The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1906, Image 3
ft b e ID a n v. 1ft eirr a 0 It a 11 V - '--u Iv t Jft Jf if Jf Jf 3H j( Jj JH JH Ht Ji1 Jft H Jk JfC JH JJC JJt 9C JC ?Jc )H)H it s: a OLIVER THEATRE w U i fr 1 jf ir ik f li V W Vf tff fr f fr W Ik s't VmV il i t MATINEE, 2:30 TONIGHT, 8:15 MAZIE TRUMBULL "DAD'S SIDrPARTNER" PRICES:. Matinee. 25c. Eve., 75c, 50c, 35c & 25c j THUR8DAY NIGHT, OCT. 18 The Marriage of Kitty! Prices: $1.00, 75c, 50c &55c FRI., SAT. & MAT., OCT. 19-20. Human Hearts 5 MAT., 25c &, 10c EVE., 50c, 35c & 25c tXWW I . tvmc THFATOIF BfLI-fcBV I Blfl-fn I idi Matlnco, 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admission, 10 and 15c. 'ROYER and FRENCH" In Comedy Sketch 'SURAZALL and RAZALL THE-vGREAT BARRINGTON " Ventriloquist N MILDRED ELAINE N Vocalist- THE ZANPHRELLAS Novelty Gymnasts Illustrated Song by J. J. WILD THE LYROSCOPE The BIJOU DOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Three Shows Dally. 3, 7:45. & 9 p. m. ADMISSIONMOc Reserved Seats 5c Extra Matinee, All Seats 10c Headed by the Twentieth Century Mystifler, THE GREAT TATUM In "Thaumaturgy." M'CLOUD and MELVILLE Introducing Double Harp Solos, Songs, Dances and English Imitations The Eccentric Grotesque Comedy Artists, RUF and CUSICK In "My Friend Bill." Marvelous Acrobats, THE ESPE BROTHERS On I eye lists, and Equilibrists. "WiTTthe Angels Let Me Play." Beautifully Illustrated Song by WILL H-SMYTHE Unfortunate Husband, Terrible An guish, and Playing Truants ON THE BIOGRAPH Hon. W. H. Thompson and Hon.. . Norris Brown, who wore scheduled to speak at Convocation on Monday and Tuesday, respectively, were unable to bo' present on those dates. It 1b prob- ' able that both will address tho stu dents after election. W. ,E. Eckles Is an inspector of con crete for the Rock Island at Norton, ' Kas, , County Fair. The annual Y. W, C. A. County Fair will bo held on Saturday, November 17th, instead of November 2nd, as pre viously announced. . - . : . i- . i Special 'Varsity dress suits, $35.00 and ?40:00 at Ludwig's. ' l $$$& BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every 1oyul University Stiuleut Is urged to pntronlze those Tic brnaknu nilvertlaern, ami to incii tlon the paper while doing o. aooo33offl9S BARBER SHOPS Green's Palace. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERYPetry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam Westorfleld, Don Cam oron, University School of Music Dining Room. CATERER "Tommy nt Millor & Palno'a Fountain. CIGARS Lindsoy. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deomer, Lutlwlg, The Ster ling. COAL Gregory, Wnltobreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Fol som. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Herpolshelmer. DRY GOODS Miller & Puine, Herpol shelmer. DRUGGISTS Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FURNITURE Tho Benway Co. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. . HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman Tannor. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett, J. . Davis, F. B. Harris? LAUNDRIES Yule Bros LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorno. PRINTING New Century, QoorgcN Bros., McVoy, State Printing Co., The Ivy Press. MUSIS Curtice. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. . SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric Shoe Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln Cycle Co. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tallorji, Ludwlg, Herzog. THEATERS Olver, Lyrld, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS UnOortfood Typo writer Co, WAFFLES Mrs. Day. Sam's Cafe. UNIVERSITYxBULLETII October. Wednesday, 17th. Black Masque moots Wednesday at 11: 00" a, m. in U 109. Prof. G. 33. Howard at Convocation. "Democracy and Genius.'.' Senior, Play Committee meets In U, 10G at ll:00'u. m. Friday, 19th. x Music at Convocation. Saturday, 20th. Forest Club Meets. Nebraska vs. Amos on Campus. ' Saturday, 27th. Nebraska vs. Doano on Campus. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. Green's Barber. Shops aro tho best In the West. , You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. Call up the Star Delivery Co:, Bag gago. Both Phones. Unlvorsity printing done by Sim mons tho Printer, 224 N. 11th St. Special 15-cent meals at Tho Phoenix Restaurant, 112 NorllthSt. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts,? McVey Printing cdmpany does tho best University work at 125 No. 12th. Tho Ivy PreBS Is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. University work especially solicited. - L Green's ' barber shops excel all oiners in mo west, niiiureiy mouern and the best work assured. DR. M. H. ALEXANDER, -DontlsL Auto Phono 251G, 1213 O St., Lincoln, Neb. The Lincoln 8anitorlum. All kinds of baths and fine plunge. 