The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1906, Image 3
ft b e Bails IFUbraeftan i r h. It f B T ()Mtttt)M OLIVER THEATRE Uf, U f fr rRI., 8AT. & SAT. MAT., OCT. 26-27 THE LITTLE HOMESTEAD EVE.f 50c, 35c & 25c. Mat. 25c & 10c MONDAY- MAT. & EVE., OCT. 29 LYMAN Q. HOWE'8 LIFORAMA Mat., 15 &25c. Eve., 50, 35 & 25c -TUE8DAY NIGHT, OCT. 30. The Girl and the Bandit ..LYRIC THEATRE.. 1 ..L Mat., 3 p, m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admislon, 10c and 15c. RICE'S FAMOU8 DOG, PONY AND VAUDEVILLE CIRCUS HALL AND COULBURNE GREER JACK WILDE Will Sing the Illustrated Song, . . "Chevonne." ' Cheyenne.' V JA8. H. COWLEY' Monologist LYRpSCOPE s The BIJOU 3 8hows Daily: 3.00,' 7.45 and 9:00 p. m. Prize 'Matiness Tuesday' and Thursday. 10c ADMISSION 10c Nights Reserved Seats 5c Extra 3 BOUNDING GORDONS 3 .-ln Their Sensational Novelty Re bounding Acrobatic Act. MI8S BE88IE TAYLOR. The Charming Vocalist LINDSAY'S DOGS AND MONKEYS The Famous Troupe of Animal ' i- Actors MR. WILL H. SMYTHE Singing, "Like the Rose, You're the Fairest Flower" BONNER and RAYMOND Presenting "The Stubbornness of Dorothy." NUR8E WANTED On the Biograph T. J. THORP t CO. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade Checks, Keys Locksmilhlng, , General Machine Works, Model Makers, Etc. 308 So. Ilth, LINCOLN PR, J NO. J.' DAVIS Qradualo Refraction 1st and Optician Spectacbi-and Eye - Olasses Correctly Fitted. Office 1222 O St., Auto Phono 8021 DR. M. H. ALEXANDER, Dentist Auto Phone 2516, 1213 O St, Lincoln, Nob. . The Lincoln Sanitarium. All kinds of baths and fine plunge. Htand M. 7 ' Hair Dressers. ,. " ''Best soft' water shampob-'In tho cityj 124 To. 12th St "E.1 Goodman fanner. Cameron's 'Lunch Counter. 123 8., 12. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Btndent Is urged to patronize these Ne brukan advertisers, nud to ntea tlou the paper while dolus BARBER SHOPS Green's Palace. BATHS Chris', Lincoln Snnitorium. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Petry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam WoBterfleld, Don Cam eron, University School of MubIc Dining Room. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIGARS Llndsoy, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma goo & Deemer, Ludwig, Tho Ster ling. COAL Gregory, Whitobreast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, ThrrFol- som. DENTIST M. H. Alexander, Davis, Herpolsheimer. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol sheiracr. s ' DRUGGISTS Rectorf Riggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Tho Star. FLORISTS-Chapir: Bros. FURNITURE Tho Bonway Co. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman Tanner. 'JEWELER Tucker, Hallett, J. . Davis, F. B. Harris. LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros., Merchants Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Melick, LOCKSMITH T. J Thorpe. PRINTING Now Century, Georgo Bros., McVoy, State Printing Co., The Ivy PresB, Simmons. MUSIC Curtice, Lester Piano Cof RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam- oron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogors & Per kins, Electric Shoo Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cydo Co., Lincoln Cycle Co. SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Herzog. THEATERS Olvor, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day. Sam's Cafe. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. OctobeY. Friday, 2G. Music. Chaplain: Prof. Laurence Fossler. Saturday, 27th. ' Nebraska Vs. Doane on Campus. Monday,' 29 Hon. A. S. TIbbetts, "Tho Multimil lionaire." Wednesday, 31. Prof. G. E. Barber, "Vesuvius and Pompeii." (Illustrated.) Friday, 2. Music. Chaplain: Prof. F. E. Stuff. Monday, Nov. 5. Prof. E. H. Barbour, "The Archltec v ture and Sculpture of the Louisi ana Purchase Exposition." (Illus trated.) Talk clothes. with Ludwig about your Miss Laura Owen has been on tho sick list You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. Call up the Star Delivery Co., Bag-L gage. Both Phones. University printing done by "Sim mons the Printer, "224 N. 11th St Special 15-cent meals at The Phoenix Restaurant, 142 No. 11th St. