7J Zhc E a U t fleb ir-a-6 ft a n TpCTEBB!HKffffBWHBfiBWPPI!Mff V r w r rv i. rr . Ik.1 h) h W- 5 ' li 'C k i nl x fj'rr ... OLIVER THEATRE HHHBi(ttM3l HPf r A V MATINEE, 2:30 I VJUni TONIGHT, 8M5 WALKER WHITESIDE THE MAGIC" MELODY - ' Mat. 50c and 25c; Eve. $1.50 to 25c. Friday., Sat. and Sat. Mat.,' Nov. 2-3. OVER NIAGARA FALLS Mat. "25c and 10c; Eve. 50c, 35c and 25c TUE8DAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 0 COLE AND JOHNSON )K)K)f )KPpWI'rW JfiifSfttffr v ..LYRIC THEATRE fttt) Mat!, 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admision, 10c and 15c. MOHLER & TRAINER. THE DELKS. GEORGE AUSTIN MISS ISABEL JANSSEN. EMILYWAITE. JACK WILDE. LYR08COPE. 3 Shows Dally: 3.00, 7.45 and 9:00 p. m. Prize Matlncsc Tuesday and Thursday. 10c ADMISSION 10c Nights Reserved Seats 5c Extra 'MR.HARRY SPR1NGOLD & Co. Presenting "A Handsome Stranger." VARDMAN ' The Auburn-Harled Beauty. M'LLEBRANCHARD AND ORRIN Novelty, Revolving Globe and Juggling Act MR. WILL H. 8MYTHE 'Singing, "When the" Mocking" Birds Are Singing In the Wlldwood." FOUR DANCING HARRIS'S Featuring the Two Smallest Challenge . Sofe and Wooden Shoe Buck and Wing Dancers. ,MRS. BROWN'8 HARD LUCK AND THE HOLIDAY s On the Biograph. TOMMY t . . r For' refreshments and Ugh .catering work see "TOMMY" : at MJlJer & Paine's. , x . c "x - pThe BIJOU 7 a 'rutHHI It f $QQ$$&8$3ti Dl.oiuroo ninrivrnnii 8 duoiiicoo uincuiuni Kvery koyal University Student la urged to patronize theae IVc- brniUau nlvertUera,,niid to men tion the paper 'while doing ao. BARBER SHOPS Green's Palace. BATHS Chris, Lincoln Sanltorlum. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-opLincoln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter. ' BAKERY Petry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National. First Na tional. CAPE Sam Wosterfleld, Don Cam eron, University School of Music Dining Room. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIQARS Llndsey, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma 'goo & Deomor, Ludwlg, The Ster ling. COAL Gregory, Whitobreast, CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Fol Bom. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, HorpolBhoimer. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol sheimer. DRUGGISTS Rector, Riggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. EXPRESS Lincolu Local. The Star. FLORISTS Chapir; Bros. FIRNITURE Tho Bottway Co. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman Tanner; JEWELER Tucker, Hallett, J. J. Davis, F. B. Harris. .LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros., Merchants Eyans,' LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Mellck, juuui.ajviiJL.n x. J. vi'norpe. TRINTING New Century, Georgo4 LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. BroH., . McVey, State Printing Co., The Ivy Press, Simmons. MUSIC Curtice, Lester Piano Co. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam- cron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric Shoo Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln Cycle Co. SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg, Horzog. THEATERS Olvor, Lyric, BIJou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day. Sam's Cafe. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. October. Wednesday, 31. Freshmen meetr Memorial Hall, 11 a. m. , Seniors meet.. U. 207 11 a.,m. Debate: Unl. Republican Club vs. Unl. Jeffersonlan Club, 8 p. m. Graduate Club. U..10G, 8 p. m. Medical Society. Dr. Orr on "Tho Physician of 1925." Prof. G. E. Barber, "Vesuvius and . Pompeii." (Illustrated.) November. "Friday, 2. . . Music. Chaplain: Prof. F. E. Stuff. Saturday, 3. Nebraska vs. Minnesota at Minne apolis. Monday, 5. , Prof. E. H. Barbour, "Tho Architec ture and Sculpture of tho Louisi ana Purchase Exposition' (Illus trated.) Saturday, 10. ' ' Nebraska vs. Crelghton at Omaha.. Saturdayr-17, ' ' . ' County Fair, Armory. . , Nobraska-vs. Kansas, on Campus. -, - .. The Theater Piano Co., Philadelphia, Pa:: kGentlemenAf ter an v Experience . of mom-than a quarter of a century with various makes of pianos', Including nearly all those made by Philadelphia firms, I have concluded that the Lester piano -is .the -most satisfactory Instru ment I have used in my school. I find after years -of continuous use that the tone retains its original quality