by popular subscription. Thu question for tho Harvard-Yale debate on December 7 Is: "Resolved, Thatfurthor restriction of immlgra" tlon is undesirable." Hair Dressersr Best soft water shampoo In tho city, 124 No. 12t,h St. E. Goodman Tanner. Tho English Club will meet Satur day of this week with MIbs Miller, 612 South Sixteenth street. The usual Friday afternoon tea for University girls will be omitted today on account of tho Vesper service. Chancollor Andrews will address tho Palladlan Society this, evening at 8:30. Everyone is cordially invited to hear him. MlKRffll CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 5 For First Glass Tailor ing at Low Prices . . . Auto. 48 College View !3i DELL 550 X's will soon be here, and you will need something to soothe your tired brain. MUSIC is the only .relief for you. Try it. If you haven't a piano, rent ono. Bran new, high grade in strument $2 to $10 a Month Just as well have ono in your room. All the latest Sheet Music THE MUSIC . . STORE Ross P. Curtice Co. 1125 0 STREET Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 S. 12. Call up the Star Dollvery Co., Bag- Ffga go. uotn ijnonos. ' Walter Shlndall visited- Tuesday with his Kappa Sigma brothers. Coach Yost of Michigan favors tho rovlBod football rules. ' Tho Ivy Press is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. University work especially solicited. Studonts eating at tho Cornell train fng tablo are required to pay three dollars per week. Green's barber slices excel all others In the woBt. Entirely modern and tho best work assured. V fi 7 r