The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1906, Image 4
Gbe 3ED a i I g 1FUbra0,ftan TOMM CAMPUS GLEANINGS oocoggoooccocooooqoooooooo t Cor rofreahmonts and light catering" work soo "TOMMY" at Mlllor & Palno's. School Books in a hurry And t New York ptlcu, tlngly , or by tho doien. may be obttlnetf ucnd-fnnd or tirtu, by ny boy or Kin in nc remoieii namiei, or any i icacner or ouicui any wnef e, ana Delivery prepaid Brand new. comnlete- alnhibtiical catloRuc,'ry1olchoolboolcofi( fuwuHtrtt iryou mention tnia ad. BIHDS fc nOBLE . 31-33-33 Vf; ICth St., Now York fciry. UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 North Elivinth Itll 348. Auto 3881 HtM4MU 1 $&SJ& i' Just Now is the time to get a gun and go hunting. We have Just what you need. This Is the place to get your Photographs, Bl.cycles; also-a complete line of Football Goods, Boxing Gloves and Punching Bags, Cameras .and Supplies. Lincoln Cycle Co. 1317 O St. ' H." E. Sidles' Old Stand 8 . , llrina, 1 nave concmueu tpat tno L.otor piano is- th6 mpst satisfactory "Instru- rae 'UpfVo used In my school. I find ttfte(y6ars of continuous uso that tho tonb' ''retains its original quality and sjveetiioss, tho action is unimpaired a'nU' tliQ durability, as evidenced by .thccijacity'ot tho plan0 to stay ,in rtune,"' Is mafvolous. I havo decided, 'tucfrofore, to placo with you my or,der 'for twenty upVlghts and. two grands, 'for' delivery by September Gth. t ' i Professor Stuff lectured last Thurs- Tho Lostor Piano Qau Philadelphia, (,iny in Education 7 on -"MothodB of Pa.: . .'Teaching English Lltoraturo in H'lgh Gentlemen After an experience of J Schools." Yesterday Professor Fogg moro than a quarter of a century with j lectured In the same class on ''Meth various makes of pianos, Including , 0(iH. 0f Teaching Rhetoric." 'icarly--att-tho80 made by Philadelphia' . j. . t, GIL2fR55?IB? ion a series of fruit tree spras-lng ex rilrectqr Broad Street Consel-vatory ' "A "'i of Music ' ' '"". perljnents In that section of the state. v ' --. -. . .-.-.. Sold 'Uy Furguson &. Ugjo, lzw -u at. ti campus Cy Mason came up from Omnlui Sat urday to witneas tho Nebraska-Ames game. If you aro too late for class you can atop In aud have Harris clean your rings and pins. Miss Hattio Benedict was called to Omaha yesterday by tho sickness of her mother. Tho Ivy Press is now locatodat 212 South Twelfth street. "University work especially solicited. Miss Edna Mantor has just returned from tho hospital after an operation for nppendlcltis. Green's barber shops excel all others in tho west. Entirely modern and tho best work assured. Lost In Memorial' Hall "Thursday morning; a Itlfotorlc note book. Find er return to Registrar's office. There's one place in a thousand where you can find tho real Rookwood pottery. Como into Harris' and see it. Miss Lillian Chambers, who has been 111 for over a week with appendi citis, is now considered nearly out of danger. George Hedges, of tho Engineering Department, has just returned from a trip .to Washburn Colloge, Kansas, to oxamine their teloscope. Left Guard Chaloupka of tho Var sity is again in good condition. For a whiles Saturday it. was thought that his Jaw was fractured. Tho membership committee of the Y W. C. A. Js making a canvass of tlioJnl. girls. It Is hoped to raiso tho present membership of about MO glrlB to GOO. There Is only one thing that Ne braska wishes moro than to defeat Chicago and that is to soo Amos "nut it over" the Gophors next Saturday af ternoon. Dr. , Edwin Maxey, oL the College of Law, has recently written a work on "Triumphs of American Diplomacy." The publisher 1b Brentano of New York City. S. W. Boyor, professor or Mining Engineering at the Iowa State College of Ames, and chairman of the Athletic Board, was an enthusiastic router for his team last Saturday. , The Phyulcs Department has ro Colved a new Dolazalek electronome- tor. ,ThIs instrument is essential for the work of the department, and its arrival will facilitate laboratory 'study In connection with that line of work. Val Keysor, '05, visited the Univer sity last week. Mr. Keysor has charge of tho agricultural institute- of South ern- Nebraska jind has been carrying tie reports very graiuying resuns -C. J. Vnrnor, '99, waB visitor yesterday. 8 ,'-l3fc ' S. F. WesUrlleld 8 O ffiraWyif'Cim. Proorietor O 8 miiyrm - 8 9 baSHI Special Servico to O Q KtdfcMSlI PARTIES Q ( Q Uattff' - O iQ m Bell Phone..... 383 X Q Auto 3355 Q (j . ., . . i. . i . i i ,.. !. , ... Qj R A Specially in Oyslers in Season R 8 117-10-21 No. 13th Si. 8 0 HUYLER'S' Chocolates and Bon Boris. The Dru Cutter. Why Not? Send your Laundry to ub7 We do good work and save you monoy besides. ' ' ' ' Shirts Be to l,0o Collars 2o Cuffs, per pair 60 ' Pelt Phono 805. Auto 2441 ' 1 -r Merchant's Laundry TAKE THE RIGHTROAD FR.OM CHICAGO GREAT MAHLfc LEAF ROUTE Unequallea equipment on all makes traveling a pleasure on the GREm WESTERN For full Information, Write to P. H. DVNLOP, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT, 16X2 Farnam St. - Omaha,. ! UNION COLLEGE i TAILORS POST OFFICE BUILDING R. E. ERWIN, 99 - A. E. PERKINS v KKTAILEU8 AN1 JOltBERS OV TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND . NEWS The Daily Nebraskan Only $2 per Year GLEAN GOAL AT GREGORY'S LOW One Way Rates Evfery" day to October 31st, 190G, Inclusive, the Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets as fol lows: $20.00 to Ogtlon and Salt Lako City. $20.00 to Helena and Butte, Mon tana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wonat- chee, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nam pa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Vic toria. $25.00 to Ashland and -Astori Oregon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los AngeletfTimi San Diego. Correspondingly low rates 'to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah and Idaho points. Through tourist cars run every day via Union Pacific to the Pacific coast. For full infor mation call on or address E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent. GOOOOQOOOC FRESH EVERY DAY1 Our Candloa anil Balcod Gooda are Always! Frosli ana uooa. catering is oar upooiauy THE MAXWELL CO., TXotU PUodci. 13th it It Street - tV' OMAHA Vy Chicago .WESTERN RAILWAY For First Class Tailor ing at Low Prlcts . . . Auto, 48 ColTie Vlw U trains T 1 : 1 t vca W ft b. iwwn n.rrtwi