L-L ttbe BaU;. tfUbrnsltan ZEbegm tig librae ft an ' ' THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEDKASKA. LINCOLN, NXMUSKA. rUILISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT 8UNDAY AND MONDAY ' BY THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD. PflbllcitlM Qfflct, 126 N. 14th St. EDWIN MILROY SUNDERLAND, '07. KDtTOIWN-CniKr x B. M. RtNAKRn, '00 - - - Managing Editor Pnicn Bali.Aiid, 'p.") Nowh Editor W. E. 8TANDEVEN, '07. nURINRRH MANAOEH OaVIIahdy, ABHlntftnt Manner BvnoN E. YotiKii, '08, Circulator OATTELEPJtCNF, Auto 1528. KIOHT, Aulo 2385 and 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Ofiicc Bcment, Admlnlitration Building PostoHlce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable In Advance 8inglo Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chargod for nt tbo rata of 10 contw par lnnortloH for ovory flftoon wordn or fraction thuroof. Faculty notices nnd University bulletins will gladly lo publluliod froo, Entered at tho pont fllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, an Rocond-claHH mall matter under tho Act of -UonfcroBS of March II, 1870. COME OUT. Ilavo you ovor felt tho thrill of col lego loyalty, that swoops all boforo it? Havo you ovor boon enthusiastic ovor your football toan? Havo you ovor polled tho University yells until you couldn't speak abovo a whisper? If not, there's a chauco tonight. Come .out and seo. Havo you ovofsQon a demonstration of gonulno Nebraska feellng7 Wero you ono of tho crowd that Wolcomod Nebraska's team when it returned from Colorado two years ago Did you catch tho truo spirit behind it all? Did you appreciate that tho Uni versity Ib always bcWnd its team In victory or dofeatt ix you did, you'll come out tonight. Tho rally tonight at tho depot is a;testof your loyalty to football. Our the best of almlllar clubs In other universities. Plays of. real merit havo boon pro, duced ovory year, sometimes as many as five or six within tho two semes ters. Talont in no slight degree has been oxhibited and at present thoro aro several former Dramatic Club members who are either studying for, or already on, the at ago in the east. It is evident that this club morlts tho support of tho student body. Financial support has never been lack ing as tho money making power of tho club amply attests, but thoro is a do mand for now mombers. Talent is wanted and tho call should bo heedod. Havo you ovor taken part In plays? Did you do dramatic work in high schooL? If so, here Is -your chance to go on. Thoro is no more fascinating form df recreation than amateur theatricals, nor is there any that is oi more practical ..benefit. You'll make no mistake to try- out for tho club and membership will bo worth mauy times tho effort to put forth to win It. FINAL PRACTICE. Team to Take Light Gymnastics Early This Afternoon. Prospects for tbo Minnesota game wero very encouraging laBt night Practice laBted from 3 to S o'clock and consisted almost ontlroly of signal work. Tho team went thru a most thoro drill In their formation and evinced n complete mastery of their plays. Tho mon wero alBo coached specially on defense for tho Minne sota formations, tha lnttor being exe cuted by the scrubs under the direction of Assistant Coach Stuart. There will bo practise at 2 o'clock tomorrow" afternoon, after which tho team will take early supper at tho LIu dell. At C in the evening they will leave over the Burlington for Minne apolis and should a'rrlvo there about olght tho next morning. Tho mon are all In good condition and may bo do- VOTE FOB UNIVERSITY MEN FREDRICK SHEPHERD Candidate for County Attorney on the Fusion Ticket Mr. Shepherd was a member of the class of 1890. He is a very capable man and deserves the support of every voter in the University. A HEART TO HEART TALK WITH THE BOYS Iff you want those swill Eastern Unl styles In Suits and Overcoats made to order for $20 to $40, go to ELLIOTT BROS'. Suitorium, 1210 O Meet me at Ed Young's Sec Our English tobaccos I Ye Old Smoke Shop Where Can I Get a IfttcR? