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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
mebraefean Vol. VI. NoM9.K UNIVERSITY rQF? NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; THURSDAY, OCTOBER J8, 1906. Price 5 Cents."1 "TT1"' f- r ASS EETING TODAY M M "? m ! i r i. t x RALLY TOR AMES ? BIG MEETING THIS MORNING IN MEMORIAL HALL. Songs and 8pcechcs Prospectsfor Saturday's Game Basketball "' Practise Starts. rhc second football rally of the year will be held In Memorial Hall this morning at the CbnVOcatlon hour. Ah unusually Interesting program has bden4 arranged and it -,1s planned to keep the enthusiasm going from start toflnish. x ' " jDr. Pound" will preside as ho did last week and speeches may be expected from Dr. Maxoyof ItheCollegu of Law, Assistant Coach Stuart, and either Captain Mason or Manager -JEager, .Thq Band ,wjli bo.onjiluid braska on the jump and the chance for rooting practise today shouhLJjo accepted by all who Intend to see tlio game on Saturday. Football practise win be Recrot all this woek. The afternoons are being spent at the University Farm and r ports of the team's progress are en couraging. With Johnson In Ills place at end and with every prospect thttt Taylor will be'able to play on Satur day, the outlopk is much brighter than It was early in-the week. The cripples are sUiadiJy improving,, and with the exception of McDonald all of thepi should be able to play their best ghmo on Saturday. Last night after practise, the squqd took a stllFcross'-couutry' run from the Farm to the gymnasium. This work will probably be continued all week and Is expected to develop much bet- THE IOWA TEAM The Iowa State College team thlH season is one of the strongest elevens In the history of that institution. With twentyiflvo of the college's best mon on Its football squad, It has been able to pick a team which can undoubtedly outplay any eleven within the do minions of the Hnwkeye state and which, according to football fans, will givo the Cornhuskers the hardest run for, their' money of any team playing In Lincoln this season. To all appearances It is a likely bunch of "mole-sklnners," but, as "pig skin" history in Nebraska nml else where will amply testify, appearances, like comparative scores, count for but very little. A team to win a game from the Cornhuskers must "produce the goods" in larger packages and of bet tor quality than those produced by pm, x - - - - - - k ; ; x" ' ; ' X X"X " r Sjl$ ' V' -2 v 'Ik- xxx'x- -y xfe M JytWmslk . xx jj- mi -l- m Vti i TT i Tif nr mtrrwM ' XX ' 1 , I J x THE GENIUS PROFE880R HOWARD DESCRIBED HJM AT CONVOCATION. . It Is the Mission, of Demopracy to Aid In His Develop ment. ' r r Prof. Q. E. Howard gave a very in: terestlng address on "Democracy and QenliiB" at Convocation v yesterday, morning. Thero ore many peoploin'thu world today who questlbn the wisdom of stato control of education, both hghor and lower, for lhon and. women alike. Some practical mon donj; Iho economic vnluo of higher education, and the self-made man is inclined to '' worship his maker. During the last fifty years mlracJqK BnBBBMAKBBBBTjBBsBlOBKkJBBfVBBi sA.JsBsV'BBBBBBlVBrlBflBBBBBBHJBBBHBHiBBBBBBl THE IOWA TEAM. ! . X k ml "- N r v -.5 ,-vfith some' nef pieces and with the music for Coach-Fostor's song, which made such a hltlast week,. It Is hoped timt 'the quartet which failed to ma terialize last Thursday will " 'be on jmnd this morning. The rooting lead--Sorj -will be present as Jjsual and, will .have new stunts - tov . prpppse A. wUh which tho- bleachersaro to help do ifeat Ames next Saturday. " Wdrd fromAmes indicates that the jtoum whoso nlcture, wo1 print today is the best in years and that every man is on his mettle to defeat Nebraska. It, is reported that an excursion of .two hundred rooters will accompany tho jtedlh, and if this is the case Nebraska -may, expect a hard fight' not merely jbn the 'gridiron, but , on the bleachers .las well. .Two hundred men in a bunch 'wjll make enough noise to keep Nc- ter endurance than has been displayed in the- games so far. yBasketbnll Is well under way and prospects are encouraging. Of the old men who are In school and are ox uected to make-tho team are: Moser, captain; the Bell brothers; Burruss, Joaj JKraJe, and Walsh. 'There. are,, in all, about twenty-five candidates cut. Hagensick, whdse work as for vard has been so valuable to the team for the past two years or more, la - not bcU Jnjthp University this year. ' Faculty Act as Pallbearers. University professors attended the funeral of Mrs. Howell,'' mother' of Ad junct Professor Howellj -yesterday in a body. The following acted as pall bearers:. Professors' Sherman, Bessey, Fogg, Fossler,and Barber. " , said Cornht8keis a feat which has not been accomplished on Nebraska Field since the Minnesota game in 1900. , "" 8PLENDID PROGRAM;- Convocation Goers to Be Well Enter - talned In November. Although tha Convocation program for November has not yet been com pleted, it la quite probable that, judg ing from the speakers already en gaged, it will be one of the best Con vocation months, of tho year. The fol lowing men have promised to speak to "University students during tho month: , Hon. W. J. Bryan, Hon, Norrls Br6wn, Hon. Wt T. Thompson, and Professor Caldwell. We can Hatter, lO our head. St. Unlaud, tho of physical force, and physical science have crowded upon each other so that an , announcement of now- inventions Is hailed with almost child-likp faith. Compare the marvels of steam powor, Fulton's steajnboat making five miles an hour with an ocean liner crossing the Atlantic in five days; or Stovcn sou's stoanfear of lSMTvlth tho mod ern locomotive. r Electricity also has wrqugh? won ders, jtaw werBee thru a stone wall, preserve tha human voice thru a thou- sand mies, or project' th'ot oven .thru the wires. The X-ray, the phonograph, the telephone and telegraph are but devices of the human Intellect striving to give expression to latent physlcul forces. 7 But brain force is about to accomplish marvels equal to these anil perhaps" of greater importance. Tilings (Continued .on page 4.) HELP TO DEFEAT AMES Viv, . .H 2 t tJ-it 1L ae U ijtii