The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1906, Image 1
yf IKebtashan 1tfbeSftitg UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1906. Vvi. No, 17. Price 5 Cents. 1MSIIIES--S0HIS 30ffibOffiOOSO0aOOQO0000000000 NEBRASKA WINS DEFEAT8 DRAKE COLLEGE BY A NARROW MARGIN. GET READY FOR AMES A J. h t "JFRESHMEN PERFORM STUNTS AT SOPHS' BIDDING. Freshmarr President Captured Fresh Fish. In J 8treet Fountain -Class Meetings. At ten o'clock yesterday morning crowds of Sophomores and Innocent spectators began to congregate In the vicinity or Memorial Hall, where the Freshman Class was scheduled to hold Us first meeting. Chancellor Andrews, ten janitors, the chief of police, the city jailer and JohnUhl were also present. The Freshmen were allowed, to en ter the hall unmolested, while thq Sophomores held their meeting in the Chemistry Lecture Room. As soon as the Sophs had selected their president they marched over to Memorial Hall, but were dissuaded , from starting anything by tho Chan cellor, John Uhl and a number of Jam tors. Tiring of the lack of excitement and Incited by the big crowd of onlookers, a-number of Sophomores and Seniors seized a prominent Junior and started tq. rush him off to the northeast gate of the campus. In the scrimmage the Junior fainted and was carried, homo In a hack. Smith, a Sophomore, who was mixing in tho fracas, received a blow In the jaw which necessitated his being carried home. 1 v At tho close of, the Freshman meet ing, Heskett, the president-elect, made p. dask for his recitation room in Uni versity Hall, but was caught ere ho had moved many steps. Harry Swan, and George Wallace put in strenuous efforts, to rescue him, but the Sopho mores were in force and Heskett was marched across the football field to Tenth street, where a grocery wagonj was pressed into service. Heskett was placed aboard under the guard of Har rison, Dobbs, Bennisdn, Drake and several other stalwart Sophs. The Freshmen made a futile attempt to unharness the horse, Then the wagon, 'followed, by a howling throng of Sophs, was driven down to, O street,, and thence on Twelfth and .Eleventh to J J street; where Heskett and. four otheYs wore tosse'd, gently-but. firmly into tho biK fountain pool, and enjoyed tho luxury of a bath at the city's expense. The Sophs marched back to tlio campus in triumph, the air echoing with, their ells. About the big rock they assembled in a pow-wow, and rati fied Mr. Heskett's election to tho Freshman' presidency. The Sopho more president was; crowned with tho noble diadem -a Sophomore cap and tlie meeting adjourned sine die. What They Say Ab'qut ft. Tho following expressions of sontl f ment from' those who havfc a right, lf ....A !. frtnl nmtnl-afl lit frliri treatment they, recelvod yesterday, shows the good feeling that prevails: ' .President Heskett of" the Freshman Class: "The' Sophs certainly treated Tfie right. I have nothing to kick about, The- water yaq fine. , There lCr aro n0 BorP Bpot8 on:ne f tr Lisle Smith": "I'm all right arid ready for the next one. FOOTBALL RALLY ON THURSDAY MORNING )eooooooooooeooec B. R. Savin (an auburn crested Freshman who took a plunge Heskett) : . "I enjoyed my free with bath ; Immensely." John Uhl: "I'm feeling all right. The Sophs acted mighty nice." J. A. Rodman (who was a member of the Impromptu swimming class): "I'm well satisfied. I ducked a Soph." Sophomore Meeting. The Sophomore Class Meeting was held In the Chemistry Lecture room promptly at 11:00 a. m. A largo num ber were present and tho utmost har mony as well as a great deal of en thusiasm prevailed. President Rln aker' called the meeting to order and after speaking briefly of tho work done last semester called for nomina tions for president. Miller Benedict arose and nominated S. M. Rinaker. It was moved and carried unanimously that 'the nominations be closod. The chair then put It to voto and tho nomi neo was elected without a dissenting voico. A motion was then mado to adjourn. Bofore putting tho motion, President Rinaker announced that the Chancellor had asked him to urge the class to leavo the Freshmen nlono. Freshman Meeting. Yesterday morning at 11 . . , o CIOCK ! the Freshman class met In Memorial Hall. "Mike" Hughes, president of the Junior class, called tho meeting Worder. After a few preliminary re marks, he announced the business of tho day, which consisted of election of oillcers. Tho nomination of president was first in order. Fred Hoffman placed in nomination George Wallaco of Omaha. A. H. Heskett was nomi noted by L. J. Weaver. Engles of Crete was nominated, but withdrew in favor. of Mr. Heskett. Tollers were appointed and the class proceeded to 'ballot, Tho total" vote cast was 254. -Heskett receiving 191 and Wallaco C3 ; Hesjjott was declared elected ' Nominations woro made for the vice preBldence, Miss Meyer and Mr. Weaver being the candidates. How ever, no choice wes announced, tho meftting being adj6nrnedw before the ballots woro collected. The following resolution, as. passed (Continued on page. 4.) THE DAILY NEBRASKAN EXCHANGES WITH EVERY ; IMPORTIANT COLLEGE PAPER. ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO USE OUR EX CHANGE , TABLE. OUR OFFICE IS OPEN. ALL rE)AY AND1 YOU :ARE WELCOME. . New Football Songs. 1. Tune: "Why Don't You Try?".. IDo you think you'd play us better If you thought we might boat you? Do you think you would be angry If we won a game or two? Do you think you'd learn to beat us In the sweet, sweet bye-and-bye? If you think that you could learn to Why don't you try, why don't you try? II. Tune: "Same Old Moon." It's just the same old team a-playing In just tho samo old plucky way. No wonder Ames Is pale and saying, "We've lost our game today." For that's the way thoyVo always feel ing When Nobrnska starts to play. Same good old colors, sca'rlet and cream, Samo good old Unl, samo old team. MISS DOROTHY GREEN SCRUBS WIN. Defeat Linco.ln Independents In Inter esting Game. Yesterday aftornoon the Scrubs de feated a Lincoln team composed of ex-High School and other football men, by a scoro of 14-0. One touchdown was made in tho first half, tho Scrubs getting tho .ball on a blocked lJuht two yards front Lincoln's goal ' arid carrying It bvor by Hue bucks. In tho second half a ! Lincoln man fumbled tho ball on tho . . . kick-off mid it rolled over tho lino, a Nebraska man falling on It for ho Scrubs' second touchdown. Toward the end of the half Hawley kicked a pretty, goal from tho field, raising the score of thoScTubs to 14. Hawley's work was tho feature of the game, altho Burnett and luir ran him a close race, for the honors. More Choristers Wanted. Registration for chorus has been held openn order to enable students to tako advantage of the grearmuslcal opportunities offered to every one, Tho chorus meets every Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 5 o'clock, under tho- able leadership of Mrs. Raymond. Tho finest music is studied, Including tho "Messiah,," and works from famous oporas. All who havo not registered should muko use of thte chance to gain valuable musical training. ' Chopin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. , r- Game Characterized by Dirty Play Nebraska Crippled Drake - Team Heavy. - . Nebraska 5, Drake 0. -Last Saturday, again, Nebraska mot with an. unexpectedly stiff proposition and again, after a hard Struggle, her team pulled out-tho victory by a nar row margin. Outweighed ton pounds to the man and handicapped by in juries, the team put up a most plucky and creditable game. Thruout tho first half honors worV practically oven, neither sidcTscorlng. At tho beginning of the second half Nebraska took a brace and tore up, the Drake defense, scoring In tho first few minutes of play. Aftor this tho,. ball traveled back and forth, boTii' sides punting frequently, but no ' fur ther scoring Was done. Tho Drake team was heavy and fairly fast, th0lr lino mon charged well and gavo their Cornhusker op ponents plenty to do to hold their own. Their quarter-back and right half, Taylor hndL&yerln, did good Work In carrying the ball and were In large part responsible for Drake's gains. While tho work of the Nebraska team stilLaliowed many Haws, it w'nstt very manifest improvement on that of a week ago. The most encouraging feature was the way that, at least" twice, tho tbrim got togofchor and tore thru all opposition as tlio nothing could1 stop it. 1 Flashos of " play like thlB; show what the team Is capablo of and what we may expect when it reaches its full development, and that It has the real fighting spirit that will be stopped by nothing regardless ofodds. Tho forward pass was'nof usod by either team and with tho exception that more end runs were tried and that both teams woro forced to punt frequently, tho game resemblod very much the old style football. Coach RlsTTne of Ames.wJtnes8od , the .game and expressed confidence ill (he ability ,of his team . to defoat us. -nex't Saturday. Hpwover, he will find that how easy it looks is vory .differ- Unt from how easy it is. Tho game iri detail follows: f At 3:40 p. J)i., Little Kicked off to Evans on the 10 yard line. JEyans re-, turned to the 30 yard lino and Drake,, by a series of lino plungps, made tho required 10 yards. Nebraska' got thej. ball on a fumble close to the 50 yard, line and punted it back to .the 12 yard line. An exchanbo of fumbleB, fol lowed, glying brake the ball on her own 10 yard line, and she punted to McDonald on the 40 yard line, Mc Donald failed to gain around, tho end, Denslow made five yards thru tackle and Nebraska lost thoball, on downs on Drakq's 30 yai;d line. Loverin plunged thru tucklo for 5 yards, Evans circled our end, for 10 nibre, and Taylor 'added 5 around the other. Here Drake was. penalised five, yards, for off'-sldo play and punted Drain at once booted the oyal- to Drake's 45 yard line, and LoyerJn (Continuod ori page 1.) ' -"48 r TT ".1 tr fa A -' it) if' .1 Aiv ,