Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1906)
ftbe a 1 1 1 I e b v a 0 It a n A fcX. WTJ IK. W'' J. ft'' . ' vs. . ? Lrl. I m1 "SlW i .' f NX S t.y i n t m r r T " ' W W fr A r p i y OLIVER THEATRE jfr&ttlefc)K TONIGHT, 8AT & 8AT. MAT. Human Hearts MAT., 25c & 10c. EVE., 50c, 35c & 25c I v TUE8., WED. & MAT., OCT 23-24 MVK am m -A m A n an aa I lArl T9mr Xi T7llrs ! TT llllUlll WV VY UIIMCl 1 ABYSSINIA -. -St ..LYRIC TIiLAT f?L.- I CLOTHING Armstrong, inland, Ma , ! gee & Deomor, Ludwlg, The Stcr- T&IJiHlHlHlHiHiKm M11 m t - o t?.. 1 , j.j- COAL Gregory, Whltobreast. ma....Cv, o H. . &vC....u, .ou a..u u nuiiiiaoiuii, iw onu iv,. ROYER and FRENCH In Comedy Sketch SURAZALL and RAZALL THE GREAT. BARRINGTON -- Ventriloquist -c MILDRED ELAINE Vocalist THE ZANPHRELLAS Novelty Gymnasts Illustrated Song by J. J. WILD THE LYR08COPE COCOOOOCOOOOOOOOCOOCXXXXX30 The BIJOU .XXrOCXX5O000O0O000C0000O0 -Three Shows Dally. 3, 7:45 & 9 p. m. ADMISSION 10c SResefvYd. Seats 5c Extra Matinee, All Seats 10c bythe Twentieth Century- Mystlfier, HE GREAT TAT.UM In "Thau mat u ray." V - - "y M'CLOUD andMlELVJLLE 1 miroaucmg Double Harp Solos, Songs, Dances and English Imitations The Eccentric Grotesque Comedy Artists ' . l"' RUFamrCU8lCK ; In "My Friend Bill." Marvelous Acrobats, THE E8PE BROTHERS Unlcycllsts and Equilibrists., "Will the Angels Let- Me Play." IfBeautlfully Illustrated Song by t WILUH. 8MYTHE Unfortunate Husband, Terrible (An ' 'guish, and Playing Truants ON THE BIOGRAPH UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS , 136 MtrtK Elivtnth Itll 341. . : : , Auto 388! v - -.T '1 HUYLP'RfS n:: Chocolates and -Bon Bdns. v J'P' ' 1 7: T The Dm- Cutttr, FHwded si - -- f. r . "l,-- f&tfat7tj&js 2ocoooffioooeoo BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kvcry Loyal University Student ! urged o patronize thcio Ne lirnalctm ntlvertUnra. unit in inn. - ---- .... . !.. .. ...1. 11 V I .w nun iiv 1114101 ttuiiv iiuuig ao rs fiffiffifflS BARBER SHOPS Groon's Palaco. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin-; coin Book Store, Uni. Book Storo, TJ fi mm IJ """? """ , l BAKERY Potry Bakory Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na- ' tlonal. CAPE Sam Wostorileld, Don Cam oront University School of Music uiniug 1100m. CATERER "Tommy," at Millor & Pnino s Fountain CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Fol som. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. ijavjs, norpoisnoimor. DRY GOODS Miller & Paino, Horpol- sholmer. DRUGGISTS Brown, Rdctor. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FURNITURE Tho Bonway Co. HABERDASHERY ?2.5(T HatStoro. HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman Tanner. JEWELER Tucker. Hallott. J. "JJ Davis, F. B. Harris. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpo. PRINTING New Century, Georgo Bros., McVoy, State Printing Co., Tho Iyy Press. MUSIS Curtice. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Ro'gors & Per kins, Electric Shoo Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln yclo Cot TAILORS Unl and, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg, Herzog. THEATERS Olvor, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWBlIERS-TUnderwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day. Sam's Cafo. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN.. " Octobe.. Friday; 19th. "MubIc at Convocation. , , WV' Saturday, 20 th. . , MedicafSoclety Meets. '"Dr.H.-'Wln nott On wllkspeak. Forest Club Meets.--- (" Nebraska vs. Ames on Campus. Monday, 22. Dean HBWard, "Alaska Wednesday, 247". Prof. Edwin Maxo Friday, 20. Music. Cliaplnln: Prof. Laurence Fosslex. Saturday, 27th. Nobraska vs. Doano on Campus. Monday, 29. llonr-A. S. Tibbetts, "The Multimll, lionairo." Wednesday, 31. Prof. G. E. Barber, "Vesuvius and Pompeii." (Illustrated.) Friday, 2. Music. Chaplain: Prof. F. E. Stuff. Monday, Nov. 5. Prof. E. H. Barbour, "Tho Archltec- ture-and'-Sculpturo of the Louisi ana Purchase Exposition." (IllUB trated.) The Lester Piano Co., 'Philadelphia, Pa.: Gentlemen After an experience of more than a quarter of a century with various makes of pianos, Including nearly all-those made by Philadelphia Arms, I have concluded that the Lester piano 1b tho most satisfactory Instru ment I have used in my school. I find afteryears of - continuous uso that tho tone retains its original qualltyand sweetness, 'the action ja ."unimpaired and the durability, aa ovid'ence'd by .the , capacity of the" planq' tqstay in tune, is marvelous: J. ''hfcveii decided, therefore, toplwce with you Iny 'order .for. twenty, uprights -and ,tw,q grands, "for. delivery by.' September 5th GILBERT R. COMBS, Director Broad Street Conservatory - nf .Mimic. . . ., I ' . Sold,,by'' Furgusoh & ,Ogle.. 1210J p iSt. MADAME QAD8KI TO SING. Great Soprano to Give Concert at the , ' Auditorium. 