The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1906, Image 2
r the Waih e r a 0 ft a n !. V. TUB FKOPEIITY OF f TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEUItASKA,. Lincoln, Nkiihabka. PUBLISHED EVERY-DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE'STUDENT PUD." BOAttD. Publication Office, 126 H. 14th St. -EDWIN MILttOY BUNDEHLAND, '07. KDlTOIMH-OIIlKV 8. M. RiHAKKti..,0a - Managing Editor PnicD Baluaur, '05 Nowb Editor W. E. BTANDEVEN, '07. ' DUfllNEBfl llANAOEtl GayIIahdy, AHHlstant Managor Bykon E. Yodkii,'08, Circulator DAT TELEfHOlE, Aula 1628. HJOHT, Aula 2365 in J 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Office . Basement, AdmlnUtratlon Building Postolflcc, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. , , Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year . Payable in Adyancc 8lnglo Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTIOE8 will lxj chargod for nt tbo rato of 10 cent) por liiHortlon for ovory 11 f toon words or fraction thoroof. Faculty notices and University bullotlnn will gladly ln publlnhod froo. i..iw ! i i i.' i Bntorod at tho postr.fllco nt Lincoln, Nebraska, aa socond-clOKB mail mattor undur tho Act of Oongroan of March 8,1870. LOYALTY. Unlvorslty contests In which tho wholo school Is, or ought to be, on 'thuslasttcally Interested deserve tho undivided attention and support of all the students. Such support Is tho only truly legitimate means of maintaining unlvorslty enterprises. With it wo may confidently expect the best results -In. all lined and without It the most promising possibilities areJiam pored. It Is reported that during the big "football gamo Saturday a number of social gatherings were held among University people Without reflecting personally upon those who were re sponsible for these conflicting dates, wo think tho general practise of scheduling other ontertainments - and parties for dates which should, be wholly surrendered to tho "University refreshments, at a cost pf less than $1.26' a ticket. This is a condition wholly unwarranted and In our opin ion is an imposition on the University public. Dancing is probably tho most gen eral amusement in tho University. Tho ubsonco pf dormitories and the consequent scattering of students thru every section of Lincoln prevent the varied modes of entertainment that' prevail In othor colleges. Tho result Is an attendance nt dances that is uniformly largo. Evidently our dance promoters haver observed this fact and havo sot out to profit thereby, for in spite of prices which permit a big "rake off," the attendance continues upbrokon. And oven these higher priced dances are sometimes woefully lacking,' especially In the way of re freshments. It is nonsense to claim that a danco cannotrpay for Itself when tickets are sold for $1.00. It has been done too often to need additional proof. Tho argument of precedent is moro pow erful to convince than are the asser tions of would-be capitalists. Of course wo acknowledge that If money is to be raised for a legitimate pur pose a dance is as permlssablo as any other method, 'but such a purpose should be made public from tho very start, that those who attend tho danco may know what to expect We are not all Croesuses by any manner of meanB, but sotting" aside the question of anyone's ability to pay tho additional tax, the high-priced danco is an incentive to graft and caters dis tinctly to snobbishness. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL FOOTBALL GUIDES Containing the New Rules . with full page explanatory pictures. Edited by Walter-Camp. Tho largest Foot Ball Guide ever published. Full of foot ball information; reviews; forecasts, schedules; captains; records; scores; pictures of over 4,000 players. PRICE 10 CENTS. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Denver, Buffalo, Syracuse, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Cin cinnati, Baltimore, Kansas City, Now Orldahs, Montreal, Can., London, Eng Hamburg, Germany. Send your name and get a froo copy of tho new Spalding Fall and Winter Sports Catalogue, containing pictures and prices of all tho now seasonable athletic goods. BOOK BY PR0FE8S0R ROSS. Glee Club. Tryouts will be held In Memorial Hall tonight at 7:30. Tenors aro still urged to report, os, Director Gillespie has decided to Increase the size of the club. This will probably bo the last of tho tryouts and rehearsals will commence next week In earnest. It Is thought that, three rehearsals a week Expert Cleaners and Dyers '6cXX500CX)CXX)COOCX5bCOCOO w i r xkta jcu rv J V' T J JA X Vw I UJ. 