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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1906)
B'Hiuil'jIMmHW l.mtnii.iniiMin'iiMi ".WW 11 IHlWWMtlWMmiWWMlllll1lll !!! I I I it iwiwuwiiif vhiuiiii 3iiiiiiii iiifjiuuxii aIM" ' ymu-nmm- - r r - - -..iiMiwiwMMMgMM ft b e H at I flebraeftan Si ii k V I L-. 'I f 'V f: ? r Xfcb'elbatlsflebrasftan TIIK PROPERTY OP THK UNIVERSITY OF NEURARKA. Lincoln, Nkiiiiahka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MOHDAY UY THE HESPERIAN PUH. CO. Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. EDWIN MILItOY SUNDERLAND, '07. . . EDlTOn-IN-CHIlCr 8. M., '00 - - - - Managing Editor -Par. Bau.a.U), '05 Nowb Editor W. E. BTANDEVEN, '07. mmiNBBH "MANAGER Gay IIakuy, AwjiHtnnt Manager BvnoN E. Yodkii, '03, Circulator DAYTEIEPHCHE, Auto 1S28. HIOHT, Auto 2365 ind 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Office Basement, Administration Building Postotfice, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable in Advance SlngLoQoplcs, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES Vlll bo ctiargod for at tho rato of 10 contH nor lnnortlon for ovory ttftoon words or fraction tliuroof. Faculty notices und Unlvoriity Imllotlun will glndly bo publluhod froo. Entered at tho pontofllco at Lincoln, NobraHku, oh HOCoud-oliiHH mall matter under tho Act of CongroHH of March 8, 1870. FAIR PLAY. ' Ono of the regrettable features of last Saturday's gamo was tho foul play that marred tho gamo thruout. Mem bers of the Drako team played dirty football. Members of tho Nebraska 9 team did tho eamo thing. Tho bleach ers capped tho climax of unsportsman like behavior by eheorlng a Nebraska player for slugging his opponent. Wo havo no word to say for or against tho DrakFR5TmT. It could do no possible good to Inveigh against their tactics. Tho rest of their games this year will teach them how fow points thosorl of football they dis played on Saturday will win. But we do wish to say- a few words concerning our own team and tho action of tho -blcachors. action of the bloachers than there was for tho players. Havo wo become soj brutalized at Nobraska that wo havo no longer a keon senso of what is and what is not sportsmanlike? To cheer a man expelled from tho game for foul play Is to champion foul play, and is this to bo our attltudo? Human na ture pronounces retaliation just only too often, forgetting that ono wrong nevor rights another. Mako the visiting team feel your wrath at tholr vicious tactics If they use thorn, urge your team to "tear-'em-up" to tho limit of their, ability, but don't let your team or any of Its mem bers believe that you stand with them in deliberate brutality. If a man goes out of the game-for foul play, mako him fool It a disgrace- and not an honor. Show your disapproval by your Bllence. Nobraska cannot afford to counte nanCo foul play even by suggestion, and we sincerely hope that on next Saturday tho defeated teum of Ames Agricultural College will havo no op portunity to Bay, Nebraska playod a tllfty gamo and tho bleachers wero be hind them." Herpolsheimer's Optical Department Many are the causes which bring on eyestrain, and the consequent headaches. Eye headaches are those which no medicine seem to reach; those dull headaches which make life miserable, bring wrinkles to the brov and a dull look to the eyes. Nature never Intended the eyes to be overworked and taxed beyond thelr" normal strongth, then science may ' show the remedy Glasses. Come here and have your Bye Glasses scientifically made, as there Is much satisfaction In good glasses. EXAMINATION and CONSULTA- TIONFREE. ALL EYES examined by OCR EYE SPECIALIST, ELIGIBILITY COMMITTEE DECIDES Cotton Ineligible Johnson Eligible .Baseball Captain Chosen. At a meeting of tho Athletic Board last night final action was taken In re gard to tho eligibility' of Cotton and Johnson. Cotton was declared lnoligl ble and Johnson was adjudged eligible. The action of tho Board Is based on the previous action of December 10, 1902, on what constitutes a year's play. The latter ruling was made on tho caso of Earl O. Eager, who had played In two games each In 1901 and 1902, and the total amount of ploy-i was considered as equlvalentto one year. In Johnson's caso at tho present time a record of facts shows the fol lowing! Johnson playod In 1900 in tho gamo with Minnesota, In 1901 for 00"000O00 O 00'0OO0 IF YOU'VE FAILING EYESIGHT You need us and wo need you. Wo want your money a frank and truthful statement but we are not going to. take it with out giving you an equivalent In good, big eyesight saving value, Increased eyesight comfort, perfect eyo ease, and entire satisfaction? DR. D. R. COHEN OUR JEWELRY DEPARTMENT Here you will find everything in tho jewelry line nt tho RIGHT PRICES, and