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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1906)
Z b eM E a ( t v. 1 e b r a s ft a h u F Eft sV Mr IV1 !- IV I-1 r !' imX.,x.xw OLIVER. THEATRE ff T 'A o "f '! "T l 'F 'i TI'1 II 'T7K7KTViWir'R)W'I Tf r A V MATINEE, 2:30 mJLJr I TONIGHT, 8:15 Williams & Walker ABYSSINIA EVE., $1.50, $1.00, 75o and 50c. MAT., $1.00, 75c and 50c. ' FRI., 8AT. & 8AT. MAT., OCT. 26-27 THE LITTLE HOMESTEAD EVE., 50c, 35c & 23c. Mat 25c & 10c ..LYRIC THEATRE.. "7k IK Jfl 1 1 1 f1 Mat., 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Adml8lon, 10c and 15c. RICE'S FAMOUS DOG, PONY AND VAUDEVILLE CIRCU8 HALL AND CdULBURNE GREER v , JACK WILDE VWIII 8lngtftp Illustrated Song, "Cheyenne." JAS. H. COWLEY Monobgtst LYROSCOPE 3 Shows Daily: 3.00, 7.45 and 9:00 p. m. Prize Matlness Tuesday . and Thursday, 10c ADMISSION 10c Nights Reserved Seats 5c Extra 3 BOUNDING GORDONS 3 In Their Qenpational Novelty Re- bouh'dlng Acrobatic Act. MISS BESSIE TAYLOR The Charming VdcallsV LINDSAY'S DOGS AND MONKEYS' The Famous .Troupe of Animal Actors MR. WILL H..SMYTHE 8lnging, "Like the Rose, You're the Fairest Flower" BONNER and RAYMOND Presenting, "The Stubbornness of Dorothy." NUR8E WANTED On the Blograph Just Fry Us One ! State Printing Company . Stationery .Department. All kinds' of r " 'School Supplies. '12J2 N Street Lincoln, Neb. Pl DR. JNP. J.DflVlS, Mte v Graduate Refraction HS Tt and Optician 'bbbwBHTO Spectacles and Eye VEVj OUssec Correctly """I" Fitted. Office 1222 O St., Auto Phone 8021 DR.'tf. h. Alexander; Dentist- Auto.Phone.2516,1218'0"St, .Lincoln, Neb y - 1 The 'Lincoln Sanltorlum. j' .All kinds ofr baths'-and fine plunge. 14th and M. . f ';-' , HalrbrSii t, ' 5 Best soft. -vyater shampoo in the city, , l24No;U2tn St; 'EL' Goodman 'Tanner. Cameron's. Lunch Counter. 123 8. 12. $$ BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kvery Loyal TJnlvorBlty Student la urged to patronize thcie Ne braiknit ndvcrtUera, rind to men tlon the paper while doing ao. !( BARBER SHOPS Green's Paiaco. BATHS Chris', Lincoln Sanltorlum. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry Portorr BAKERY Petry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, Firat Na tional. J CAFE Sam 'Westorfleld, Don Cam eron, University School of Music Dining Room. CATERER "Tommy," at Mlllor & Pvalne'a Fountain. CIGARS Lindsey, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unlahd, Ma goo & Doomor, Ludwlg, The Ster ling. COAL Gregory, Whitebroast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Fol Bom. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Herpolshoimer. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol sheimer. DRUGGISTS Rector, Rlggs. - ENGRAVERS Cornell. EXPRESS Lincoln Locul. Tho Star. FLORISTS Chapin. Bros. FURNITURE Tho Bonway Co. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman Tanner. JEWELER Tucker, Hallott, J. 1, Davis, F. B. Harris. LAUNDRIES Yulo. Bros., Merchants, Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Mcllck LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING Now Century, Georgo" Bi'ds., McVejr, State' Printing Co., -The Ivy Press, Simmons. MUSIC Curtice, Lester Piano .Co. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric Shoo Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln Cycle Co. SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg, Herzog. THEATERS Olvor, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo . Vrite'r Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day. Sam's Cafe. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. October. Wednesday, 24. Prof. Edwin Maxoy. . Friday, 20. Music. , , Chaplain: Prof. Laurence Fossler. Saturday, '27th.- Nebraska vs. TJoane on Campus. Monday, 29. Hon. A. S. Tlbbotts, "The' Multimil lionaire." Wednesday, 31. Prof. G. B. Barber, "Vesuvius and Pompeii." (Illustrated.) Friday, 2. Music. Chaplain: Prof. F. E. Stuff. Monday, Nov. 5. Prof. E. Ht. Barbour',' "The Architec ture and Sculpture of tho Loulsi . anU, Purchase Exposition." (Illus trated.), Dr. Haggard 212-213 Richards Blk. Unland wants' -'to make your suit. 1042 O St. '. , You will be satisfied with Camoron!s Lunch Counter. Call up the Star-Delivery Co., Bag gage. Both Phones. - "Bill" Johnson is., being- tried out at quarter this week. Tho place to buy a fountain pen. The University Book Store. t i -Univorsity printing done, by -, Sim mons the Printer, 224 N. 11th SL , i iu: u - '; Special. 