Hbe TDailv flebrasftan ryriy 11 DEL PRADO I4th St O Swelled Lunch Car in the West. I norvo bottor quality than any lunch cnr in tho city. W.P.Kemp, Caterer Qeod Qrub UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 Narth Elavanth Itll 341. Auta 3881 t ; Pctry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly. . Fine Rice Bread Our Specially. Phono ui and Your OrdorWUl RocoWe Prompt Attention. Why Not? 8end.yqur Laundry to ua? Wo do good work and save you money besides. ,Shlrts Go to 10c Collars ., 2&c Cuffs, per pair 5c Poll PHoffe 805. Auto 2441 Merchant's Laundry DONS GATE 114 South llth J. Wright, Kgr. Ladles' Dining Rook In Connection. OPEN 0 A. HI. TO 1 A. M. C. A. SIMMONS W Printing 243 N Street LINCOLN, NEB. MELICK'S STABLES Closed Carriages. Baggage. The Finest Livery in tho City BELL PHONB 43S. - AUTOMATIC 3433 1230 N STREET DR. JNO. J, DAVIS Graduate Refraction- 1st and Optician Spectacle and Bye- Olasaes Correctly Fitted. -r Office 1222 O St., Auto Phono 0021 'f '..-. '. T . -!., .'n Ji; HAVE - g ; The Evaiiis I jjj i jbd Your Wahln i i'i'V i V ' ' !' ' , it r .!'! ;j ,,' , VC jj; ! , Would like ,tb be Your ' ' !; $v Laundry men, X 'iliv:,. WWS BROS. :ii DOANC EASY MARK. (Continued from Page 1.) Tito line-up was as folio wo: Nebraska. Right end Schmidt,, DonBlow Right tackle .... .Rice Right tackle. Taylor, Harvoy, Jenkins Center Wllklo, Voss Loft guard.. Harvey, Chaloupka, Crane Loft tacklo Matters, Ewlng Quartorback Cooke, Bohodict, Johnson KlKht half Little Loft half Wollor, Craig Fullback . . . Mason (capt.) Doane. ' Right end Hooper Right tacklo Slonlgor Right guard .. Bronson Center Taylor Left guard Spencer Left tackle Smith, Buck Loft ond Bates Quarterback Griff oth Right half Barker Left half Day (capt.), Hartwoll Fullback Medlar, Day B. R. Green has been callod homo by the Illness of his fathor. Mrs. H. F. Caldwell returns today from Baltimore, whore she has been visiting relatives. Mhts Holen Allen, Delta Delta Delta, .who has beon teaching In Wahoo, lb home for a visit. Miss Hoppner waB unable, to meet her classes in Gorman yesterday on account of illness. Lost From tho pigeon-holes In Unfc Hall during drill last Friday, Ashley's "American Federal State" and Baker's "Argumentation." Please return to Nobrnskan office. The Collego Settlement Board will meet at the rooms of tho city Y. M. C. A. at noon on Novombor Gth, when an informal luncheon will bo given by 'Professor H. R. Smith In honor of ' ,, 1A it , . . . Dr. Bolton, tho retiring member of the board.' Roscoe Anderson, of the class of 'OQ has beep visiting University frloridsv Aftor leaving Nebraska, he attended "belaud Stanford University a half year, andwas in tho midst of the San Francisco eartlitiuake. Ho 4s now in the real estate business. Professor Bessoy is preparing a paper on "Tho Growing Importance of plant Physiology In Agricultural Education" for tho meeting of tho Society for the Promotion of Agricul tural Sclonco, whlchls to be hold in BatonRouge, Louisiana, about the mlddlo of November. A telegram has been rocelved from Dr. E. A. Bessoy, '90, from Miami, Florida, saying that ho and, his wife passed safely thru the big hurricane which swept across southern Florida on the- 18th of this month. PresB re ports indicate great destruction to property in that region. 'Nelson Sisters Leave Nfcw York To day. Miss Lena Wilson, 'Q6, together with her-slstor Anna, also a former Uni versity students, sails .today from Now York City for northern India, where she goes as a missionary. Her sister "will also do missionary work In the East. The '8keeter And Peter. There was bright fellow named Peter, Who struck n,t an active young 'skeoter, -But the 'skeeter struck first And slackened Ids thirst, And tho 'skeeter was fleeter than -Peter. Exchange. Cameron'e Lunch Counter. 123 ,8. 12, WHEN M WALKOVERS w GO ON S hot Troubles Go Off. Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street -- WvmtBlntmm Literal, GOo. Interlinear, fl.60. 147 Tola. iirttnnart German, Froncli. Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, 5.00, and $1.00. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I. lias on each page Interlinear translation. literal transition, and every word completely parsed. Long vowels marked, fl.su. Completely Scanned-Parsed Aeneid, I. $i.w. Completely Parsed Cicero, Oration I. ti.ro. HINDS & NOBLB, Publisher. 31-33-38 W. lh St. New York City SeJioelbookt of all publltliert at on atore University printing done by Sim- uions the Printer, 224 N. llth St : DKSpe,al1J 5'c ,SB aThe Phoonlx Restaurant, 142 No. llth St 9M ml FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. " . We will "treat you right . " BREAD, PIES AND CAKES - Meet me at EdY oungs See Our English Tobaccos ' , fc ' . . . f MINK UNION COLLEGE! tailors ::virt i i i "7 CLEAN COAL NOVELTY We carry the most attractive line of novelty pictures, also beautiful Landscape" and Fig- ?i Iv - ures. G. A GRANGER COMPANY it Framing Art Material. 1132 o st I HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Bons. "The Drue Cutter. TJaTIIORP&CO. Rubber SJamps, Stenoili, SeatsTraa'e Checks, Keys Locksmithing, General Machine ' Works, Mfiel Makers, Etc. 308 So. llth, LINCOLN L. J, HERZOO The 'University "Man'$ Tiller THE F1HEST WORK DONE. AND PRICES RlBHT 130 Q STPET " H - Phones: Bell 34; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. mr W$ would be glad to . dj 7T show you our line of tyVw Hallowe'en Novelties. COME IN SeeoafWindovvs. l. '"II ji fT77T Wit Smoke i Hi First Class TIUr Int at, Law frloas . . . Mta;;4alafW l..J',l.i..l..lJ,. ,.,,!' 1 v-.ruj,it.V.r."g" 5: -4BW! , mmmmmmw N AT GREGORY'S Yj r cl v -1 (1 v P 1 1 fBBB M aY- siiiiH I iaaaai 4 i n4 m.iim.mn