tho RIGHT GOODS. FULL LINE of University Pins in now designs at 23c and 48c. MANICURE ARTICLES of all kinds in files, scissors, cuticle knives, otc, at the right prices. DON'T FAIL to see OUR GRAND DISPLAY of NEW JEWELRY; you cannot afford to miss It. Follow tho crowd at Herpolsheimer's Jewelry Deptartment, Largest in the West Mr. SheldonoT-the State Historical Society has received a letter from Dr. Ross,noAV of Wisconsin University, stating that he Is getting well started In his work and that he has a large enrollment in his classes. Ho does not expect to do much in research work this year as ho is not yot sufficiently acquainted with tho library facilities at that university. OOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC HALLETT, Jeweler and Optician 1143 O STREET . " Mr. Gilmoro MacDonald and C. G. Bates spent last summer on "the Dis mal River Forest Reserve, with head quarters at Halsey. They wero oi gaged mainly In nursoy work, but also did some work In botany. Tho gov ernment has the largest and best equipped nuTBery plant of uny In tho United States at Halsey. S. F. Wosterfield Proprietor. SPECLAL SERVICE-TO PARTIES Boll Phone, 350 Auto, . . 3339 v Miss Mary Woodworth, who was a I student oi tno university last year, leaves on Thursday ot this week for New York, whore she will enter Bar nard College. Miss Woodworth is a member of PI Beta' Phi and was given the scholarship which she Is about to tako up by her sorority. EYES EXAMINED FREE Leaving out of tho question tho ethical points involved,' no man on Ne braska's team has tho right to' give vent to his personal feeling' of nngor, or his desire for" revenge, from the standpoint of expediency. When a player loses control of his temper his services depreciate in valuqinstantly. Ho is no longer a part of a machlno and tho best thing for his team would be his instant removal from the game. We do not believe that there is a man on Nebraska's team who played dirt football on Saturday without thinking ho had justification, but we insist that t hero, is no justification that removes a man's duty to his team. Let him play tho' gamo as strongly as ho wishes, let; hfs tackling be as "hard" as ho ftnovm how to make it, but also let him .remember that, a clear brain and a single purpose aro absolutely" indis pensable if ho would represent his University fittingly. "There is 'even less excuse for tho ' ' ,If you are Tooklng for a good poster or picture for your room, tho Lincoln Book Store can supply you, Colored lithographs matted, 25c and upward; Gibson,UndorwQO.d, HKomlngton and fivo minutes Jn tho game with Ames, TTlussoll plcturos, 75c each and upward. and -ln-1902 for three minutes in thc game with Knox. The decision of the Board In Eager's caso makes It plain that neither of these occnslons, nor both together, havo constituted a year's play. Therefore, Johnson has played three years; In 1900, in 1904, and in 1905, and Is eligible to play in 1906. Tho ballots for tho baseball captain for 1907 were opened and C. W. Rine .was declared elected, 1 i Change in Convocation Today. Mrs. Jano Bancroft Robinson of De troit, Michigan, first vice-president of the Woman's Home Missionary So ciety of tho Methodist Episcopal church, will speak at Convocation to day in. place of .the Hon. Norrls Brown, whoso work before the supreme court will prevent, the fulfillment of his ap pointment. Both Messrs. Brown and Thompson will speak at Convocation after election. . ' We also framo pictures. Tlxore aro three pens Wm Pqnn, Pennsylvania and Parker's Fountain Pen. Harris tho jeweler will toll you about tho lucky curve pen. Sam's Gate g A -Specialty Jn Oysters fn Season 8 O 117-19.21 No. 13lh St. O OOOCXX)COCX)COCOOOCOCOOCOO rl l J HERZOG I The University Man's Taiior 1 THE FINEST WORK DONE AHO PRICES RlOHT I R 1230 0feFREET .1 "'iMHnaiDiBaBBaaiiaNaiB 8 There are more IllcOal LPattorns odld In the United Slates than of any other mako o J natterm 'I his is on account ot their style, accuracy and tlrnplalty. All kids aro not like our "kids." Our dollar kids tho best in Lincoln. Unland. Special 'Varsity dress suits, $35.00 and $40.00 at Ludwig's. McOnH'B Mnirl7.tllo(TIeQiitfnoi rnshlon) has ore subscribers than nnv oilirr lidi..1 M..,.L. Yi. year's subscriptlnrtjia numbem) cost SO ihmiIh. 'i.atr number, 5 cento. I.very muacrlber gets a McCall Pat tern Free. Subscribe today. ,, Iady AtrentM Wanted. Handsome premiums or liberal cash commlnli'n. 1'aitcrn Cnialocuelof 600 do. slns) and Premium Catalogue (lhowinjr co premiums) cntfrce. Address THE McCAJ.L CO.. New York. Special 15-cont meais at The Phoenix Restaurant, 142 No. 11th St. Meet me at Ed Young's See Our English Tobaccos Ye Old Smoke Shop AUEdREITI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS . v.: ) . & ..