The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1906, Image 2
ft be Eafl$ ifoebrasfean "- - n A qjbe'jp a U fl e b ra g ft a n THE J'KOPEItTY OV THE UNIVEK8ITY OP NEIHtASICA. J i Lincoln, NEnitAnitA. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY j BY TIE HESPERIAN PUU. CO. Publication Office, 126 H. 14th St. KDWIN MILROY SUNDERLAND, '07. EDITOIMN-OIIIEK S. M. RiNAKKit, '01) .... MannfflnK Editor Pnici) Bai.laiid, 'Oft Nows Editor W. E. 8TANDEVEN, '07. nUBINCHB MANAOKH Gay Hardy, Assistant Manager Rvhon E. Yodkii, 08, Circulator DATTELEPHCW:, Aula 1628. KI3HT, Auto 2365 ind 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business OHtce Bicmcnt, Administration Building Postoifice, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Pyb!c in Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will 1) chared for at tho rato of lOcontfl nor insertion for ovory flftoon worda or fraction thoroof. Faculty noticos and TJhivorsltybullotinB will gladly lo published froo. Entered nt tho postr.fllco nt Lincoln, Nebraska, as aocond-clnHH mnll innttor undor tho Act of Congress of March 0, 1871). WHAT IS THE MATTER? . Interost.ln class football soems to bo a minus quantity In tho Unlvorslty this -year. A plea was mado early this month for prompt action on tho part of class onicials in tho appointment ,;of football managers and coaches but at tho present' time- with air tho classes thoroly organized and with the football soason over a third past, only one class team has oven mado a start. Class football is tho one means of arousing class enthusiasm at this tlmo of the. year that Is rocognlzod bjrthe authorities as entirely legitimate. And, Indeed, If enthusiastically con ducted, an inter-class schedule affords aiKQxcellont outlet for a vigorous dis play of class loyalty and gonulno Uni versity spirit. The Unlvorslty cannot peruutii 10 urop out or ma list or traditlormVcornpotltlons -without suf fering a decided loss. Unless action onie-jiart of tho class presidents and the officials they appoint- is taken nt onco, class foot, ball is doomed for tho year. If It goes by tho-board this year it will bo harder to reinstate next fall and a still longer lapBO would probably prove fatal. As It Is, oven tho teams were formed at ybneo, tho Inter-class championship series must drag over the natural limit of the football soason and there will bo a docRled hindrance to good games In tho way of Inclement weath er and a .frozen field. For the good of your class anjL-for "The name of tho Unlvorsltywo urge you, Mr. Class Prcshbanffto act im mediately In Jismattor, ' and we further urgo'that every "nrairwho ovor in his Inmost-soul had a desire to play football got out on tho athletic field every "day at tho Convocation hour and do tho best .he can to make his class team a strong and representative or ganization. FOOTBALL SONGS. One of tho football song comppll; tlons aunounced last Week has closed . and the prlzj) has been awarded. How over, Manager1 Eagor has notbeen sat isfied with tho interest, or rather tho lack of Interest, displayed, and unless motf) songs aro forthcoming for tho game with Kansas no awards will bo mado. ' -It -is a reflection on our football -en rthuslasm-'that a competition of 'this mature, does js not bring .out a host of frfnntnatanta Tt-.Vina lnnn.'mmnAatni ". t ...---.,.-. 2r!.f..k, uvuur oubfatniuu ithattune tojwlchi&arodyfesi fto bo written did not lend itself to clover words and Hint It complication will make an offectlve rendition by. tho bleachers almost Impossible. How- ovor thla may be, the fact is none tho ' leBs appnronfc that verses wore nott written and .this lack of Interest Is tliei discouraging featuryS of The contest. G(3t your Ingenuity to work for Kan sas now. If tho air "Cheyenne" proves unsuccessful, another will bo offered Instead, but whatever the tune may bo, write somo words for It and hand them In. If you aro Interested your friends will absorb your enthusiasm and a song will bo produced that will teach Kansas that Nebraska still knows how to support her team. DOES FOOTBALL PAY? Football as an Advertisement for the University. Two years ago the Harlan, Iowa, High School football team came to Lincoln and played the Lincoln High School team on a Friday, TJiey were treated in a truly sportsmanlike man ner- by tho large crowd which attend ed the game, and in a right royal man ner by- tho High School boys." Tho next day they wore brought up to tho Unlvorslty and Wore shown everythng that was worth seeing; They expressed themselves as being very much Inter ested and pleased by all they saw. Last year tho Lincoln team played a return