The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1906, Image 2
t ttftS 3atlt"fllelra0ltah V ftbe Bails fllebraefeaft THE PROPEIITY OP TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA., Lincoln, Nedhabka1. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY TUB STUDENT PUD. BOARD. Prtllcillon Office, 128 h: 14th St. EDVltf JdlLItOY SUNDERLAND, '07. KDITOn-IN-CIIIEr 8. M. Rinaxkii, '00 - - MnnnginR Editor PitKD Ballahd, 'Of. Nows Editor -W. E. BTANDEVEN, 07. nusiNEsn manager QAYllAitbY, ------ ABslBtnnt Mnnogor BvnoN E. Yodkii, '08, Circulator DAT TELErHOIE. Aula IBM. KiOHT, Aula 2365 nd 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Office Bemnt, AHmlnUtrtlon Building Postoiflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. NEBRASKA IN SIXTH PLACE. With duo respect for Mt. Tracy, we beg to take ono exception with him relative to his "lino up" of American universities as published In the Bos ton Transcript, and reprinted In Mon day's Nobraskan. Ab ranked by him, Nebraska has a total enrollment of 2,914 students and stands thirteenth among-all American universities and soventh among state universities. As shown in the University rocords, how ever, Nebraska haB a total registration of over 3,100 this year, which figure not only places her sixth among Btate univorsltleB, but a cIobo competitor of both 'Chicago and Yale. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charffod for at tho rato of 10 conte nor liiBortlon for ovqry ilftoon wordH or fraction, thoroof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will Kindly bo published froo. Entered at tho postnfllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, an socond-cloBs mall matter under tho Act of CongroflH of March it, 1870. THE LIGHT THAT FAIL8. " Wo have boon "knocking, gently klocking," on sovoral features of tho Library this yoar and tho ond 1b not yot. Tho mattor that bothers ub now Is tho quality of the light that is fur nished the Btudonts to read by. Study In tho Library 1b at best no easy task. There Ib of necessity a certain amount of unavoidable confu sion. Thero 1b often an atmosphere laden with headaches, or If not, there aro draughts that are deadly. There are chairs preompted and unoccupied for hours. Thero aro fudges and chocolatos to seduce and co-eds to de tract tho attention. All these tilings might bo borno and still a good grade bo forthcoming, but when, in addition, poor lights are in evidence, the final straw has been Tho CO-OP sells more pennants than all tho other Lincoln storeB combined. There's a reason. - DR. MAXEY'8 ADDRE88. Speaks on United 8tates Intervention in Cuba. At Convocation yesterday morning Dr. Edwin Maxoy of the Collego of Law spoke on "Our Intervention In Cuba." J3y way of introduction he said that thiB talk was not official, neither had he a commission from tho President nor from tho Fates, but tho facts of the caso aro of intorest to Americans. Intervention is nothing new, for tho nations of Europe inter vened Jn Greece and Turkey, thero waB Intervention of powers In Mexico, Great Britain In Belgium, of France, Gormany, Russia after the Russo-Jap-aneBO war, and of tho United States in iBthmus Ot Panama. Thus have in terventions proven tho rule rather than the exception. In previous times it was based upon humanity and self-preservation but at tho present time It has a legal basis. Tho United States had tho consent of Cuba to Intervene against foreign pow ers under the Monroe Doctrine If tho Cuban government was unable to fur nish protection, but this was not to THE NEW O'COAT There ib Smartness about this New Coat that ap peals to most men. It is a close fitting body coat . moderated. Being between tile extreme close fit- ting and extremely loose coat, gives it a conserv ative style that looks well and will bo good, no doubt, for several seasons to come. We show this coat in all grades of black and gray, from $12.50 3 $40 LENGTHS 40 TO 52 INCHES Magee & Deemer, Kensington Clothes, They Fit. 1100 O States, they really had no government, and their rule was by force. Whether tho result will be annexation or pro tectorate by the United States Is dif ficult to say. Thero was no very great pressure from without or panic with in to cause a crisis, yet tho govern ment was overturned, showing they were not able to govern themselves O0"0O0-0000 O000'000 YOUR EYES Appear perfect m Visual power, yet bo im perfect, entailing a wonderful strain on tho nerVous' system. OurUToroutrh examination 0 - will reveal all hidden defect. EXAMINATION FREE HALLETr, Jeweler and Optician X 1143 O STREET , . . EYes examined free 0OO"0OOO O 000000000 The CO-OP sellB more pennants than all tho other Lincoln stores combined. There's a reason. I BOYS I DELIGHT bound on the backs of the students. The- lights aro unreservedly bad. They are not powerful enough to make reading easy under any conditions and they aro not sufficiently uniform to .allow ono to grow accustomed to their dlmness.Thoy flicker and waver spasmodically and try one's oyos to tho limit. " 4. We do not know where the lies. If the electric plant Is not big enough to do better we believe an appropria tion for an enlargement is in order. If the wiring Is to blame, a thoro over hauling is very ovldontly needed, if different bulbs In tho fixtures will remedy the defect, by all means let us have them. Tho University cannot afford to stand for eye strain among Its students any more than It can for graft. Tho two are equally viclouB in "their effects, and neither Is to be tol 'orated. And finally we add: Let there be light; '',. effect internal affairs. Tho Latin ATflorican states were under tho Mon roe Doctrine, yet wore free to estab lish any kind of government. Accord ing to the Piatt Amendment, the Cubans wore protected from tho In tervention of 'European powers. There were- two political classes, conserva tive and radical. Each party put In a ticket and the Moderates won. Among the smaller classes were the industrial, the poorer class, (mostly of negro descent, who have no inter est in politics), and the influential class oj capitalists,' or old Spanish plantation owners. All these favored American intervention. In the elec tion which followed thoro were not officers onuf'to go around, and many were dissatisfied, for to the puban mind an official has a "feast of honor and flow of graft." The payments of claims to Spanish war veterans were made In cash and in vouchers. When Cuba appealed to the United Cornhusker PhotosT" Arrangements have been made to have tho pictures for the 1907 Corn husker taken at Townsend's Studio, 226 South Eleventh, street. A now and unique card-mount has been chosen. It Is three and one-half by nine Inches and of a cream color, with brown matched edges. Tho prints will bo oval with a light background, ' They will cost two dollars and- seventy-five sents for the first dozen and ono dol lar for each additional dozen. The editor .of tho Cornhusker desires to have the pictures all taken, If pos sible, before' thanksgiving. All mem bers of tho Junior and Senior classea of the whole University will haveJJielr pictures taken for the book. Chapin Bros., FloriBts, 127 So. 12th. In playing football these cold days. We have a line of foot balls rannina In nrlce from 7?r up to $3.75, and all sorts ofT fotbali clothing. See us for Close nrices on these' nnnrfs. Special discount orKUnion Suits.- Lawlrir Cycle Co. 1324 0 Straat. ooococcoooboocoaceoo HAVE The Evans Do YourWashing OQQOOOOOOOOC The piaco to buy a fountain pen. The University Book Store. Meet me at Ed Young's See Our English' Tobaccos W YeOld Smoke Shop Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1550 ' v DELL 550 AlLEGRETTI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS .r - r , i