The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1906, Image 1

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    XLbe a
flv IFlebraekan
Vol. VI. No. 20.
Price 5 Cents.
f- -U
f -2
Special Correspondent- Gives Inside
Information Clean Game
Is Promised.
Tho following lottor explaining Hie
football situation at Ames and giving
the record of "the Cyclones" to date,
was received by the Nebraskan yes
terday: Ames, Iowa, Oct. 18. (Special to
The Nebraska!.-) Ames started tho
season of 190G for the football cham
pionship of Iowa with brighter pros
pects than she has had for yenrjj. How
evov, itf football, as well as In other
events, you never can toll till It's ovoiv
Early season dope for several years
has favored Ames, yet when it came
to a test Bhe was compelled to take
Becond place
Hrltlcnl examination of tho Avork
dono by the "Cyclones" In their early
Ijjeoson games Indicates that they still
have a lot to learn about the game,
and also discloses weaknesses which,
unless overcome, may prove vital at
critical times
In the game with Cornell, Ames had
really no opposition at all, and thej
game simply resolvod Itself into a
procession, AmeB piling up a total of
85 points. Tho game merely showed,
tho weakness of Cornell.
With Coe, which had u, fast back
Held and fast ends! the Aggies struck
a different proposition. Altho AmeB
waB victorious, Coe was daugorous at
times and, hadthoy had a good drop
kicker' would doubtless have Bcored.
Des'Molnes' College discovered that
sh could puncture tho Ames lino oc
coslounlly, and used Tiborgholn to
batter the Ames tackles. Des Moines
rains were not consistent, however,
and the "Cyclones' " line always hold
at critical times.
The game with Mornlngslde was the
hardest yet played this season. Ames
won by a score of 32 to 0. The Sioux
City, bunch put up a fighting defense
and were hard to start.' At times the
Ames backs wore thrown for losses
, -Mnlntralrla WftH Wltllill klCkillK
distance SP'the Ames goal two or
throe .times,
Captain JaonBon at quarter adds
materially to the strength of ,tlioJiiajn
and Is 'always in the game. Reppert,
AmeB big fullback, who' has been out
for some time, will probably be in the
game Saturday. Ho Is a strong defen
sive player and should aid in keeping
the Cornhuskers away fron) the Ag
gie's goal.
"Sioux" Jones and McElhiney have
. been doing good work tfils yoar again,
and are- countedupon to gain against
tho pra.hraakR line. The Ames line is
fairly heavy and fast and ought to do
tho stonewall" act f unless Nebraska
has some hard line plungers.
The Cornhuskers dofeatod tAmes
last-year In the mud, and no doubt
expect to trim the "Cyclonos" again.
ui -
SATURDAY, OCT. 20, 3:30 P. M.
Enthusiasm Evident Clever Speeches
and Excellent Music Rooting
Best This Year.
On the other hand, AmeB oxpects to
do as well as Drake did, and Bhould
do bettor If dope counts for anything.
Which ever way tho game goes, Ames
may be depended upon to play clean,
sportsmanlike ball and to uphold the
good namo of tho Cardinal and Gold.
Ames has seldom had a cleaner,
whiter opponent than the University
oY Nebraska, and looks forward to a
clennhnrd .game.
Many University Men to SpeakBan
quet to Be Held at Llndell.
The meeting of the Association of
Nebraska Teachers ami Superinten
dents began In this city last evening
and will continue till Saturday morn
ing. This afternoon tho Lincoln prin
cipals will give a reception to the vIbI
H. C. Robertson, '09, Wins Reserved
Seats for Ames Game.
Manager Eager has announced the
winner in the football song contest
Inaugurated lOHt week. H. C. Robert
son, 09, 1b the lucky Individual and
his voraos are printed below.
The contest demanded that words
be Bet to tho popular ulr "Cheyenne"
and that one complete stanza should
bo submitted. Two reserved seat
tickets for Saturday's gamo were of
fered for the successful words and
the decision was left to the band.
Tune: "Choyonno."
Out hero In old Nebraska-long ago
WJiero we all live and 'bout it like to
- blow,
The total scores against tho team
were 'O."
Nebraska surely .showed them how to
go. "
We don't have old Bender lo-depend
........ .. .... ..ii 1 lo.
Tni-H nnu 10 me un vuihii juuum. hi i4..... .,.i T,...,wiif nwmim
-- - 'liUILUIJUU IHiU JJClldHUk me fiuiiw,
Memorial Hall. A banquet will be i uut (jn nni c00k can show tluhgoods
given Ihjs evening at the Llndell to dear oftl Ames;
wnii Ti, tmiHtniaBtfir is Sunerln-1 They'll keep right on a winning-all the
.1 rrn limit.
timilnul n. A Vnlnmr nf TtanlrlGG nnu' . .. ..- t..?... i .i . I
lwuv"v w ' " The dovs aron i any. uiey ro.uouuu w
the manager, L. E. Mumford of Lin- u0 or (ie;
Yesterday evening Chancellor An
drews gave a discussion before the
Association , of "The Salary Question
and tho Pension Question." The ad
dress was delivered in Memorial Hall.
