The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1906, Image 1

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ClIillWllllWtliMMIIMi'ilUWlM'I'iUliltl llAMillUMJI'yfrIMIMMIiWMJXMWWimW I
Tbe Bailp Iftebraeftan
Vol. VI. No. 35.
Price 5 Cents.
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Born In Ireland Successful New Yorl-
.Lawyer and Politician -An
Eloquent Orator.
Hon. Bourke Cochran, who was se
lected by the cIbbs of '07 as7 their com
mencement orator, wasborn In Ire
3and? February 28, 185-7. He received
Jiis'prellminary education In his native
country, and was then sent to Prance
to completo his jcourse of learning. In
1871, at the age7 of seventeen, he came
to the United States.
Ivir Cochtan at first engaged In the
3rofessIph of teaching In a private
acadorrfy, thfen, as principal of the pub
lic schools in Westgate county, New
"York. Later he practised law in Now
"York city. , Here the young Cochran
found his best field of usefulness In
l)olitlcs. Ho soon became prominent
in municipal politics and in 1884 was
sent as a delegate to the national
.Democratic convention. His uncom
promising fight against Cloyoland
made him a marked man, but so great
was his influence- over his constituents
tliat he secured the congressional
aiominolion and election in 1887. Ho
lield thisofllce for one term, then re
turned to private life for two years,
until, in 1891, ho" was again sent as
Congressman to Washington. He re
peated his brilliant fight against Clove
land in the Democratic national con--vention
of 1892. In 1893, the Con
sresBmanship again fell to-hiB lot. He
filled tills term as efficiently as before,
Tjut the bringing of the issue of freo
silver into the Democratic party in
1806 caused him to change his party
Mr. Cochran's telling work for Mc
Klnley -brought him much animosity
from the Domocrats,but.this was for-
gotten when 1900 found him again In
the Democratic party, this time pn the
Issue of anti-imperialism.
He was elected to fill a specialtorm
in the House in 1904, was re-elected In
1905, and will serve till 1907.
Mr. Cochran Is a man of remarkable
talent and intense virility. His inde
pendence of thqtight and the striking
"eloquence with which he has defended
fhls "positions make him no of the
unique .characters in our present-day
Chatburn's tecture Postponed.
Owing to his Inability to secure a
suitable lantern,' Prof. Q. R. Chatburn
has postponed his illustrated lecture
on "The San Francisco Earthquake
and Its Lessons to Builders." The lec
ture, which was to have beeji given
last Wednesday will bo given next
Wednesday, November 14.
The views were taken by Professor
Chatburn himself and are yery good.
Over $2,000 was pledged for tho
athletic deficit in a mass meeting at
Brown last week.
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University Vesper 8ervlce.
Today, at 5 p. m. will occur the first
of a series of University vesper ser
vices. There will be no musical pro
gram during chapel time, as usual.
The program Is primarily muBlcal and
is naturally of a religious character.
Mrs. Raymond and the Chorus haye
been working very hard to make it a
success. The usual Friday afternoon
tea to "University girls will be omitted
for this service today. The program
is as follows:
1, Organ Prelude, "Mrs. Carrie B.
2. Call to Worship. '
3 Gloria Patri.
4. Hymn No. 25.
5. To Deum.
C. Responsive Service.
7. Duet, "O Lovely Peace," by Han
del, Misses Abbot and Cuttor--
8. Meditation, Chaplain Dean Davis.
9. Organ "Largo" from Dvorak's
"New World Symphony."
10. Choir "Now the Day Is Over."
11. Evening Prayer.
University Orchestra.
Few universities in this country are
able to boast of an orchestra such as
the Nebraska School of Music will
soonbrlng before the public.
The string Bection of this thirty-five
piece orchestra will be particularly
strong with eight Arst violins, six sec
onds, two violas, and two double
The time for the first orchestral con
cert will be sotrsoon.
Send the Band.
The Innocents are endeavoring to
raise $40.00 to send tho band to Omaha
for the Crelghton game Saturday.
Help tho good cause by giving your
contribution to C. D. Slaughter or C. C.
Omaha Tickets.
Excursion tickets to Omaha for tho
Crelghton game Saturday can bo ob
tained of Manager Eager or Mr. Wes
termann at tho Treasurer's office.
Professor Taylor is to glvean ad
dross before the State Bar Association
at Omaha on November 22. His sub-
Tect will be "Monopoly in Law and in
Political Economy."
Omaha and Ret.
See the Football Game
then go with the team
to see . Maxine Elliott.