'a 4U rArnrrnfnrri firarf- quarters for flrst-ctass Clean ing and Dyeing TJTTE CLEAN Men's Coats, Vests, Pants, Overcoats, Ulsters, Gloves, Neck- ties, Etc, Ladle's Skirts, "Waists, 3-4 length Coats and Cravanettes, Jack ets, White Dresses, Mulls, Organdies, Silks, Satins, and Children's Clothes of all Kinds. We Also Clean Curtains, Draperies, Portfers, and Theatrical Costumes. GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN. CXXXXXX5O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0 O OOOCOOOC5000000000000000000 THItrnot be condemned too-soverely. If anything must give way In your social calendar It should not be the blg events 'of University interest. They aro entitled to all tho encourage ment you can-give them, and, to say tho least, your attendance. THE $1.00 DANCE. Before' tho social season of tho University is farther advanced it seems apropos to Bay a word in fa-vor of. tho "$1.00 dance'" which has almost, If not quite, gone out of vogue in the last two years. There was a Umo when University dances were given by tho classes and by 'Independent or ganizations for tho pleasure It afford ed. Tho motto was not "How much can wo take In?" but rather, "How much can we give at tho lowest con sistent figure.?" Of late tho practise has changed and tliruout' all last year not a Univer sity danco was given with a good floor, with good music, and with the simplest will be hold for some time, as tho club has an engagement to give a concert before the Teachers' Association on December 15, and will have to work hard to make up a program that Is in keeping with Its reputation. "T. Palladian Notes. A. Hallowe'en party will be given by tho Palladian Literary society Friday evening, October 26th, at tho home of MWs Geneva Bullock, near tho State Farm. An interesting and unique, program in the wny of Hallowe'en stunts has been arranged by tho committee, and a jolly time is anticipated. The "Liederkranz" mot yesterday morning for Its first regular meeting of the year. Considerable interest was manifested, but It is hoped that there Will be a still, larger attendance. All students with a reading knowledge of German attend the meet ings, whether they aro taking German or not. "The Foundations of 8ocology" Meets With Commendation. The following item is taken from tho Wisconsin "Cardinal" for October 19th: Professor Ross of tho department of Sociology has recently had Issued from tho Macmillan press a book, "Tho Foundations of Sociology," which is meeting with tho enthusiastic sup port of tho sociologists of tho country. A writer in the Political Scienco Quar terly for September says of the book as a whole that "his (Ross's) work of analysis and criticism of tho founda tions of society deserves universal recognition as a contribution of the first order to 'both sociological litera-" ture and sociological scienco"; and of tho chapter on tho recent tendencies In sociology, "It reveals a fine sanity and fairness and philosophic insight. It Is a strong and sympathetic analy sis of tho views of the great sociolog ists of tho last decade or two. It is perhaps the best brief critical essay that wo have upon their work." Tho author of the work, Professor Robs, Is the new head of tho depart ment of sociology of tho university. He Is tho author of a number of works on both economic and sociological sub jects, and has an enviable reputation for,, his courage and advanced though sane thought. Ho has been pronounced by one of the German sociologists one of the three great sociological think ers of tho times; .and he has the fur-, ther distinction of being the first pro fessor to glVe unlvorslty courses on the subjects of railroads and of cities Professor Ross Is a graduate of Coe College. After receiving his degree from the Iowa cologe he studied for a year at the University of Berlin, after wards returning to this country and entering John Hopkins where ho re ceived his tiodtor's degree In 1891. Since leaving the latter Institution he has held tho chair of political econ omy at tho University of Indiana; has been assoclato professor, of political economy and finance at Cornell, pro fessor of sociology at Leland Stanford Jr. University and at the University of Nebraska, and 'lecturer In sociology at Harvard and the University of Chicago. Engineering Notes. Ned Loomis is engaged with tho Trl State Land Co. Solomdn Goldman has accepted a po sition as rodman, with, the Tri-Stato Land Co. Fred Fairman E. E. '06, holds a re sponsible position with the Western Electric Co. The Engineering Society will meet Wednesday evening of this week in M 211. All members are urged to bo present. Tho old Westinghouse steam engine which formerly was used to run the machine uhop has been replnced by a new motor. The now dynamo for the -applied mechanics laboratory has arrived and is being installed. Word comes to the Nebraskan that C. J..Bowlby has been given an oppor tunity of taking an examination for lieutenant In the United States Army. C. M. Bolles has bqen transferred from the telephone department to tho power department, with the Western Electric ' Ccu. at their Howthorn shop Hugo Schluetter, who has been en gaged with a United States Geological Survey party at Kemmerer, Wyoming, is back in school and registered In tho C. E. department. Tho M, E. department has ordered, a new Thermo Electric Pyrometer, which will read temperatures as high as 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It has also purchased a now motor driven emory tool grinder for the machlno shop. A. A. Miller, M. E. '98, called on Professor Richards Jast week. He Is engagade as sales manager for tho Westinghouse Company, with head- quarters at-Seattle, Wash. 'He had just"consummated a sale of $600,000 worth of machinery to a largo manu facturing concern in Seattle. Misses Jennie and Elsie Piper, '04, were Lincoln visitors over" Sunday. , BREAD, PIES vist ois soda ' .. HS f OBTAIN. HOT AN D X AK E S coWm5 drinks served MLEdRETTI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS t " 7' r i 4 1 Vi H