The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1906, Image 4
ttbe 35 a 1 1 mebrae-ftpji. i IS noonQoooaaaoaacxxxxxx. SAM'S CAFE S, F. Weslerfield .Proprietor Spooial Sorvlco to PARTIES Bell Phone 335 Auto 3388 A Specialty In Oysters in Reason .11710-21 No. 13th St. )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ THE 'LATEST HIT' When you hear a piece of music you like, come .here at once we have itfor you. 'Whether it be at the Lyric, Bijou or Oliver, we have known - of it in advance and can supply 'you. THE mu!tore I Ross P. Curtice Co. 1125 0 STREET ' Latin. Recaption. Tho annual reception to Latin stu dents was given Tuesday ovenlng at Hays hall. There wore about one hun drod and flfCy persons' present, prob ably tho largest number that over attended this function. One notlcable feature was tho large number of men. Hitherto tho men have boon conspic uous by their absotice at affairs of this kind, but if tho increase of men In tho classical departments continues as it Is now doing tho mon will soon out number tho women. Professor and Mrs. Barber, Pro fessor Sanford and Miss Hunter were in the receiving lino. Mr. Aar6n, as president of the Latin Club, introduced tho guests. After tho formal recoption refreshments wore served. Then the time-honored Latin songs about "os cula rubontls puellae" und other like Interesting thomos were sung. Tho boys sang several songs alone to show that they were there "with the goods." Tho crowd dispersed at 10, con vinced that a "dead language" depart ment can show its students a roat live time. rt -w ,nrr FRATS- When in need of-COAL call and ee the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. , Office 1106 O. - V. The ponnantB at the Co-op have the style and finish which give them a tailor-made appearance Barbs Meet. The i Associated Barbs meet this morning at 11 in Memorial Hall for tho annual election of officers and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the mooting. It is probable that some action will be taken with reforenco to the twenty live cent fee charged at tho election of student members of the Athletic Board. Tho changes made last year by tho Athletic Board In tho regula tions governing the election aro not regarded by tho Barbs as being any better than the arrangment previously In force and they expect to make an other attempt tq secure tho desired change. cKX30oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo6ooooooooooooo6oo6bb J, C. Wood & Co, Expert Cleaners and Dyers We are the recognized head quarters, for fitstrcUss Clean s ing and Dyeing ... . .. WE CLEAN Men's-Coats, Vesfo Plants, Overcoats, JJkters, Glove, Neck- j ties. Etc. Ladle' Skirts. WaLrt-. 3-4 Ientth Coat and Cravanettes. Tack- ( ets, White Dresses, Mulls, Organdies, Silks, Salens, and Children's Clothes of all Kinds. We Also Clean Curtains, Draperies, Portiere and Theatrical Costumes. GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED TO ANY fc J 320 N STREET, LINCOLN. ARTOI OF CITY UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 Mirth Eltvsnth Bill 348. Auto 3881 Unlaud wantB to make your suit, 1042 O St. Miss Margaret S. Rice, '03, Is teach ing at Fullerton. OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO Waterman Fountain Pens THE IDEAL Largest Assortment Carried In Town. i (I Yo olden candlesticks and ye now ones, too, at Harris. Miss Meta E. Schaper, '03, Is high school instuctor at Valentine. MliV Good drub DEL PRADO I4th & O Swollost Lunch Car in Ihe Wosl. I wsrvo Itottor qpamty tlmn nny lunch env In t uo city.' W.P.Komp, Catoror WHEN A STUDENT WANTS PRINTING THERE IS NO DENYINO THAT HE WANTS IT PRINTED. IN MODERN STYLE . The New Century Printers 1241 K STREET Joseph R. Fulk, '03, is superintend- ent of tho Hebron schools this year. Miss Mario G. Berkoy, '0G, was. re-elected to tho Tllden schools this fall. - BBHBBKBBBnOSI mm ft- Harry Porteri V- tHBHB8HJ Thomas V; Goodrich, '04, Is suporln tondont Of the Ellomlalo, North Da kota, schools. Tho pennants at the. Co-op are un surpassed for beauty, neatuess, and originality. The olden times Are good enough when Harris, the jeweler, repairs them. 1137 O St. " i. R. E. ER1A1N, '99 - f. E. PERKINS KKTAII.EK8 Al JOltBERS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS Howard E. Harvey, '03, is Instructor In sciences In the Great Falls, Mon tana, High School. The CO-OP sells more pennants than all the other Lincoln stores combined. There's a reason. Tho Co-op had more than $600 worth of pennants at tho beginning of school. They nre-golng fact. Better get one. , HUYLER' Chocolates and Bon Bona. ra OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO School of Music Gafe New Management! New Sor vlco! So wo want now patrons! Wo intend to give good board to students at reasonable prices. fjmn In nn-1 trv nur Snrwlnv ., VV ... . ., dinner. )CXX3COCOOCOOOOOCOOOOOO Important bhslnes's meeting of tho ' at 7:15. Place of voting lu. city or horiTo to come up. Miss Alma Vandorveon, '05, who was a scholar In the German Department last year, ,1b Instructor In the Ashland High School. The Department of Mathematics has completed tho statistics of the enroll ment of students In Its courses. There is an increase of twenty per cent over Inst year. If you are looking for a good poBter or picture for your room, the Lincoln Book Store pan supply you. Colored lithographs matted, u&c ana upward; Gibson, Underwood, Remington and Russell pictures, 75c each and upward. Wo also frame pictures. The Drus Cutter. inruimim CX3COCOOOCXXXXCOOOOOCOCOC)0 DAVIS Q TAG 1 TliAVIfi S B JEWELER and 'OPTICIAN 1 8 1210 O STREET H 8 ' " & 8 Fine repairing a special- Q 8 ty and the best of goods 8 g at reasonable prices. P R UNIVERSHTJEWELEI fj C A. TUCKER, Jeweler, 'j g DR. S. S. SHEAN, Optician 8.II23 0STREEL YELtO FRONT - YOUR PATRONAGE, SOLICITED. LXX)OCOOCXXXXXCOCX)COOOOCO Just Try Us One! State Printing Company Stationery Department. Ml kinds of School jESupplies. J2J2. N Street, Lincoln, Neb. . . -p Gregory's Semi-Anthracite Jr Mv, 3 $7 r it . ! J s,