5k5S! lEbe 5)ailp Vic bras Iran 4 i.' . "VAr , m-c - If' t M Li '' 1 1. 1 2 'if-ft 'tttVtVVTVWVVVitt'WPVt' nillFD THF1TDF W ?'' Ji-i W-il.i.,iL.'l . ' If Friday., Sat. and 8at. Mat, Nov. 2-3. OVER NIAGARA FALLS Mat. 25c and 10c; Eve. 50c, 35c and 25c TUESDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER G COLE AND JOHNSON In The Slioo-f ly Regiment WED. MAT. & EVE., NOV. 7. My Wife's Family llHJfcJiCJKJfclSlltHtJfeiK'fcWJKWVW'R'l' & ..LYRIC THEATRE.. it $mMWW Mat., 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admlsion, 10c and 15c. MOHLER & TRAINER. THE DELKS. k&QEORGE AU8TIN- MlSSvSABEL JAN88EN. jr -"eimii v AAiTrr hl?l 1 fc 1 vvni I . JACK WILDE. LYROSCOPE.- The BIJOU 3 8hows Dally: 3.00, 7.45 and 9:00 p: m. Prize Matlness Tuesday and Thursday. " lOc ADMISSION. 10c NlghtsReserved Seats c-Extra MR.iHARRY 8PRINGOLD & Co.. Presenting' "A Handiorne Stranger." -" . VARDMAN -The Auburn-Harled Beauty... MUliEBRANCHARD AND ORRIN Novelty1 Revolving Globe and Juggling Act MR. WILL H. SMYTHE Singing, "When the Mocking Birds Are ; 8lnglng in the Wildwood FOUR DANCING HARRIS'S . Featuring the Two Smallest Challenge - Sofe and Wooden Shoe Buck and Wing Dancers. Mrs. brown's Hard Luck and j '"' the holiday ' On the Biograph. . Get a nice pennant at the Co-op While the stockjs large 'and varied. Special 15-cont meals at The TUioenlx Restaurant, 142.No. 11th', St, . ThercaremoreMcClnll Paltomasold JnJheUr ed States than of any other tnke Mpattcrnir Thljison' account of.thelr style, accuracy .and irapicHy. t v f 'more subirrihcra than any otlier Idlej' Mif"iln.- -One yean lUDicn nnon ij nnmuciM ""! . I VJa.ii iiai. number, 5 ccnta. EveryubcrtbreetMcCan lat-, ' cm Free. Subcrib today. 1 jftrfflB WffTo Sriffi 1 tib." ch CfrnimtwiJi h. Panem CiaJtuer 6ro do. tend n.l Premliim Caial:ua (ho Inc 4 premium) aest free- Address THE McCAl.L CO hew ork. 2$$ BUSINESS DIRECTORY Krerjr Lojntl Unlverattjr Btndetat la urged' to patronise theae Ne brmktu mtlvcrtliera, and to men tion the paper while doing a o. BARBER SHOPS Green's Palaco. BATHS Chris', Lincoln Sanltorlum. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin- coin Book Storo, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Potry Bakory Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. , CAPE Sam Wostorflold, Don Cam eron, University School of Music Dining Room. CATERER "Tommy," at Mlllor & Paino's Fountain. CIGARS Lindsay, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma goo & Doomor, Ludwlg, The Ster ling. COAL Gregory, WhltobroaBt. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Fol Bom. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Horpolsholmor. DRY GOODS Miller & PAino, Horpol shelmcr. DRUGGISTS Roctor, Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Tho Star. FLORISTS Chapir. Bros. FURNITURE Tho Bonway Co. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Storo. KAIRDRE3SER E. Goodman Tanner. JEWELER Tucker, Hallott, J. . Davis, F. B. Harris. LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros., Merchants Evans. J LIVERS Ensign, Forbes, Mellck, LOCKSMlTHr-T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING Now Century, George Bros., McVoy, Stato Printing Co., The Ivy PresB, Simmons. MUSIC Curtice, Lester Piano Co. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafo,Cam- eron'B. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric Shoo Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln Cyclo Co. SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg, Horzog. THEATERS Olvor, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Undorwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. . October. Thursday, 2. -Girls' Glee Club tryout. 5:.00"p. m. Gorman. Club. 8 p. m. Latin Club. 11 a. m., U. Junior Party -committee U. 110. u. 106 al 204. 11 'a. m Y. W. C. A. Miss Barge speaks. Seniors meet. U. 207, -11 a. m. November. Friday, 2. 'Debate: Unl. Republican Club vs. Unl. JoiTersonlan Club, 8 p. m.' Music. Chaplain: Prof. F. E. Stuff, Saturday, 3. Graduate Club. U. 10G, 8 p. m. Medical Society. Dr. Orr on "The Physician of 1925." Spnior Breakfast, .8 a. m,, .Capitol Beach. , Forestry Club, & P m., M. 110. -Nebraska vs. Minnesota at Minne apolis. ' . Monday, 5. Prof.EH. Barbour, "Tho Architec ture and Sculpture of tho LouIbF. ,, iwlf,. ,,, ,. u rmn Ptirchnan F.xnnaltlnn flllns- stand a belter show thtln tho 0m ana Purchase Exposition. (Illus- trated.) Saturday, 10. - "Nebraska vs. Crelghton at Omaha. Saturday, 17. Coijhty'Falr,, Armory. , " Nebraska vs. Kansas, on Campus. Another Telephone. 