The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1906, Image 1

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Price S Cents.
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A VI.IW ,lia-.--.W
Laws Admlttethto ..Championship Con
gest Eligibility Rules Fresh
.v " man" Clause Unsettled.
.,Y J
m. Everybody Out!.,
f See the team off for Minnesota.
Burlington Station....
heIntorclass Athletic Board hold
its flVsTtvmeetlng last nlghf ln'U. Ill,
A'tioW constitution was adopted and"
part of the rules to govern this year's
athletics were decided unon. Another
meotlng will, be heia In the Y. M. C. A.
rooma at 11:00 today to determine, It
poslble, the "remainder of the lnter
class rules. Tfie complete list will
then bo published itf the Nebraskan.
Great- harmony prevalledconcornlng
the eligibility rules' and the affiliation
6f'lhouEaw."Schd'6r wiibMho uppler
three, classxrion. . -
A. representative from thoPresfiman
It-iiwh asked that they" might this year
play with the Sophomore team, thus
showing that the old struggle of the
'Laws to play separate teams for the
t Interclass championship has tiled away.
AH men who have played part of
dny game .in the 'Varsity with the
oxcoptlon of the Hastings, Doano and
Crelghton games, are declared Ineligi
ble for interclass teams.
The following constitution was
adopted: -.
I. The .Interclass Athletic Board
shall consist pf, three members of each'
of 'the academic classes, auch members
to be "appointed by the president of
: the .classes .
II.' Each member shall 'have one
iyoio arid the unjtrule shalPnot pre
vail. 'Seven membersshall. constitute
a.quoriim arid .a majorltyvote shall
Tuloinrall-casesr- -"',
Tonight at 6:00 i
TIVE WORK. . ' '
Committees Chosen Tryouts: 'Determ
ined Plays Under Consideration
New Numbers Wanted. T
-r -
rvYTTjfrViKwlftWfv Af hWf'QAnlnrrprfVn
. llll. 111U l.ULWAU.ftl i. l www 'ww
ItleTsfiali bVprosldent of the board
anH ho'MBtiall appoint one of the Junior
rcommlfteo.aB secretary. .
rVC Meetings may be called by the
president or upon request of Ave mem-
ers. m '
-V V. Tho Board shall" have complete
control,oyer.all official interclass .con
vtestB and .shall make, rules governing
;suCh -contests:
VT,K The "president, .shall appoint a
ijnarice committee of four which shall
have charge of all ato 'receipts. ' '
The following .rules ,-woro .then
- Rule I.Thore".shall be fou"r recog
nized class entries for all" University
Interclass athletic honors, exceptlngas
hereinafter, providedf-to be known as
the, Freshman, Sophomore,, Junior and
""-Senior teams.
. IAny bona fide atirdentjDf the Uni
versity, excepting ad hereinafter "pro
vldedj sha.ll be eligible for class teams
and shall be classed as follows in Rule
ill: ' . , . l
"fiuf IllHaf Any student having '17
hours '.or Jess shall bo. considered a
Freshman, provided he haye at least
24 hours 'entrance, credits.
' ( J)i Any . student having between' 17
and "B3 hours credit, . or any Freshman
in, aV three-year college, shall be con
sidered Sophomore. " '
"TcXnT'student. having "between 63'.
and89, fioural.credlt, or any. second
yyafcmari in a three?ear college,, shall
.baconsiderod- a Junior.
td)?Any' student having, bdtwoon 89'
, I - ' Jt '
i - -4
and 125 hours credit, or any third year '
man In a three-year course, shall bo
considered a Senior.
IVt No studont who has played any.
part of a game on tho 'Varsity with tho
exception of tho Hastings, Doane and
Crelghton games, nor -any-man who
has won an "N" in "football, shall bo
eligible for football teams; arid ho man
hvho-has played any part of a "Varsity"
basket-ball or baseball game shall bo
eligible for Interclass basKetball or
V. Each manager shall hand a list
of his players to the opposing mana
ger two days, beforo a egamo, and In
case of, protest It shall bo determined
by the chairmen of the' two committees
not Interested, together with the Reg
istrar, two votes out of three being
'VI, By mutual and express agree
ment any two teams may play unoffi
cial. games, not subject to board con
trol, and not counting In tho-cham-
plonship; but any game not played
with this oxpress agreement shall bo
considered official. ..
Vlf. By mutual agreemonteany ,cdn
tost in tho basket-bfiinBCTles maycon
slst of threo games, the winner of two"
to bo winner of .the series. AlUmich
gamoB shall bo official arid under, board,
Villi Any game ending in a tie, other
than the final garao must bo played off
within a'-week; and any team refusing
to play defaulted. Tho mana-gers-of
the two teams may agree to
dlvide,themonoy. and .championship in
case of a tie final game, but either
manager may demand a play-off.