1 On Saturday, October 20, Miidumo Johanna Gadskl, ono of the world's foremost drnmntlc and concert so- wmi''r(2&$yfv :u Kiiff.i wjS ZiiiVsZ . Lf'i f 'JL A. 1 4- Ti, Iwiywittiti pianos, will glo a concert in tho Lin coln Auditorium. Madame Gadskl will bo asslstou) at tho piano -Jjy Mr. La Forge, a pianist of wide reputation. Tho Forest Club. The first meeting of ho Forest Club was held on October G and develop ments sinco that time give promtoe of a very nctlvo and profitable year (pr those who take interest ,ln tho Bubject of forestry in its broadest sqnso. At that meeting ofllcors for. tho semester were olected. They woro: President, R. G. Pierce; vice president, C. G. Bates, and secretary-treasurer, R. G. Steele A number of amendments to tho constitution wero proposod These have been posted on the Botany bul letin board and will bo acted upon at tho meeting of October 20. It is surf gestod that those who consider 'them solves active mombors of tho club .-take this opportunity for giving ovl their uctlyity. It is tho plan for the futur-o to enlist on tho rolls of rthe club only those who take an ener getic part in the work. An attempt will" be made to have each momber tako part In some program given dur ing the year. Tho material for those pigrams.wilLbe.i)und among subjects of general Interest to Forestry stu dents. Tho first of those subjects to bo' attacked Is that of ecology. At the meeting 'on' Saturday, October, 20, Mr, Pool will introduce tho subject with a "discussion - of "Ecology and Forestry." Tho ecological factor, "light," will then be treated by Mr, Pearson on "Light am! tho Ihdlvidunl," and by Mr. Plpal on "Light and tho Forest." Both Mr. Pool and Mr. Pear son are specialists in the subjects as signed to them, and a very Instructive progiam Is assured. Meeting promptly at 8! 00. Business session after discus sion. "It's nil up with me," said tho 'um brella. ' "How sew?" asked the'needle. "It was this weigh," said the scales. "Shut upl" retorted tho umbrella, "Nit," said the yarn. " . "Oh! come off!" said tho button. "Hiti him,", said thq hammer. "I'll, stand by you' remarked the easel, "You can count on me,'' added the slate. " "Take that," ordered tho pill. ' "It's all oqr now'teald tho colliiig. "T'H 1non a Villi linrnnttni" nnnnltlrln.l A . "VUl K...UV .IVItU.VVl, WUW...V.V the umbrella. Ex. - 6w Si jMilt":. ? ' nar. jlkkkkkkv 7rHi? k a'i 7 ................W-vminL'' 4 w4 yBBBBBBMSMK ... WP-.'WS t ' . ' R-Sm'" mmi rn ,Ok-iff',.'M dKVii " . r if x-Sul. 'rtt a',t:"v'- . mTjWw.' ';1a:iaSiTy.JJ.?:Mr?.,rrv, v.-, "JW ftfyft7hWwMAirfJMiiini;i1MilVftwiM.yiVM Cheer Up! Get an EDISON PHONO GRAPH and enjoy tho latest Music. .Get a RACYCLE and enjoy theso beautiful October days. Get a GUN and go hunting. , Get theso at the' main store, where prices are lowest and the stock of Athletic goods Is largest. Lawlor Cycle Go, 1324 0 Strut. HOW NICE! It would bo if you, had a 'piano in yqur room whon yourcoHogo ""chumps call on you. ' ' WHY NOT rout ono. Wo rent brand now pianos from $2 to $10, per mo. At that price you can afford o havo ono. Wo also soil Victor Talking Machines at $1 down and $1 pqr week. THE MUSIC . STORE ! Ross P.Nfcurtlce Co. 11250 STREET wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON OR' ; AFTER THE DANCE CALL U . The-Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Good from$t LIVERY SERVICE OCCOCC'CeCCCGOCOOOCGGrJC'CJCCfl i Elecirie Shoe Repairing j Factojy; . g The only ipjtb;:clat(i u piant in wwciwJt , fk rnmr V. '!""' Ti. -t oaveo jyu uiutvuiiu "'j money .,.,':., 12 2 0 0 St. txxoaoooooooo5oaaovoaooooo COATSHIRT ay ON AND OFF LIKE A COAT. TH MOD ERN SHRT IDEA. WHITE OR COLOR FAST FABRICS. S1.60 AND MORE CLurrr, PtAioov 4 Co. MAKcn er ciuctt anb, . unnow eeuM ," V h'y ' ' '-'J ViJS''U HQ