'Thru tho courtesy of the 'Cornhusker tho Dally Nebraskan is able to, offer its patrons one further advantage In communicating with Its editorial rooms. .A Bell telqphone. has Just Jbeen Installed and will be available to any one" desiring to reach, members of the staffs of either the TjCornhuskbr arlthe Nebraskan. Tho,. number Is A 1677. Jot It down In your memory.' 8ATURDAY MORNING BREAKFAST. Autocrats of 1907 to Dine on the 8ands or uapuar oeacn. Tho Senior class will moot today to arouso enthusiasm for tho "Sonlor t Broakfast," Saturday morning. Too much cannot be said to ImprosB upon ovory Senior tho desirability of his presonco at this ovent, There can bo no excuses for any person not at tending. Tho Pflce, 25 conts, suroly Is within tho -reach of all, and It will bo held on Saturday morning, when almost overyono ought to bo ablo to come. Tho girls who might havo house cleaning to do Saturday morn ing can put It off until the attornoon, as there is no football gnmo here at that time. Nono of tho young ladles can pload tho excuse that they could not go out alone, for it will bo In broad daylight, when they will need no escort. In short, thoro Is every reason for attending, and absolutely no reason for staying at homo. Tho ovent will bo purely Informal, and any person who comes dressed up in good clothes will bo ducked In tho Beach. Democ racy will bo the order of the day, and overyono Is expected to bo a "gooff follow." It Is one of the fow ovonts of tho year In' which all can tako part and have a Jolly good time. Thero will bo no rules and regulations of decorum and tho watchword will be "eat, drink and bo merry." "Good hot grub" will bo plentiful Thero will bo plenty of hot "welnnlos," oceans of hot coffee and an abundanco of sandwiches and othbr good things. Plenty of wood to chop for tho bon fire and every one will havo a chance to do something. The plan ,1s to tako tho Capital Beach car at tho O street viaduct leav ing promptly at 8 a. m. By 8:30 tho crowd will bo on tho ground ready for breakfast. Let no one eat his break fast before going, for the commltteo wants evoryono to bo liungry when ho arrives tit the Beach. These Informal, democratic events are eoo few In number at Nebraska, and havo not In the past been patron ized by tho different classes as, they should bo. So it is to bo Tiopod tho Seniors will set tho pace for other classes by an enthusiastic attendance at tho Senior Breakfast. SKIDDOO 23! NEBRA8KAN8 TO THE FORE. University Engineers in High Favor With the Westinghouse Company. -"Nebraska men are In high favor with the Westinghouse peoplo, prob ably tho h'ehest." This Is the state ment made by Fred P. Rawson, one )f-the special -apprentices sent by the University to Pittsburg last year, rela tive to the standing of Nebhiskan en gineers. In the ".smoky city." "There are "men from Columbia, Cor nell, Wisconsin, Armour Institute, Perdue In fuct, from every engineer- Incr flnhnnl In tho rnnnrrv hnf nnno the University of Nebraska. The com pany likes men who will-got down and dig, men who study like the 'Varsity plays football no giving up. This quality it thinks tho men from tho west, particularly Nebraska, have In abundance." When asked how the University col ony was getting on, Mr. Rawson said that, with tho exception- Jesse Glbbs, '05, who has been confined, to his homo In Nashville, Tennessee, with typhoid fever since July, every Nebraskan Is doing fine. Mr. Rawson- is visiting with Univer sity friends this week- prior to accept ing a position. with" tho -Westinghouse company in Chicago the ,10th of November. Free Concert Edison Nqvimbir Ricordt Monday, October 29, at 8 p. m. Hear A'da Jones sing "Tho Moon Has Hia Eyoa on You." Harry MacDonough will sing "Not Bocauso Your Hair is Curly." Twonty.four selections In ull. All aro invitod to our main atoro. Lawlor Cycle Go. 1324 0 Strut. S HE E T MUSIC is ono of our strong dines. Wo havo any pioco you deslro. Try us. Thon; in talking about Tulk liig Machines, wo Bell the VICTOR It's Victor of all, too, and wa'll sell it for $1 down and fl per week. THE MUSIC ' . . STORE Ross P. Curtice Co. 1125 0 STREET WHEN A STUDENT WANTS PRINTING THERE IS NO OEHriKi THAT HE WANTS IT PRINTED IH MQOEaN. STYLE :) The New Century . Printers 1241 N STREET 1 DEL PRADO I4th A O ; Swelles Lunch -Car n the Weil. - - I Hurvo bettor iiiAtnv than any lnnoli 'car IntLoclty. W.P.Kemp, Caterer; w ft ' fi9 H9 t SHIRTS ' IN WHITE OR FAST COLORS.! THE BEST. VALUE . OBTAIN ABLE AT SI. 00 OR Si. 28. ' CLUCTT, PCAMDY A CO. I maiiek or eiurrr f md nho ooitMnm "' . - . -m V i Bj Qood Qrub '$. t ; mm . LT v.. & "'r' ''- ''c , M 4-- I L u ..IT:'.-... "';,-. ; , . .. i . , a y frlii r, i&;f:,wm&-)ti,u-j 7jb .' iv"Efffarhw fu i i ii m luiwi't .w. &X". V ;J&k -' 1- It-'iJS'it, ' '& J" ..' rl. v . itf '(&. , ', '. 1 HVw 'J . mrviii7,r r -,rr" i fcTBH. n"i i. jjmi mmm i '