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 15S0 DELL 550 && &1KQ '! ! Other People's Experience Is Never a Dear Teacher to You I Let me do the worrying and experimenting about J Hats. You profit by my experience. $2.50. WHY PAY MORE? BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O t3e5e&535K3KHKH 4 K 3KGKH4&54eeHeHeHKK i team has boon defeated and is going to almost certain defeat on next Sat urday. Novortholess, there Is no rea son to feel, discouraged. Tho team is on tho up-grade and, with tho proper spirit bohind It will ronder an excel lent account of itself when It meets tho Gophers day after tomorrpw. You can help put thepropor spirit behind. Como-out tonight and try. Put up your books for an hour. Loosen up on your usual conservatism. Forgot that your know how to "knock" and take part In tho rally with all your might. Show tho team that you believe In them thoroly. Be loyal for once and come out. THE DRAMATIC CLUB. Tho University Dramatic Club is ono of tho most Interesting organiza tions at Nebraska. Founded several years ago ft has prosecuted .the work that comes in Its sphere with zeal and Intelligence, until now it ranks with ponded on to put up-tho-gamo of their lives. The following mon will make the trip: .Tohns.onf Matters, Harvey, Wll kle, Taylor, Rico, Denslowr Cpoko, Weller, Mason (captain), Little, McJ Donald; Schmidt, Ewlng, Gromo, Voss, .Ghalpupka, Drain, Perrin, Craig, Bene DRAMATIC CLUB. (Continued from page 1.) with such success that they have be- J i come a recognized factor in tho life of j the organization. The first one this ! year will probably bo given beforo tho Thanksgiving recess and shortly after tho tryouts. It will afford an opportunity for now mombers to be come acquainted and will be some what in tho nature of an initiation. Tho commltteo that has been appoint ed to work this first evening meeting up 1b as follows: Miss Hartley, chair man; commltteo, Miss Tullyand Mr. Evans. Tho regular duos of the club aro twonty-flYQcents per year with an initiation fee of twenty-flvo cents for all now members. Any student who has even been a member of tho club may regain active momborshlp on the payment of tho regular dues. Tho ofTicors of tho club, elected at a recent meeting, are as follows: Vice presi dent, E. M. Sunderland; secretary, Miss Vera Fall; treasurer, Miss Flossy Erford; custodian of properties, Mr. Frazler. Club pins may bo secured at Hallett's fewolry store. ?&-&&&$ ,1 it FIRST NATIONAL BANK Manager Eager. Goptfer Conceit. A dispatch to tho Chicago Record' Horald frpm Minneapolis says that Gophers regard tho coming Nebraska contest as a mere practice game. Can we "fool 'em?" Freshman Football 'TryoUts. The clasB of '10 "will hold their try out for the Freshman team on Satur day afternoon, November 3, at 3 o'clock. Tho tryouts will bo held on the athletic field and It Is expected that a" large" number tl the first year football candidates will put-In an np- pearance. CAPITAL 8300,000.00 H mi! I in and Proflta.. ttOU.OOO.OO DKPOSITS 3,0'iO,000.0(J I S Cadet Officers Elect. Tho officers of the cadet battalion at a "mealing after-drill, on Tuesday elect ed tho following officers for their club; ' President, C." D. Slaughter (cap- diet, ' Coaches Stuart and Foster, amr! Co' A); secretary-treasurer LTK. Needham (first lieutenant Co. B). Tho club is formed for the purpose of adjusting matters pertaining to the cadet battalion but has its social side as well. It gives an annual officer's hop which will bo held this year at some time before Christmas. Tho officers In charge of this-year's hop have been chosen and are aa follows: Chairman, C. C. McWilllams; master of c'oremonies, M. F. Wasson. Tho date. for. the hpp will be an nounced shortly, FRESH EVERY PAY! Our Candles and. Baked Goods aro Alwnys Frosa and Good. Catering ia our specialty THE MAXWELL CO., Uotfa Plionea. 13th and N Street DONS GAFE 114 South lllh J. Wright, Mgr. Ladies' Dining Room In Connection. OPKN O A. M. TO 1 A. M. T.J.TH0RP&C0. Rubber Stamps, Stenolls, Scats, Trado Chocks, Keys Locksmllhlng, Qenoral Machine Works, Model Makers, Etc 308.So.'llth, LINCOLN DJNO. J, DAY 155 JSraduato Rcfrccllon Ist tnd Optician Spectoclrs nnj Eye. Glassei Correctly I IllCU. Omcel222 O.St., Auto Phono 3021 Pctry Bakery Co. Baldnfr'Orders Filled Promptly. Fine Rice Bread Our Specialty. Phone ua and Yonr Order Will Deceive Prompt Attontloa. MWflTI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS r M A. r ' i i f- VJ M r. fctt