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House,, corner 11th and P Sts.? McVey Printing company does the best University work at 125 No. 12th. The Ivy Press is now located at 212 South Twelfth street University work especially solicited. ' " w Green's barber , Bhops ' excel all others In the west Entirely modern and the best Work assured. RHETORIC 13. Subjects for tho Second Argument Announced. Subjects not In tho following lint must be approved: 1. Does tho fraternlty-non-fratornlty cleavage on college questions subserve tho Interests of University life? 2. Should Lincoln adopt a park sys tem? 3. Should fraternity or sorority rushing at tho Univorsity of Nebraska be permitted tho first semester? 4. Should there bo a training table lor tho University football team? 5. Should Dolltlcal names uccod campaign contributions from corpora tions? 6. Is the "tainted-monoyVargumont against accepting donations to relig ious, educational orphllanthropic in stitutions Bound? s 7. Should military drill at the Uni vorsity of Nebraska bo mado elective? 8. Do-fldcmt societies in high schools (or hv High School) justify thelhsolvos? r U Rhnnlrl thn rlHnn nf ihn TTnltnri States seek the solution of tho street' railway problem through municipal ownership? 10. Should the use of the injunction in labor disputes bo prohibited? 11. Should tho prosldont of tho United States bo oloctcd for six years and bo lnoliglblo for ro-election? 12. Should the federal government regulate interstate life Insurance busi ness? 13. In civil cases should questions of fact be decided by tho court instead of by a Jury? 14. Wap the passago of tho Fifteenth Amondment wise? 15. Should tho Bible be read in the public schools? .10. Should Cuba bo annexed to tho United States? 17. Should corporal punishment bo practiced In the public schools? 18". Should intorcolleginte football be onflned to-collego grounds? 19. Should the army canteen bore established? 20. Should Lincoln adopt tho two platoon police system? 21. Should Nebraska furnish freo text-books to pupils in the public schools? 22. Should, simplified spelling be in troduced into Nebraska public schools? 23. Should capita punishment btf abolished in Nebraska? 24. Should Nebraska elect its United States senators by direct vote of the people? 25. Should judges of the United Sta tesSupreme Court bo uppointed for fixed terms rather than for life? 2G. Should the present policy 4of In creasing the navy be continued? 27. Is so-called student government In high schools a good thing? 28. Hub the institution of college athletics reached the stage where it demands the sorvlces of the student Instoad of serving him? 29. Should tho right to vote be lim ited to persons who can read arid write? . 30. Should voting be made compul sory in Nebraska? October 20, 1906. M. M. FOGG. Tho College Settlement Board mot yesterday morning at chapel time in Dr. Bolton'sjofllce. It decided to have its regular meeting the first Tuesday of each month in the city Y. M. C. A. building. Prof. Smith, the president of the Board announced the following committees: Finance Mr. Hardy, Prof. Caldwell Prof. Smith, Miss Andrews. Building and property Prof. Foss ler, Mr. Stephens, and the new 'city member to be elected. Work and workers Prof. Dann, Mrs. Field, Miss Zmlraer, Mr. Aaron. Cornhusker Copy. A box has been placed just insido the south entrance to University Hall and a second in the office room of the Cornhusker, room 7, basement Ad ministration Building, for students of the University to deposit anything they desire to havo published in the 1907 Cornhusker. The editor"4 asks that every Btudont who knows a "Joke" to write It up and place It in one of these boxes or hand it to a member of the staff. Cdpy of this nature can only bo secured .by the co-operation of the students. WHEN, "WALKOVERS' i GO ON ? A Shoe Troubles Go Off.; Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Strt I L. J. HERZOG R4UCUUUMJ rT(i3 University Man's Taller THE FIKE8T WORK DONE AND PRICES llBRT 1230 OSTREET ft FIRST HATIOIUL BAHK jg CAPITAL..., 8300,000.60 A 8urplu and Profits.. 0O,OO.e , a Disposrrst 3,030,000.00 1 b35 FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Candida and Baked Goods ore Always Frosh and Good Catering Is our specialty THE MAXWELL CO., Hoth Fhonci. 13th and N Street DONS CAFE IMSeuth.MUi J.Wrlaht,Mgr. Ladles' Dining Room in ,ConRectfoB. OPEN O A. M. "TO JA. M. Pctry Bakery Co... Baking Orders Filled . Promptly. Fine Rice Dread Our Specially. Phono, an and Your Order "Will Rocoivo Prompt Attention. JOOOCOGOCOOOOOCOOC We Would Liko to bo Your Laundrymen. - YULE BROS. 80002 b" COAT-SMRTl ON AND OFF LIKE A COAT. THE MOD CRN shirt Idea. WHITE OR COLOft- FAST FABRICS. , $1.50 AND' MORf ClUCTT, PtABOOV A CO. MAKCHS orouoeT MW Annow oolUM 7 A " A . i ii i l ItM,( if iJLX. nJ , Wlis. I l s ,-LJoiifciid4ii-.iWSr tftkh"fc -.