The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1906, Image 4
3 b e ' 2 n 1 1 g' IRcbraehan X. N. TdMMY T' THE AME8 GAME. j (Continued from page 1.) work in tho Drnko game, ho evidently ( bolicvcs that thoro 1b much yot to bo , guined, and has ordered secret prac- lloo at tho Stato Farm for tho rest of thq, week. Sovoral new men liavc t Joined' tho squad, some of them old high school stars, and a lively interest is being taken in them. On tho whblo, things are picking up, and with "Bill" Johnson in the game the rooters will look Tor "things doing," Tho cripples aio rapidly rounding into shape and wo hope to be nblo to piesont our strongest team to AmoB next Saturday. The Lester Piano Co., Philadelphia, Pa.: Gentlemen After an experience of more than a quarter of a century with various makejj of pianos, including nearly all those-made by Philadelphia firms, I haye concluded that the Lester piano is the most satisfactory instru ment I have used in my school. I find after years of continuous use that the tone retains its original quality and sweetness, the action 1b unimpaired and the durability, as ovidenced by the capacity of the piano to stay in tune, is marvelous. I have decided, therefore, to place with you my order UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 North Elmnth . Bill 348. Auto 3881 'J&A 'iMisssmi Matters, Cook, Mason and Schmidt , f0v twenty uprights and two grands, aro all out at practise again in Bpite f0r delivery by September 5th. For refreshments and light catorlng of a few twinges of pain, and Howard, tho sub, is getting IiIb leg into condi tion rapidly. Debates in Rhetoric 15. The first four debates in Rhetoric 15 GILBERT R. COMBS, Director Broad Street Conservatory of Music. Sol1 by Furguson & Ogle, 1210 O St. If you are too late for class you can work Ht'o "TOMMY" at Miller & WH be hold according to tho schedule , . Ju d h Harris clean your Palno's. IheHKnK HUYLjER'S Chocolates and Bon Bona. The Drug Cutttr. WHEN "WALKOVERS GO ON 59 civon below. The debates, whicii tano place from 2 to 3 o'clock on Wednes day in U. 10G, and which are followed from 3 to 4 o'clock by criticism, aro opon to tho public: October 24 Question: That the South Carolina dlsporiBary system rings and pins. Unland wants to make your suit. 1012 O St. Mr. 'Ralph 1L Searlo, a graduate of . . ... . tho Hnhnnl nf Aprlniimirn nf tliA nTTl should bo introduced into Nourasxa. . , , . Amrmatlve: Fay M. Hartley, '09; W. veralty o Nebraska was on tha cam t, rr, mo Mfl,h.iv- T4 t. Hwnii. Monday. Mr. Searlo Is president '08: T. H. Matters, Jr., '08. October 31 Question: Whpther tne Hvont nrlmnrv RVfltom should bd llltl'O- , " " -" . .. 1 Tv'.il. Aim-, "-"' of tho American Federation of Stu dents of Agriculture in the United States and Canada and lives at Edgar, JMZmSV PnEf K Shoe Troubles Go Off- Regers 4 Perkins 1129 O Street. 8 0 SrFrWestorflelii 8 X .flSrrg Prcprlalor. Q 8 fifl SPECIAL" SERVICE TO X X yiff PARTIES V -X B Uetl 1,,uue 355 X 8 A Specialty in Oysters in Soason 8 O 117.19-21 No. 13lh 81. O I dhced into Nebraska generally i mativo: A. HTMlller, '08; F. C. Bullta, '08. Necatlve: H. M. Scott '08: O. S. j Spellman, "Law '08. tho government should own and oner- O ... . v ate the railroad trunk lines. Amrma tlve: G. L. Fenlon, '08; E! K. WiltBu, 07. Negative: M.A. Mills, Jr., 08; W. C. RnmBey, '08. November 14 Juestion: Whether labor unlonB should bo compelled to incorporate. Affirmative: D.L. Ituo Boll, '09'; R. Ij:. 