Hfoe Hlaitp tftebrasfcan t -r- Vql. VI. No. J8. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER J7, t906. Pnce 5 Cents. TH F " A M F ( C k M F I o0000000000000 IIIL 1ML3 UAMLii GET READY FOR AMES AT CONVOCATION i if ' Tf J' rs I- - V f1- 'v V ; m & h PR08PEC:f FOR HARDEST. HQMEi urtivit ncAi oniunuHT. Ames Has Vetoran Team Ames FOOTBALL RALLY .VICE-PRESIDENT OF HOME MIS SIONARY 80CIETY 8PEAK8. ' Coach Talks Nebraska Takis Brace. S "The -Amefif gameovlll bo THE game of the 'season on Nebraska field," said one who Is well up Jn football circles, anfj-Pmall accounts, the team that represents Araoa this year willgive Nebraska the. struggle of her life on next Saturday. Ames has-already played two games (.IhlsAeaBon and has proven that the , teaiii Is there "wltli the goodB." Mornlngside went down 'before the 'Cyclones" tothe tune .of 100 .to 0 and Coe was lucky to-get off with a small 32 to 0. While both of these colleges ON THURSDAY MORNING 0200OeK)OffiOS0200XX)00200Oa) Gives 8tudents Sound Advice Brown and .Thompson Unable to Be Present Will Speak Later. , TEAM TO GO TO CHICAGO. J Athletic-Board to Send Cross Country I Team to Conference Run. I At Its meeting on Monday night the Athletic" Board decided to send a teani to Chicago tQ compete in the cross country run. The team will be sent if finances are in 8iicnBlmpe as to per mit it. . There will be a meeting oftlvp cross Freshman Laws Elect. The FreBhman Laws mot in U. 309 Tuesday for the purpose of class or ganization. Dean Pound opened the meeting. He appointed Mr. JeiiBen secretary. Mr. Devoo then road some, temporary resolutions regarding tho purposes and aims of the organization, which were tabled because of insuf ficient time for their consideration. Mr. C. Potrus Peterson was elected At Convocation yestorday mornhig, Mis. J. B. Robinson, first vico-proHl- . dont of tho National Woman's Homo Missionary Socloty, spoko oficr own experiences and what we, as college men and women, Bhould do. Mrs. Robinson wns horn and brought up In tho state of Massachusetts, whoro thoro was tho greatest rovoi onco "for education. Later, whorr wonion were admitted to universities", she welcomed the chanco to go to col lego. She went abroad to study history, 5 . 1 - " I jMHHHHHHrHniB4SM r V"iSi ifeilL. l ' MEMORIAL HALL-. - "' ," r ' " i1 . '" j "'.- "" - . , - ' .r "" ' ' "'. : J - are jnlnor Bchobls, with but a limited iiumber of men to draw from, tho .total still looks', astounding. Certainly Ame3 is td be feared with her veteran ' line," for her men will l)e keyed up to ther highest pitch in'the joy of prospec ; tlve glory, should tlieV vUV whlle Ne braska will bo fighting on the defen ; 8ivp, .Of course wo expect t6 Ayln, but It will he' close. I The Ames coach, who was in Lin vgame, wasvheavd tp say that Nebraska 5 would' have to play better ball next Saturday or Ames had us beaten eas- ily. While Coach Foster expressed h'tmself as sfttisfled with tlio team's ".,. .. (Continued onf page 4)w MEMORIAL HALL. Grant Memorial Hall (1BS7) con tains the men's gymnasium, the arm ory, and the offices of the departments of Physical Education (for men) and of Military Science. In tho west half of the building,- University Soldier' Memorial Hall (139,9) are the woman's gymnasium, used temporarily as an auditorium, the offices ' and rooms of tho Department of Physical Education (for women), and the women's rest room, tn the auditorium, which seats 1,200, is a large organ, the gift to the University of the Alumni. country team in Dr. Clapp's office ton Friday"' at Convocation "hour. Candi dates for, the team and all students in- colh Saturday and witnessed the DrakdMerestod in cross country -running for the sake of e.xercser are, jigged. to be present,- . '. Professo? .'H.- R. Smith, went to Ne-liraska- City yesterday onolllclal .busl- . f .. , . temporary chairman and latei" was elected permanent president. Other officers were elected as follows: Dexter T. Barret, .vice-president Mr. Tlngley, secretary. Mr. Allen, treasurer. Mr. Patten, manager of the football team. For Rent Amo'dern. room; gori tie men only, 534 No: 12thjst. and took especial interest in vlsl.tlng the universities of Paris, Zurich, -,Hol-dleberg and Berlin. She emphasized the thot that Wo yho are privileged to go to college, and have tho world bo- 'fore us, should make the most of our opportunities and should realize the charge placed upon us. Men should stand for .goodness and righteousness in politics, for jiever was 'there greater ' need than' now for pure and upright men. Women need jiot pN ,be, teach ers, for there- are places in Young Women's Christian Associations and missionary societies for college gradu ates. TJio best success Is npt In ac quiring money, but to live our best and make the world better for our living. 1 s--v' r 4 o i i -, o