Bv G b e alls fflehraefian JmX. WW? v tL, . -Ira KxjnlBK l V f. rfcl ' 1-tv.i I '; 1 If A Hr-rw TUCITnc u i 111 iv i u iiii a i in i Vb-B w I f lit. it . 4t SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. 13. USA OPERA CO. WITH JOE CAWTHORNE -In- , E FREE LANCE roes: $1.50, $1.00, 75c & 60c. MONDAY NIGHT; OCT. 15. WILLIAM COLLIER In On The Quiet" PRICE8, $1.50, $1.00, 75c & 50c. !! Jito f TUE8DAY NIGHT, OCT. 16 essage From Mars .LYRIC THEATRE.. Cii.fru.'Ufr AatlnfA. 3 n. m nn 7?3fl anrl Q ft- Admission, 10 and 15c. i M HICKMAN BROTHERS The Dramatic 8oprano BES8IE TANNEHILL riHE TWO AND A HALF CA8AD8 GEORGIA LEWI8 ED. LAZELL Slack Wire Performer " THE LYR08COPE The BIJOU Wl the Metropolitan Feature Acts Headed By THE MILITARY QUARTETTE America's Foremost Musical Four THE FAM0U8 TOURIST -TRIO. ie Greatest High-Class Harmonizing Singing and Comedy Trio it Before the pudiic IORRI8 MANLEY and DOLLY STERLING In an Eccentric Comedy 8ketch McCUNE and GRANT Eccentric Comedy Acrobats MR. WILL H. 8MYTHE Will Sing the Beautiful Illustrated Ballad, "I 'ever Can Forget You,Dear." mA WINTER STRAW-RIDE AND THE BARN8TORMERS. On "the Blograph 5e Shows Dally. 3, 7:45 & 9 p. m. ADMISSION 10c served Seats 5c Extra Matinee, All Seats 10c: LOW ONE-WAY RATES. ry day from "September 15th -to sr 31st, 190(5, inclusive, the union will .sell one-way tickets as fol- to -Ogden and Salt Lake City. to Helena and Butte, Montana, to Spokane and Wenatchee, fashingtqn. ... to Huntington and Nampa, iho, ,. tb Portland, Tacoma and Utle. , to Vancouver and victoria, to ABhland and Astoria, Ore- i, y la Portland. to uan FranciBCO, JjOb Angeiea. id San Diego. ' rrespondingly low rates to many California, Oregon, Washington, ia, Utah, and Idaho points. lKh Tourist cars run every day lion Pacific to, the Pacific, coast ill information call onjoraddresB B. B. SLuaaujN, uen. Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every X.ojral Vnlveriltv Stmlcitt ! nrgert to patronize theie N. britiknn advertiser, aud to men tion the paper while doing no. BARBER SHOPS Green's Pajaco. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Petry Bakery Co. BANKS-rColumbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam Westorfleld, Don -Cameron, University School of Music Dining Room. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIQAJtS Eindsoy. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deemer, Ludwlg, The Ster ling. COAL Gregory, Whitebreaat. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol Bom. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Herpolshelmer. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol shelmer. DRUGGISTS Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FURNITURE-r-Tho Benway Co. HABERDASHERY $2.60 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman Tanner. JEWELER Tucker, Hallott, J. 1. Davis, F. B. Harris. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING Now Century, Georgo Bros., McVey, State Printing Co., The Ivy ProBs. MUSIS Curtice. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric. Shoo Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln Cycle Co. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Herzog. THEATERS Olver, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES' Mrs. Day. Sam's Cafe. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. ' October. Friday, 12th. Music at Convocation. Violin Re cital by Mrs. Silence Dales, Knapp. Pershing Rifle Hop at Fraternity Hall. Saturday, 13th. Nebraska v. Drake oh Campus. Monday, 15th. Honr-W. H. Thompson at Convoca tion. Tuesday, 16th. Special Convocation. Hon. Norris Brown. Seniors meet in U. 207 at 11 o'clock. Wednesday, 17th. Prof. G. E. Howard afConyocation. "Democracy and Genius." Friday, 19th. Music at Convocation. LSaturday, 20th. i. Nebraska vs. Amos on-Campus- Saturday; 27th. - Nebraska vs. Doano onjOampus. 8, , DR. M. H. ALEXANDER, Dentist. "AUtoPhone 251C, 1213 O St., Lincoln, JobT ' TheTJncoln 8anItorlUm. All kinds of baths and fine plunge. 14th and M. . ."" ' Hair Dressers. Best soft water shampoo in the city, 124 No. 