'Waldo, '08. Negative: D. D. Drain, '08; H. B. Stephens, '08. NLTERMATIONA dictionary; Standard for the Schools. ALL STATE BCHOOL SUPKEIN- TSNDENT3' INDORSE IT. Tho 3C1I0OLB00KS of tho country aro bacod upoa It. ALL STATE PUR CHASES for schools hivo been made in Its favor. COLLEGE PBESIy DENTS. NORMAL SCHOOL PRIN CIPALS. CITY and COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS indorse .and commend It. Editor iu Chlof, Wm. T. Harrln, U.S. Cotataiacloaor of Ed'ru UP TO DA'Jli: uiul liULIABLE. 2300 Pnrrcs. r.000 Jllustrnttons. A -wonderfully compact storehouse or acsurao miormauon. wi.tKTKUH uou.i.(iUK imnio.iAnr. Tho Isrprrt of o r btUctnnl. Krtfn Inr rn.l Till VtXMr d!t'on.v UnKlirnlm.-J for cle.'anco ninf conveniences. 1110 pjjt n-l H'U I'MITBIIOM. , Wrlto for " Diotlonary Habit "ree a. to c. MEiuuAai cu., Spring'Jcld, Meoo., U, S. A. OUT TfliU UKHX. X OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXX)OOCOO O O O OOQOOOCXXXXXXJOCOOOQOOOOO J. C. Wood & Co. Expert Cleaners and Dyers We are the recognized head quarters for first-doss Clean ing and Dyeing ..... WE CLEAN Men's Coats, Vests, Pants, Overcoats, Ulsters, Gloves, Ned?; II.. T7 T .41.', QL-i.t, T?7-.l.- 1.-k l.nni C-. -nA "-....-.. It.. T.t- ets, White Dresses, Mulls, Organdies, Silks, SatFos, and Children's Cio'.hes o! all v Kinds. We Also Clean Curtains, Draperies, Portlers, and Theatrical Costumes, r--x Xvv Engineering Notes. "P(tt!Day, O. E. '06, was a campus visitor thiq Week. He Is at present en gasod as an assistant engineer for tho Tri-Stato Land Company. , ! Tho department of Civil Engineer-, ing has just ordered several now 'in-' slruments, Including three transits and a new lovely It Is expected that a now j sot of lockers will soon bo ordered in which to store the surveying imple-1 i ments, as the' presont lockers are over-' crowded. I g GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY ft x inn tit eTfrir:r;'x' t rmrrix tCt rt yO) IN O 1 JXIili 1 , JUJLJLNV-.vrjUlN -s :- 8 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOO O OOOC)COOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOO E. B. Dobler, who has been an hU4 spector of concrete with tho Rock Is land railroad, is back in school,' regis- tuTBil in thoCE. group. BAND INFORMAL - at MEMORIAL HALL Fri . Eve., Oct. 26. Price, 50c A Specialty in Oysters in Soason 117-19.21 No. 13 Hi St. )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO IMMiHBKanMaiHMMMMHMHHHiHHiaHMa C. A. SIMMONS Wm do Your Printing 248 N Street LINCOLN, NED. A meeting of ttiq commltteeoiTnc-1 crodltod schools In Nebraska held a ' meeting yeBterday afternoon in Pro- fessor llodgman's olllce todlscuss tho limited faculty inspection of high schools in tho state. Professor Hodg raan starts Monday on I1I3 first tour of Inspection for the year. It is thot that the state intsitute for tho blind at Nebraska City may soon be accrod ited to. the Unlverslt5r. BREAD, PIES AND CAKES p JIST LIKE frW IflVIHLK' COME IN UL IU DIIVL (rr 00 At a meeting held yosterdny after noon at the University Farm, repre sentatives of agricultural societies thruout the state arranged for the date' and program of a largo meotlng to be held later In tho year In Lincoln. Tho mid-week deyotlonal meeting pt tho Y. M."c. A. will bo led by Mr. A. E. Wolf, Wednesday evening, 7:00 to 7i30 o'clqck. LINDSEY'S PLACE R. E. ERWIN, ',99 - A. E." PERKINS r RETAILERS ATU JOIIUERB OF TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS AllWffn CHOCOLATES AT HKHUS Gregory's Washed Coal $6.50 -ti Xl N l J M 1