: vjiwiMw Gbe ails tflebrasftan j-L rTOMMY ,v , . 1 I J ' i'Vl DiHM ' lT r;i lHf For refreshments and light catering work seo "TOMMY" at Miller & Palno's. HUYLER'S ChoclUs and Bon -tons. til Tkt ru CmtMr, i m. . ft r B COLUMIIA NATIONAL BANK m OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - $100,000.00 FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Candles and Baked Goods are Always Vreaa aad Good. GateriBg- la ear epeolalty THE MAXWELL CO., Both FkoBei, 13tU ana N Streets WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL t mctio:ma:ry" Standard for the Schools. ALL STATE SCHOOL SUP-MIT TENDENTS INDORSE IT. The SCIIOOLBOOKS of tho country are based upon It. ALL 8TATK PUR CHASES for schools have boon made In its favor. COLLEGE PRESI DENTS. NORMAL 80Q00L PRIN- nmATa thtt ... lrvrrni xr anirnnT. SUPERINTENDENTS indorse and commend it. Editor in Chief, Win. T. Harris, U.S. Commissioner of Xdn. UP TO DATE aMl ltnT.IAB-K. 2380 1'afjos. 5000 Illustrations. I A wonderfully compact storehouse 1 oi acouxato lniormaiion. t.ui.rkan . LkJUuu'.B Dictiojubt. Tho larrr.) of ot abriJg tnti. IUffn ltrj ind TLln Paner edition. UniurDMd for eleganca and oonYtnlenee. 1110 ptgM itnii"u i iu"raiinri. Writor " Dictionary Habit "-Free. O. C. MERRIAM CO., Springilold. MasB., U. 8. A. GET TUB BEST. fl3n Proprietor Q !Ri'' Speblil Service to Q V nHV PARTIE8 0 H BeM Phone 385 X X Auto i 3385 Q !i A Specialty In Oysters in Season R !;! 117-19-21 No. 13th St. 8 TO GET POINTERS. Coach 8tuart and Manager Eager to Watch Othor Teams Today. Assistant Coach Stuart loft yester day afternoon for Minneapolis, where ho will watch the game between Min nesota and Ames this afternoon. It is expected that ho will get a number of polntora that will prove ot Immense valuo In lining the team up for the game with Minnesota on next Satur day. His report will bo of especial valuo since our team is'thoroly fa miliar with Amos' stylo of play. Manager Eager also loft Lincoln yes terday to see Kansas play on her home field today. In view of the fact that Kansas is Nebraska's "deadliest" rival it was thought that no stone should bo loft unturned that might contrib ute to a victory for Nebraska when wo meet thom on November 17. OMAHA HOR8E SHOW. ProfesBor Smith, Who was one of the officers at tho Iioubo show held in Omaha this week, pronounces it ono of tho flneBt shows of Its kind ever held In the weBt. The exhibit of Omaha horses was especially fine, as was the display of hackneys and hunters. An other feature of the show was the fancy driving of a Clydesdale soxtett, owned by the Swift Packing company. TheBe shows are not only becoming an annual social event among tho peo ple of Omaha, but are yearly attract ing hundreds of horsemen from all parts of the United States. They will also provo of Inestimable value to ani mal husbandry students in years to come who will doubtless attend thom, much as they now visit the South Om aha market each spring. Graduate Club Will Meet. Tho University Graduate Club will hold fts first meeting a week from tonight In Palladlan Hall. The Chan cellor will give the opening address. This will bo responded to by Mr. E. G. Chinlund in behalf of the graduates. Special music will be furnished by Director W. E. Kimball of the School ot Mufelq. The Graduate Club desires to call especial attention to the fact that it are not an elective orgaulzation. All graduates of the University are mem bers, whether they know it or noV, and Professor Stuff, president of the club, urges all to be in attendance at the meeting. If you are7ldoking for a good poster or picture fp your room, the Lincoln Book Store can supply you. Coloxed lithographs matted, 25c and upward; Gibson, Underwood, Remington and Russell pictures, 75c each and upward. We also frjuno pictures. DR. M. H. ALEXANutH, Dentist. Auto Phonp 2516213 O St., Lincoln, Neb. The Lincoln Sanltorlum. All kinds of baths and fine plunger 14th Tnd M. - Hair Dressers. Best soft water shampoo in tho city, 124 No. 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. Professor Taylor and wife, Professor AyreB and wife, Mr. Burnett and Registrar Clark were in Omaha Thurs day in attendance upon the horse show. Dean Ringer, an old .and very prom inent University, man, will speak Sun day at the Y. M. C. A. meeting. H, A. Anderson, '04, was a campus visitor yesterday. I Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 8. 12. The Great ANNIVERSARY SALE Offer Exceptional Values in Clothing. Furnishings, Hats and Shoes Of interest to young men and .women are the especially de signed models in young men's and youngwomen's SHOES Prettier styles in exclusive creations than shown elsewhere. IT WILL PAY YOU TO MAYER Chapln Bros.,"Florlsts, 127 So. 12th. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. All kids are not liko our "kids." Our-dollar kids tho best in Lincoln. Unland. The pennants at the Co-op are un surpassed for beauty, neatness, and originality. Lost On campus, notebok in Polit ical Science 13. Finder pleace return to Nebraskan ofllce. The CO-OP sells more pennants than all the other Lincoln stores combined. There's a reason. Tho Ivy Press Is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. University work especially solicited. If you can't see this ad. clearly, call at Harris' and have your eyes exam ined free. 1137 O' St Tho pennants at the Co-op have the style, and finish wliich give thom a tailor-made appearance. ' Green's barber shops excel all others In tho west. Entirely modern and tho best work assured. Tho Co-op had more than $600 worth of pennants at the beginning of school. They are going fact. Better get ono. i Ft. E. ERWIN, '99 - A. E-. PEJRtClNS ' RETAI-KR8 AND JOMBKRB OF ' , v , TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS Til Gregory's Washed Goal $6.50 5 lj-- . .. l 'j:- ,JV COME SATURDAY. BROS. UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 North Elivinth M 348. Aute.3881 BOYS DELIGHT In playing football these' cold days. We have a line of foot balls ranging In price from 75c up to $3.75, and ail sorts of fotball clothing. See us for close prices on these goods. 8peclal discount on Union 8ults. Lawror Cycle Co. 1324 0 Strut. ri y ' , i Ti 4 M is!