and sweetness, tho rictlpn is'-unimpaired and the,, durability,, as evidenced by ttio "capacity of the' piano to stay in Cube, is" marvelous. I have decided, (therefore, to place vfitti you my order fdr"twentjC uprights' and. two .grands, ior, qejivery oy oepiemuer om. )- , ' GILBERT- R. - COMBS;. Directpr Broad Street Conservatory1 of Musio. ' , " Sold by FurgusOn & Ogle, 1210 O St. DEAN POUND EDIT8 WORK. New Collection of Readings on Roman Law Just Out. Dean Roscoo Pound has jiist odltod a new colection of translated readings on tho ftoman law. It ombracos ex tracts from tho "Institutes" of Jus tinian; Cicero, "Topico;" Erskino, Principles of tho Law of Scotland, and extended quotations from Sohm, Iherlng, Salkwskl, Dornburg, Wach tor and other-Jurists. Tho work comes from the press of a Lincoln 'publish ing house. It will give a now Impotus to tho study of Roman law, as indeed It fills a largo gap in the library of tho law student. Tho publication has become necessary from 'tho neods of class-room work. Tho Dean of tho Collogo of Law Is also in receipt of u magnificent library of tho works of foreign Jurists, im ported from Gormany. Tho books are quite largely In German, and from tho standpoint of technique nlono nro flno exumples of tho printer's art. New Books Added to Library. The following new books havo been added to tho library during tho week: Buck and Morris Narrative writ ing. Canning, Georges-Official correspon- uonce .Frost, 13J. Essential data-of bovol gearing. " Gr, Brit. Msater-of tho rolls Cal endar of tho proceedlngBpf the com- mittee for compounds, 1043-60: - vols. Howo, M. A. Theory of tho continu ous girder. MacFarland, II. B. Standard reduc tion factors for gases.. Nowcastle, Duke of Narrativo of changes of ministry, 176&67. Polncare,' H. Science and hypothe sis. ' ". Pritchott, H. S. What Is religion? St. Louis Louisiana purchase expo sition, 1904 Electric railway test commission' Report. Also pie following books published by the Camden Socloty, all edited Jtf S. R. Gardiner: DobatesIn the House of Commons in 1625. Documents on Duke of Buckingham in 1626. . Documents relating to the proceed ings against William Prynno In 1634 and 1637. Notes of the debates In the House of Lords by Henty ElBlng, 1621, 1624, 1626. Notes on tho judgment dellvored by Sir George Croko. Parliamentary debatos In 1610. Report of cases in Star Chamber and High Commission. - Mrs. Barkley .to Give Dinner. On Saturday evening of this week I Mrs. Barkley, Dean, of Women, will give .aTlinner to forty Freshmen girls, it is understood that Mrs. Barkley plans to entertain all tho women of tho first year class in similar fashion be fore tho winter is over. .. Latin Club Meets. There 'will be a special meeting of tho Latin Club Thursday morning at 11 o'clock In U. 204. Important busi ness will be transacted, including elec tion of new members. All members are urged to bq present. . s Nothing doflpito was decided at the .meeting of he Sophomore hop commit-, tee yesterday morning. , The date of the hop will be either Decembor 14th or a eek later. No dato in 'Novem ber Is available. Fraternity Hal will probablj" bG used for thq danco ''' SAM'S CAFE S, F. Wesfcrficii Proprietor Special Service te PARTIES Dell Phono 33$ Auto .V.. jags A Specialty In Oysters In Stun 117-19-21 No. 13lh St. ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON OR AFTER THE DANCE , CALL UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Good Promof LIVERY SERVICE Why Not? Send your Laundry to uo? Wo -do good work and save you ' money besides. . - Shirts 6c to 10c Collars- , 2o Cuffs, per pair . , . . : Cd " Poll Phone 05. Auto2441 Merchant's Laundry DR. JNO. J. DAVIS Graduate Refraction- 1st and Optician Spectaclt and Eye Olai ics Correctly cs m i-tueu. Office 1222 O St., , Auto Phono 0021 FftESH EVERY PAYI Our Candles and Baked Goodallre Alwaya Fesh aad Good. Catering la oar BpeoUlty THE MAXWELL CO., i Qoth frhapet. 13th bbH TV Stret DCCOOCOCCCOOOCCOOCOCOCOCOO w 1 Electric ' Shoe Repairing Factory The only up-to-date plant in the city. It saves you fime and money . . , .. . . 12 2 0 O St. p' OATSHIRT a ON AND OFF LIKE A COAT. THE MOD CRN SHIRT IDEA. "WHITE OR COLOR-, FAST FABRICS. $1.60 AND WORE cuirrr, Piuboby a Co.' uakchs or ctotfr amb nfiow ooixah t mSmL -k i ' ft 1 tyr-Mr-fry" " j",r -Ttsv" . ?r" 9;Wif H4iu- t A TT T3CTS