14 th and M. Hair Dressers ' Best soft .water shampoo in tho city, 'l24:"No. 12th St. E. Goodman Tannor. 'I t s. I r MRS. HOWELL DIES. Mother of Professor Howell Passes Away After Long Illness. Mrs. Harriot Howell, mother of Pro fessor Allco Howell of the Depart ment of Rhotorlc, died Monday night at midnight after an Illness lastlng'for more than a year. Mrs. Howell was not at all woll for tho greater part of last pear and wont west with her daughter early In tho summer In tho hope of regaining hor health. Tho greater part of the aum moi" was spent at Sadro-Wooley, Wash ington, but n trip to Alaska was also mndsi In the-hopo of additional benefit. A partial stroko or paralysis delayed Mrs. Howell's return to Lincoln until two weeks ago when upparont Improve menr made tho journey possible Since her return hor condition has grown steadily worse and death came at mid night on Monday. Mrs. Howell leaves a wldo circle of friends, especially in tho Unlvorsity where she was widely known by pupils and friends of her daughter. Funeral services will bo held this morning nt 11 o'clock In tho First Congregational Church. All Rhetoric classes 'aro dis missed for tha.ll: 30 period. Jefferconian Club. -ho Jeffersohlan Club hold n rous ing meeting last evening. About fifty vere present. Officers wore elected for. tho year as follows: President JD F. Monroe. Vice-President C. P. Jensen. Secretary D. 'P. DeYoung. Treasurer A. L. Corey. A commltteo was appointed to notify tho Republican Club that their chal lenge to Joint debate was accepted heartily. The question to bo submit ted by tho Jefforgonlans is: "Which Party Should Win Jn tho Next Nation al Eectlbn7" A. I Corey, R. C. Hunt er arid D. P. DeYoung wero-choBcn tho Jeffersonlan team. Hawkeye Club Meeting. awkeye Club will hold Its first meeting of this year next Friday ovonlng, October 19, with Miss Mar claXHadloy, G52 South Seventeenth street. Tho purposo of tho club Is not to form a faction of Iowa students or In any way to decrease their loyalty to tho Nebraska Unlvorsity, but rather to make their stay ho re. a congenial welcoming tho Freshmen and hntl.0(luc,ng them to 'folks from homo who have 'been hero long enough to bo of aid fo them In adjusting them selves to their new surroundings; Tho faouJty Is always well represented nt the club meetings, quite a number of the best known professors being Hawk eyes. All students who are or have been residents of Iowa aro cordially Invited to attond tho next lneotlng. Cadcts to Get Krags. This week Quartermaster Lleuton ant Withers is distributing the d 5irr Springfield rifles to tho battalion for tho Inst time. C and B companies fin ished Blgnlng for their gunB last night. Within tho next two or three weeks the cadets will all bo equipped jvith the Krag-Jorgenson rifle the regular army gun. Rhetoric Notices. Tho 11:30 o'plock classes in Rhetoric will not meet today. Tho ' department offices will be closed today from 10:45 to 1 o'clock. ' Rhetoric 51, 53 and 59 will not meet until further notice. Vincent "Happy" Day Law '00, is visiting friends lnrtho city. Ho is on his way west, where he expects to hang out his shingle. , i rni. -. tt l i no n DEL PRADO I4th & O Swollest Lunch Car In tho Weil. I Borvo hotter quality tbnn any lunoli enr In tho city. W.P.Komp, Gatoror Good Q nib DR.JNO.J, DAVIS Graduate ffcfraclion 1st end Optician Spectnclti An J l!yo- ""SB- -Pltufd. "' Ofilco 1222 O St., Auto Phono 0021 Why Nt? 3cnd your Laundry to ub? We do good work and savo you money besides. 3Pp58fSL ,IRSHv Shirts ... Do to lOo Collars 2c Cuffs, per pair Co 7ell Phono 805. Auto 2441 Merchant's Laundry .i FRESH EfERY DAY! Our Candle$ find Gakod Goods nro Alwoyn Frosu and Good. Ctitorlng is oucjipoolnlty THE MAXWELL CO., I lloth IJioiic. l'.Uh nuil N Street! Just Try Us One! State Printing Company Stationery Department. JU1 kinds of , School -Supplies. J2J2. N Street, Lincoln, Neb. Pctry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled j Promptly. Fine Rice Qrcad Our Specialty. Phono us nnd Your .Ordor Will Kecolvo Prompt Attention. MELICK'S STABLES Closed Carriages. Baggage. Tho Finest Livery In the City DELL PHONE 430. - AUTOMATIC 3438 1230 N STREET CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR .. . ' i iiii I.MUH. zk nn ain w W ' CLUCTT. PCABODV A. ftO. V iUktn of Clot'tt and Monarcb Shift 8 GATE CITY Cleaners, Dyersj - Q It, C. ZINICt Mtwiugcr X Expert Dry .Gleaners and 8 Scientific Dyers gfcuto 4428 Bell 2028 8 g 204 So. TWELFTH ,8" 1 ANTOY 1 HML&y iro-.. -.-iaPw fARROWT X v