15-cont ' meals at The Phoenix Restaurant142 No. 11th St Wh y npt take your baths i&t Chris' House; boi-ner llthiarid P St&,? Bath I ' McVdy 'Printing cofapahy 'does the best University work at 125 No. 12th. COLLEGE GROWTH. (Continued from Page 1.) Iowa -. 1,815 Loland Stanford, Jr ." 1,780 Kansas '. 1,708 Indiana '. 1,084 Missouri 1,518 M. I. Tv .....1,400 Princeton 1,384 BorIoii University 1,359 Ohio y 1,272 Tufts College ....: 1,007 Dartmouth .'. 1010 Virginia ... 774 Johns Hopkins 720 Georgia 408 It is interesting to note the com ment niado by Mr. Tracy relative to tho comparative slzo of Nebraska and Iowa. Ho says: -Look, too, at Iowa and NobraBka. See what a difference botweon these two universities, a sheer drop of over one thousand." In summarizing his article, Mr. Tracy conies to this conclusion: "Tho one concrete fact of signal importance and interest which Is de duced from these statistics Is that the Eastern Institutions are slowly losing ground, and that the Mississippi Val: ley colleges are likely, to become load ers. Tho mean rate of advance for tho wholo country is .048 por cent; for Now England, including Harvard, Yale and Tech, and the seven smallor ones, is .04 per cent; while the rato for the eleven Mississippi Valley Institutions is .088 per cent. "The one thing that prevents tho early appearance of 'tho largest Amer ican University' in tho Mississippi Val ley Is tho lack of an institution big enough In scope and hoartly enough wolcomed as a whole to secure popular Indorsement. The city in which this. institution should be located Is, of course, Chicago. The boys of the fu-' ture are going to attend a collego lo cated In a city, just US" they are now working In a city. Chicago ought to .havo that institution, and Chicago has the Bite, buildings and general equip ment suitable for this university, but as long as the Rockefeller curso is upon it conscientious parents will hesi tate to send their boyff there. It may be that In 'the future that univorsltyl will recover from this incubus. But until It does tho West will jiot sond Its best men there, and Harvard will continue dominant." PROF. SMITH AT NEBRASKA CITY. Reports Stock 8how at that Place a Marked Success. Professor Smith, who acted as judge at tho 'live stock show in Nebraska City last week, returned to Lincoln Saturday. He reports tho show a marked success In every particular, Its herU of Galloway cattle and exhibit of blooded 'horses being especially fine. - The show was given under the au spices of theJMorton-Gregson Packing company and was the first , eVent of its kindrin tho history -of the state. Rhetoric 15Bebate. - " The first debate in Rhetoric 15, tho Introductory course in debate, will take place this afternoon in University Hall 10G, from 2 to 3 o'clock, followed from 3 to 4 o'clock by the criticism. Tho question is: "Resolved, That the South Carolina dispensary system should bo introduced into Nebraska." The affirmative will bo maintained by Miss? Pay M, Hartley, '09, and W. R. King, '08, arid the negative by H. L. Swan, '08. The debates in this courso have been opened to, the public this year. . ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON AFTER THE DANCE ' CALL UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company ' For Good, Prompt LIVERY SERVICE ' ObOOOOCGOOOCOOOOCCOGOCOOC ciuuiiiu diiuo Repairing Factory- The only up-to-date1 jolant in the city. It saves you time- and money ....... 1 2 20 OS) Doooooooooo.oooboobooodcHioo ooooooooooooooooooj; JAS. 1. DAVIS GATE CITY Cleaners, Dyers 2?. O. ZINK, MMnnger Gleaners Scientific-Dyers Auto 4428 Boll 2028 204 So. TWELFTH )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC iCOOOdOOGGOOOGOCOCCCC We Would Like to be Your Laundrymcn. YULE BROS. OOOOOCOOOOOOQCOOOOO COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. capital - sinn.nno.fln . -- - r- -7 r TJT Thw $Q& BO HARROW CkHCfjSkrank.Qsarter Siu Ctfcr 19 ccuti vcb, it tor mti. Maker of duett ul MonArot SMrt JAS. 1. DAVIS 8 JEWELER and OPTICIAN X 1 21 6 O STREET ;($ Q . ,r.X g Fine repairing a specials 8 ty and the best of goods C g at reasoriabte prices. g ii) CkMca'Skrank (barter. Size Ctftr VTA M M m Ti lll r"P" S3ffiU r ' . 1