gnmb at Harlan. The Iowa boys returned tho hospitable -trontr mont which they had received at tho hands of tho Lincoln boys with intor eBt. The Harlan newspapers com mented favorably on the gentlemnnly behavior of all the members of the visiting team. This year eight students from Har lan aro registered in tho University. Previous to this year there has not been u single one from thore. These facts speak for thqmselves. Honors for Nebraska Educators. The North Central Association of Collegesand Secondary Schools,, con sisting of practically all universities and colleges north of tho Mason and Dixon line, and between Pennsylvania and the Rockiesrhns paid the Univer sity of Nebraska a high compliment In selecting so many mop from her Faculty to Kvork on committees for tho purpose of standardizing tho work In accredited higliHchools. .Tho follow ipg have been selected forthe-w'ork from this University: Doan Bossey, Professors A. L. CijudsCn. W. CalT well, G. E. Barber, Laurenco Fossler. J. E. AlmyfG. E. Condra, Benton Dales'lmd C. E. Richards. - At Last. s After long years of vain endeavor and with knuckles bruised by long continued appeals for admittance, tho men of the University have at Ja3t crossed the threshold of "Dom Scl." Henceforth they aro at liberty to don the festive apron and wield tho soup ladle unmolested, for- so ,salth tho oracle. Tho now course Is Home Econo mics ID? a laboratory course of two hours in camp cookery. Indications aro strong for a long line of Delmonicos. . Weller Back John Weller, who played a strong game for Nebraska last year, lias reg istered In the University and will bo eligible to play thruout tho season. . A notice has1 been sent to' all" lu -ports will bo due. Monday1, November MJUllB win UO UUO MOIIUUV. iNOVomuer 19. Tl? examinational takerfiaco. in tho nrecedhic Z'mxT0 " ' FRATS- When in need of COAL call MMHOaaOKI BREAD, PIES AND CAKES Z6$oi COME IN GENERAL MENTION. Dr. Haggard, 212-5213 Richards Blk. Green's Barber Shops aro the best in tho West. You will bo satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. Call up the Star Delivery Co., Bag gage Both Phones. . Unlvorslty printing dono by Sim mons tho Printer, 224 N. 11th St. r Special 15-cent meals at The Phoenix Restaurant, 112 No. 11th St. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? McVoy Printing compnny does the best University work at 125 No. 12th. All kids aro not llko our "kids." Our dollar kids tho best In Lincoln. Uriland. Tho Ivy Press Is now located at 212 South Twelfth streot. Unlvorslty work especially solicited. . Green's harbor shons excel all others In tho west Entirely modern and tho best work assured. Thoro.'s one place in a thousand! whore you can find tho real Rpokwood pottery. Como Into Harrjsand see it. DR. M. JjALEXANDER, Dentist. AutoPhone 251G, 1213 O St., ! LlncolnfNeb. The Lincoln Sanltorlum. All kinds of baths and lino plunge. 14 th and M. Hair Dressers. Best soft wator shampoo In tho city, 124 No. 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. If von nrn looklncr for n crnnd nriHtnv or nlcturo for your room, tho Lincoln Book Store can gupply you. Colored mnograpns mattou, zdc ana upward ; Gibson. Underwood. Romincton and Russell pictures, 75c each and upward. Wo also frnmo pictures. Where Can I At the Forbes Stables, oi course AUTO 15S0 Meet me at Ed Young's See Our English rlLLLulil 1 II Vlllllfl f-l II l v.: and see the" . vji WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right. , Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. r" JUST LIKE MOTHER USE TO BAKE 5COOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOC UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTfCIAH G. A. TUCKER, Jowelar, DR. S. S. SHEAJI, Optician 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW PROMT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. L)OOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOCOOCX30( DR. J NO. J. DAVlfl- Graduate Rcfracllon Isl and Optician Spcctncl.-s and EyeT Qtaases Correctly IIUCU. Oftice 1222 O St., Auto Phono 8021 gccocccccaooccGoocecocceott x.r -e vv e Would Like to be Your ' Lnundrymcn. YULE BROS. bOOOGGCOOOOOCCOGGGOOOGOOOO T. J. THORP & CO. Rubber Stamps, Stoncils, Soals, Trado Checks, Keys Locksmilhlng, General Machine- Works, Model Makers, Elc. 308 So, Mil, LINCOLN -x : FRESfra EVERY DAY! Our Gnndies"and Baked Goods aro Always Fresh and Good. Catering 1 our epoolulty, THE MAXWELL CO., tloih Phones. 13th nnti N Streets Get a HacK? DELL 550 Ye01d Smoke Shop I Tobaccos Ol ',- w -. y y ,pvw,w,i.ii,i mum,,,, 1 - nnuunmi n imiiu. u,MmmtvMtium'u1.. --, WWHHHtKHWMnHnn, 3fr- a . ..-.