This afternoon ProfeBsor T. M.
Hodgman will speak on "The Question
of tho Eighth Grade" in Memorial Hall
at 2 o'clock, and In the evening session
Dr. H. B. Ward will 11bcubb "Tho Ex
amination Plan vs. the Credit System
in the Certification of Teachers."
Music at Convocation.
Tho following program will be given
at Convocation thfS morning:
Romunzo . Marschner
Scherzo Schubert
Loroloy-Paraphraso Nesyedba
Mr. Edward J. Walt, violin.
Mlss Lillian Elchocello.
Mrs. Raymond, piano-arid .organ.
' ' t
Medical Society Meeting.
TTho University Medical Society will
.meet Saturday evening at the usual
hour. Dr. H. Winnett Orr will address
tho society on "The Physician of 1812."
Joe Branson, the star half-back on
tho Lincoln High School team last
year, has been declared eligible for tho
'Varsity squad.
The Senior play committee has se
lected Miss Alice Howell to direct the
class play this year.
We'll help you win, boys, If you'll work
like sin.
Oh Oh Oh
Fos ier, Fos tor,
Wewnnfrmoro touchdowns.
There'B no hope for Ames here,
And after the game Js over
We'll all join In shouting In glee
For Nebraska and victory.
Good Clib Assured More Tenors and
Instrumentalists Wanted.
At tho third try-out of Glee Club
men, liist night, It was decided to In
crease the size of the club. Such excel
lent material has shown up In the
basses that many of them will be re
tained and more tenors will be added
to balance the club.
"Anyone who can slug tenor is urgod
to put in his application before Mon-
day and try out for. tho new places.
Application blanks may be found at
the general olilce In charge of Regis
trar Clark. Ask for them there.
Some excellent mandolin and guitar
men have been selectod, but more are
desired and any one who plays either
of these instruments stands a good
show of making the club.
Director 'Gillespie announces that
with the present line-up of men Ne
braska will havo the finest Glee and
Mandolin Club in tho history of tho
Yesterday morning witnessed one of
tho best football rallies over held at
Nebraska. The enthusiasm, tho
speeches, the music, left nothing to be
desired and the hnlf-hour asslguod for
tho affair seemed all too short.
Aftei tho usual proludo of yells, tho
band opened (the "devotional oxoi
cIbob,"- as Dean Pound culled them)
with a splrltod solectlon. Dean Pound
then startod tho Bpooch-maklng with a
characteristic talk. Ho brought for
ward as a Justification for presiding
over tho football rallies the' fact that
he waB tho oldest living rootor on the
campus, even taking precedence of
Dc. Bolton. Further, ho Bpoko very
optimistically of the team and Its work,
declaring that ho had noticed In the
past that tho teams which kept strug
gling along, JiiBt barely winning each
game, have been in tho end Nebras
ka's most successful tenmB. CluBlng
with a splrltod oxhortatlon to both
rooters and "rootoresBOB" to do tholr
duty, he declared his Intention to be
In .the middle of the rooting section
next Saturday and to jell until ho
could not talk above a whlspfci
Assistant Coach Stuart wus Immedi
ately called on and greeted with groat
ontliuslaBin. Having declared his in-
tentfoiMQ talk to the "girls as well o,-
the fellowsMr. Stuart told tho crowd
of the urgent need for their support
next Saturday. lie said tho-team Is
going up agoliiBt tho fastest and huski
est bunch or Iowa farmers that has
ever come Into Nebraska. In getting
ready for tills gamo tho boys hnv.e
workod as hard and faithfully as any
team he has over seen and now It is
up to the rooters to do tholr-part of tho
hard work. He charged them all to
follow Dr. Pound's example and yoll
till -they couldn't whisper, and then
take potash tablets and yell some
Following Coach Stuart, Dr. Pound
introduced a new jnember In tho ranks
of faculty football enthusiasts in the
person of Dr. Maxey, tho now ..profes
sor in tho College of Law. Dr. Maxey
declared his football enthusiasm to
bo of the highest order. He said ho
would rather miss a wedding than, n
football rally nny xlay (thatJn fact,
ho missed his own wedding to go to a,
football gamo) . Further, ho declared
it t6 bo an easy question as to-how
tho Ames gamo will come out, for
Ames would "surely bo licked." Ho
also mude a plea for Uio bleachers
and bleacheresses (wUh apologies to
Dr. Pound) to do their duty ana ueip,
Nebraska win a glorious victory.
Tho Jubilation closed with moie-'
music from the band.
Special 'Varsity dress suits, ?U5;0"0
and $40.00 at Ludwlg's. , .
. o
't '
s . 1
! ,.