IX. Tho interclass board s,hall. col
lect and control the receipts of all offi
cial games, and at the end-of the series
shall- award the onltre amount above
expenses to. tho wlnnlrig team, which
shall have- the absolute right of dis
posal In. it. v
Big 8end-0"ff Rally -To Be Held at the
Tho team leaves Lincoln for Minne
apolis this evening at 6 O'clock from
tho Burlington station. Suppor will
be. served to tho men at tho training
tabid at tho LIndoll at 5 o'clock and
they will go In a body to tho train,
whero a rousing rally wlll-bo. conduct
ed by the rooting leadors.
Drill will bo dismissed at 5:30 and,
tho companies will reform at onco
on tho campus. After marching; thru
tho various buildings and parading tho
campus tho column, headed by Cap
tain Worklzer and the band, will
march to the Burlington station whero
there will be yells and impromptu
speeches until train time. Everyone
men, women and Freshmen aro
urged to turn out and sond tho team
to Minnesota Tvith an Inspiration to do
or die.
Rules Committee, Notlcel
Anothor meeting .of, tho interclass
athletic rules, committee will -bo ttteld
in thp Y, M. O. A. parlors this morn
ing at 11:00.. , Every member, ls-tirged
to be present.
JRepiibilcans antTDemocrats WIIIDls
cufes Issues of. Campaign.
Tomorrow' evening In Memorial "Hall
loanis. representing thQ University Re:
publican Club and tho , University
Jeffersonlan Club will discuss the ques
tion: ".Should thojiet congress bo
republican?'1- Qhancellor Androws will
preside at the incQtlng, and tho Unl
verslty band will furnish music.
The debaters Wr - the Republican
Club are Byron E." Yoder, S. M. Rln-
aker and Charles A. Sunderlin; for
the Joffersohlan Club, R. C. Hunter,
M. L. Corey and D. P. Do Young. . All.
are well known University men, and.
have acquired considerable reputation
as effective public speakers.
Tho debatepromlses to be tho hlg
gest .and warmest atfalr-of-its nature
.attempted In a long time. And a large
and enthusiastic house is expected.
Girls ToTryout Again..
Tho Girls' Gleo Club" will hold its
second tryout on Thursday, November
1, at 5 -p. m.Jri UTTOl'.1" All candidate
aro urged to bo present.
' AllSeniors Meet at Ninth and O Saturday JM
c . t . ivioringfii! : , ujji
'Lots to Eat. . ' Lot of Fun.
i ' T
Breakfast Tickets
After a dolay of several wooks, duo ;
to tho absonco of its prcBidont, tho
Dramatic Club has started sorlously,
on tho Work of tho yoar. Committees ".
have boon appointed, the dato for
tryouts for udmjttanco to tho club "
has boon sot, tho various plays aro .
undor consideration for productlori li
Momorial Hall.
Professor Howell, who, by vlrtuo
of her position is instructor elo
cution and dramatic Interpretation
has held tho office of presidents slnco
tho reorganization "bt tho club last
year, has, within tho past fow days,
loft Lincoln for a yoar's leave-of ab- ,
sonce. Howovor, tho affairs of- tho
club will bo directed by tho Beudont
members of tho executive board until
a. successor is appointed and it is
hopod that an enthusiastic ronewal of
lntdresfwill meet their offorts.
Tho following committees have bootf
appointed and are requested to meet
for a prllmlnary conforenco in U. .100
on Friday morning at tho Convoca
tion porlod: ' Tryout Miss Balloy,
chairman; Mr. Koyser, secretary;
committee, Misses Llndorriian and
Hanlon, MeBsr.s Gibson and SUridor.
land. CastMr Gibson, chairman
committee, Misses Adams, Cook, Fall,
and Ej-ford, Messrs. Stelno rand Wal-
Try puts -for now jmemborillll. b.b
hold on the evenings, of Novembor 1'U
and 20 in.iOOand will consist
of dramatip selections chosen by tho
candidates. The .only requirement is "
that tho selection given shall hare
sufficient length to IndlcatcTfalrly, tho
ability of tho contestants and shall,
contain .within , it passages, of true
dramatic nature. Short impersona
tions, selections from "plays worked
up bygone or more contestants, and
dialectical or colloqulaTpooms offer
tno most, acceptaoio range oi-soiec-tloris.
Applicants for membership aro to-.
quested to turn in their names to
some member of r either of the ,aboyo
committees before next "Wednesday, in
order tliafa schedule of tho tryoiita
may be arranged at an early date.
This schedule will -bo posted on tho
bulletin bpard immediately outside of
u.. iuo, wnerojiniormatipn concerning
the club regularly found."
Names turned in at the Dally Ne
braskan office will reach ,tho tryout
committeo promptly.
Various now plays have boon . re
ceived by tho club and thore is every
evidence that this year will,, offer
greater scopo for talent than, ever be
fore. The new cast committeo will
have aUst of nearly thirty old mem
bers to select from and it is epected
that as many candidates will appear
for tho tryouts. ,
It is planned to continue the social
side of tho club this. year. ;Tho .eyen
ings spent at the. homes of.membors
were experimental last year but met
(Continued on page 2, 3rd Col.)
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