1 ttbe IDalls mebrasftan 1 " NOVELTY PICTURES Wo carry tho most attractive lino of novelty1 pictures, also "- beautiful Landscapes and Fig- yreo. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. r- s'-ysfs- G. A. GRANGER COMPANY Framing Art Material. 1132 O St BOYS DELIGHT In playing football these cold days. We have a line of foot balls ranging In prlco from 75c up to $3.76, and all sorts of fotball clothing. 8ee us for close prices on these goods. Special discount on Union 8uits. Lawlor Cycle Go. 1324 0 Strut. t October. THieadny, 23. Seniors meet in U. 207 at 11: 00 n. m. yVodnoscftty, 24. Prof. Edwin-Maxoy. j Friday, 20. ' MubIc. , Chaplain: Prof. Lauronco Fosslor. ! Saturday, 27th. i Nebraska vs. Doano 6n Campus. Monday, 29. Hon. A. S. Tibbetts, "Tho Multimil lionaire." Wednesday, 31. Prof. G. B. Darbor, "Vesuvius and Pompoll." (Illustrated.) Friday, 2. Music. Chaplain: Prof. F. E. Stuff. Monday, Nov. 5. Prof. E. H. Harbour, "The Architec ture and Sculpture of tho Louisi ana Purchaso Exposition." (Illus trated.) Tho cunonl number of Engineering Record gives a picture and description of the now engineering building Just complolcd at the University of Penn sylvania at a cost foe construction n'nd oqulpmont of nearly $1,000,000. How would Biich a structure look in Nebraska? DR. M. H. ALEXANDER, Dentist. Auto Phono 2516, 1213 O St., Lincoln, Nob. The Lincoln 8anltorium. All kinds of baths and fine plunge. 14th and M. L. J. HERZOG The University Man's Taller THE HKEST WORK DOHE AND PRICES MHT 1230 O STREET . Hair Dressers. DeDtsoft water shampoo in tho city, 121 No. 12thSt. E. Goodman Tanner. If you are looktng. tor a good poster or picture for your room, tho Lincoln Book Store can supply ydu Colored lithographs matted, 25c and upward;1 Gibson, Undorwood, Romlngtonand Russell pictures, 75o each and upward. Wo also fraiuo pictures. Dale Porrin arrived from Utah yes terday and will re-enter tho Agricul tural School. He will make a very valuable addition to the football squad. Why Not? 8ond, your Laundry to us? We , do good work and save you monoy besides. ''' ll jIMII HI ! !! . . Shirts 5c to lOo Collars 2c Cuffs, per pair Cc Poll Phono 805. Auto 2441 Merchant's Laundry J Dr. Condra had tho misfortune to 1 stop gn a nail, aoveroly wounding his foot. Ho is able to bo about on crutches. Green's barber shops excel all olhors In tho west. Entlrolymodern and the best work assured. MIbs Eihel Holman, a University graduate, Is a teacher In the Crelghton High School this year. Tho Ivy Press is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. University work especially solicited. Prof. T. M. Hodgeman went to Mc Cook yesterday on his tour of high school Inspection. WHEN "WALKOVERS" GO ON The annual Y. M. C. A. banquet will be held at St. Paul's church next Sat urday evening. l Tho Associated Barbs will meot In Memorial Hall Thursday at U-)0 to ! elect ofllcers. MmKOun'Q'icaQNi McVoy Printing company does the best University work at 325 No. 12th. Why not take your baths at Chris Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Special 15-cont. meals aT" Tho Phoenix Itostaurant, 142 No. 11th St. University printing dono by Sftn- iuons tho Prlntef224 N. Jltli St. Today the Board of Regents holds Its first meeting this year. Shoe Troubles Go Off. Call up the Star Delivery Co., Bag gage. Both Phones. You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street. Regent Ernst of Omaha Is In tho city. . Chlpln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. So Many Shapes In 1111 I dnan That anything Is In order. Tho stiff, high crown, tho broad brim that goeB so well with a large figure, the most natty Turbans, large picture hats.flat drooping effects. Anything is correct If only It Is becoming. We think wo havo all the Millinery you want to see, even if you are forewarned as to the variety and beauty of tho Btyles. Our tables are loaded, and wo will be delighted to show our Btock. Now Millinery department, third floor, north of elevator. Long Siik Gloves In black or white, all sizes : $1.50 ... Black silk lined Cashmere Gloves, wrist length, in every size 50 We carry the most complete line of women's Gloves to be found hereabout, and If you need gloves or mittens of any kind, this depart ment will Interest you. In Our Book Department We have lately received some largo shipments of the latest, beat Belling books of fiction. On these books the publisher's price Is$1.50. You Can Buy Them Here at $1.08 Wo nlso have a large list of books of 'popular authors, each having a distinctive and artistic cover design, which were sold at $1.50 when first Issued. The list Is very comprehensive, Including very many public favorites. Our Price is 50c We also show a very large line of Picture Postal Cards and pictures of every description. MILLER & PAINE Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 15S0 BELL 550 Meet me at Ed Young's Sec Our English Tobaccos Ye Old Smoke Shop BREAD, PIES VIST OIS SODA FOUNTAIN. HOT AND CAKES coim drinks served fer ! UNION COLLEGE t TAILORS . POST OFFICE BUILDING For First Glass Tailor Ing at Low Prices . . . mqmm. ! Ailto, 48 Collage Vlaw 2 R. E. EXJR,limrNTQQ - A.E.PERKINS iu;tailek8 and jomiiers of TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS The Daily Nehraskan Only $2 per Year Gregory's Washed Goal $6.50 i -xr Y ri- -..