5:00 P. M.
O 00000000003
Released From Pledge
At a meeting of tho Ihtorfraternlty
Council hold on Wednesday evening,
November 7, it was found that, thru
a misunderstanding of tho amount of
advanced credits received (eleven
hours only instead of twelve, as required)-
one fraternity had, pledged a
Freshman contrary to rule. It was or
dered, therefore, that said fraternity
release tho Freshman from his pledge.
In accordance with tho abovo ruling,
tho president of tho Intorfraternity
Council has received tho following
communication from the chaptor con-
Chairman Intorfraternity Council:
Dear Sir Wo, tho members of the
Alplia Tau Chaptor of Beta Thota PI
do hereby rescind our action with ref
erence to tho pledging of Louis Harto
and do hereby release him from -all
obligations to Beta Theta Pi.
Latin Club Meeting.
Tho Latin Club hold a special moot
ing yesterday morning for tho elec
tion of now members. Tho following
students wero elected: Edna Rudors
dOrf, Annls Chalkln, Lois Fosslor, Ada
Graham, Fay Hartley, Mr. Kotouc,
Vera Melquist, S. M. Rlnaker, Mr.
Voss, Tho next regular meeting of
tho Club will bo hold Tuesday even
ing with MIbb Lucllo Long, 2523 Q
street. Professor Barber will speak
on his visit to Italy last summer.
Viking Inflates.
The following mon from various
classes wore Initiated into Viking In
torfraternity at tho Lincoln Hotel,
Wednesday evening: R. D. Neoley, M.
M. Wolton, F. E. Gallup, J. A. Murphy,
H. A. Joslin, A. H. Meyer, R. M. Bur
rus, N. H. Sears, and C. F. McLaugh
lin. Class Basket-ball. '
All girls wishing to practice for
class, basket-ball should report at Miss
Towne's office at 11 a. m.; Freshmen
Monday; Sophomores, Tuesday; Jun
iors, Wednesday ; Seniors, Thursday.
Saturday, $1,10
Rule 34 In Student Regulations Crltl
elzed Another Meeting to
Be Held Soon.
For an hour and ton minutes yostor
day morning tho Junior and Sonlor
classes In combinod mooting struggled
pvor tho adoption Of a sot pf resolu
tions condemning a recent addition to
tho published "Regulations Governing
Students," and finally adjourned with
tho question still undocided. Anothor
meeting will bo called soon when it
is hoped to comploto tho discussion
and cither adopt or reject tho resolu
tions in their entirety.
President McWllllamst'o'f tho Sonlor
clasB called tho mooting to order and
.stated his purpose In Issuing tho call.
Ho said that the question had arisen
as to whether or not tho classes 'ofs
1907 and 1908 should co-oporato with
the University authorities In enforcing
certain rules of tho Unlvorsltyj and
it had boon thought best to decide lt
by a combined mooting of tho two
President McWilllams then read tho
following sot of resolutions:
"Whereas, Wo, tho mombors of tho
Senior and Junior classes of tho Uni
versity of Nebraska, boliovo that tho
spirit of the' University authorities, in
attempting to raise the moral standard ,
of tho University is commendable, but
"Whereas, Serious x dissatisfaction
and complaint have boon manifested
over tho attompToftho Unlvorslt? au-
thorltios to onforcoRulo 34, of tho
published Regulations Govornlng stu-,
dents, which roads, 'Tho rosidonco of'
men and women students in tho samo
lodging houses (as distinguished from
famflioB) is not approved and not, as
a rulo, permitted.' Andr
"Whereas, Tho system outlinod in
Rulo 34 is one which is a sorious in
convonionceTto tho Btudont body, in
stead of affecting simply tho guilty
individuals. And,
"Whereas, We boliovo that tho said
rulo is a reflection on tho morals of tho
sludont body and that it is an in
fringement of our present' liberty and
is exceedingly unjust to tho student
body as a whole.
"Therefore, bo 1t resolved,
"That wo, tho members of tho Sen
ior and Junior-classes of tho Univer
sity of NobraBka, are not lngympathy
with Rulo 34. '
"That wo will, not uso our Influence '
to secure tho oxecution of said rulo.
"That we will support any' reason
able and Just rulo 4or tho betterment
of tho moral standard of tho Univer
sity." It was immediately moved that tho
mooting resolve Itself Into a commit
tee of tho whole, and Mr. H. Q. Myora
took tho chair. Consideration of the
resolutions was at once instituted and
discussion on both sides of tho quos
(Coritlnuod on page 4.)
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