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. Did you get one or those free bottles of ink at the University Book Store? If not, ask for one this week. We want to give away 500. Christmas comes but once a year, but that won't prevent you from hav ing a free examination of your ring and jeWelry, Green's barber shops excel all others, in the weBt .Eqtlrely modern and the best' work assured. The Ivy Press is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. University work especially solicited, i ! uYtfu will ;be satisfied with Cameron's' Lunch Counter, ' CAMPUS GLEANINGS MIbb Mary Wood, a formor Univer sity studont, sailod for Paris last week. The olden times aro good enough whetn Harris the Jeweler repairs them. Next Saturday all the sororltioB will unlto In giving a receptlo nfor Alpha Phi. Chancellor Andrews returned yes terday from a week's visit to New York. Delta Delta Delta will entertain this afternoon at the chapter house for Alpha Phi. Miss Maud .Cauger, '08, is assisting to organize a Y. W. C. A. in the Lin coln High School. Phi Kappa Psi will give a semi formal reception to Alpha Phi at the chapter house this evening. Craig L. Spencer, '98, is a campus visitor. Mr. Spencer is at prosont an engineer at McDonald, Kansas. It 1b announced that tho scrubs will play the Lincoln Independents Monday tafernoon on the Athletic Field. Miss Cora 'Connoll, '00, of Ashland, visited the University on Friday in company with about fifteen Seniors. MIbb Barge, a field secretary in Homo Mission work, will speak at tho Y. W. C. A. noon meeting next Mon day. , Fred Schaufolberger, '02, and Grace Evans, '03, who were married abouta month ago, are now living in Tucson, the seat of the Arizona State University. Dean A. E. Burnett and Mr. Alvin Key se r, of the Agronomy Depart ment, left Thursday for North Platte to inspect tho experiment station at that point. There are three pens Wm. Penn, Pennsylvania and Parker's Fountain Pen. Harris the Jeweler will tell you about the lucky curve pen. Wednesday evenjng tho University Chorus began wolfa on Handel's "Mes siah." Mrs. Raymond Is well pleased with,.tli(TproBpect of another success ulrendltlon of this famous oratorio. Miss Eunice Stebbins of Omaha, who took graduate wprk at this University last year, Is visiting her sister, who Is "scholar in Germajuthis year. Miss Stebbins is' teaching at-JOmah'a7but has a vacation of several days for visiting tho University. It you are looking for a good poster or picture for your room, the Lincoln Book Store can supply you. Colored lithographs .matted, 25c and upward;, Gibson, Underwood, Remington and Russell pictures, 75c each and upward. Wo also frame pictures. Professor Velrs, the new Adjunct Professor of Machine Design, is an athlete 7TnD mean ability. While a Btudent at the University of Illinois ho, won his "I" three successive years. He was also a point winner in the In tercollegiate Meqt-at Chicago. His' event was the hammer throw. Pro fessor Yeirs intends to take an active interest In track athletics in the'sprlng and give the members of the .team the benefit of his experience. . Recreate These' cool October days are best enjoyed afield. Take with you one of our guns, of which we have a large variety. A Racycle will enable you to enjoy delightful morning and evening rldts In the country. We have Just received a large shipment of Racycles and Miami bicycles. Feotball goods, Athletic goods, Edison Phonographs and Octo ber Resords. Lawlor Cycle Co. 124 O 8TREET. I f C. A. TUCKER, Jmlir, jjj: -, DR, S. S. SHEAN, OpticllR 1 1123 0 STREET. YEU.0W FRONT ir . jj YOUR PATR0NA6E SOLICITED. : ; j5 QATECTl ' I Cleaners, Dyers I 5 K. O. Z1NIC, Manager C& ' " Expert Dry Gleaners and " Scientific Dyers 5 Auto 4428 B.H2020 0 y i, p 204 So. TWELFTH K i WHEN A STUDENT WANTS PRINTING THERE IS HO DENTINS THAT HE WANT8 T PRINTED IN MODERN:: TYPE The New Century Printers 1241 N STREET. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF. UHCOLN, NEBRASKA. , CAPITAL, - $100,000.00 H' &9em COAT-SHIRT ON. AND OFF LIKE A COAT. THE MOD ERN SHIRT IDEA. WHITE OR COLOR FAST FAimcs. $1.60 AND MORE CtUCTT. PCASOBY A CO. UAKBKS Of CtOITT AMB t t 4MMOW eeiXAn 4 '4' ,i It. "