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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1906)
iw 'i . nt.u'jjam;a'jLtgmSB3aB k IT be ID a His fTefcraeft-an . DISTINCTIVE CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN mm mm . m The 'normal young man from eighteen to twenty-five looks for the little knacks of tailoring that give tone when he se lects his dress He will not be satisfied with the ordinary, but demands an expressive garment that reflects credit on his taste.. In making good clothes, no matter how well the artisan does his part, he is powerless to give a note of individuality unless the lines are laid by the master designer who has studied the wants of the younger fellows Artists made. STERLING CLOTHES, andV their pro- mV. 11 V-i ft: ; :& '! , AM ducts on hd u r tables are wiae. ly known for originality of style as well as precision of workmanship. The critical young dresser will find in them the effect that satisfies. 12ie, ftDAHS, FARQUHAR, O'NEAL CO., Successors io PAINE CLOTHING CO. ' 1217 0 St., LINCOLN XIIVCOLN NEB, A Good Place-to Buy Good. Clothes : TALK ON BIBLE STUDY School of Music Cafe New Management! Now Ser vice! So wo want now patrons! We intend to give good board to students at reasonable prlcos. Como In and try our Sunday dinner. QC0CX)0OCOCXXXXXXXX)OOOOOOOO ,ii i - -j-Sam Cat e V )))))))))) fKLAL ZWW IB Q Q T Bell Fhoue. 355 Q O , Ante, . . ?38 X Q A dpiCllllJ IN UJSHIS Id M U in n u. 441k CI O - 4 n" .0 . ' I JEWELER anil OPTICIAN" S g 1210 O4 STREET '2 8' Fine repairing a special- 3 8 ty and the best of goods j5 8 atsreaswable prices. g Mr. McMillan Addresses University Men in Memorial Hall. Mr. Noll McMillan, secretary of the International Committee of tho'Y. M. ,0. A., who has been traveling in the United States and Canada promoting Biblo Study work among the lnstltu tlons of higher learning, addressed the Sunday University Y. M. C. A. meet ing. He spoke or the advance made In recent years In the Btudy of the Bible. Men In state universities, colleges, normal schools, denominational schools ami boys In high schools ure talcing up the devotional study of the Bible, thirty-throe thousand college men In the United States are enrolled lu this jvork. Thru the Influence of J. D. Rnnkofollor-Jr.. and the International Commltteo ovor 250 mon In tno rasa lonablo cIuTjb of Now York-Glty aro prgaulzod into groups which meet in their club rooms to studyTthls Book ot Books. WmmmmmmmmmmUt I llnnrl Drilh I I H DEL PRADO 1 4th & O Swellest Lunch Car In tho West. T wyrvo bottor quality tlmn nny lunch enr In tho city. W.P.Komp, Caoror WHO'S Tlio handbook Js free to any student for tho asking and It Js hoped that the entire Issue may bo given out within a few days. The book, is of value as a compilation of useful In formation a)id no student can afford to be without It. Lost- Waterman .Fountain Pou, in front of Administration Building. Kindly return to' Registrar's Office, or to Dr. Loos. This study yields a largo fund of information, bringing one Into touch with the greatest players who have ovor played the gamo of life. Chief among thoso la Christ himself. It helps In tho formation of strong manuoou and strengthens weak hcaractors. This study will result in removing nrotmllce. correcting misunderstand- ing and devojoplfjg a greater apprecia tion of the Bible," as the guldo of a man's life. 4 Y. M. C. A. Handbook. A now edition of the Y. M. C. A. handbook for the year 190G-7 has been printed and is now ready for distribu tion .at tho rooms of both thd men's and women's associations. The re print was necessitated by the poor quality of tho binding used Jn the first edition,- and; the second edltidn la meeting with goneral commendation, County Fair. The animal Y. W. C. A. .County Fair will be hold on' Saturday, November 17th, Instead of November 2nd, as pre viously announced. v There aro three pensWni. Ponn, Pennsylvania ana rancors mountain Pen. Harris the Jowolor will tell yon about tho lucky curve pen. Found-Lady's watch, with Uni. fob. iS6a superintendent Insane rHpspltal. L- - cm " - ' k " If ! ' iWWm v - II i HI . i - mr LUDWIG 1020 0 Sfrtet B J UNION COLLEGE i TAILORS iuildim Ftr First Clatt TaUar- hit it Law Mill . . . Auto 41 Cattaf VJaw i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gregory's Semi-Anthracite $7 V -v 'w r y Sr- -v. .i- i in I '" III lk. 9 in &? i '-'Lri T V ' .P. i v. I r 1 . ?W(WWiyWirilf.?vniiriMiwnriiiwi