rMMMMMPHUIlllHH rtMWWWHW3 iiiwu ii i mi linn ii ii i i r i ' - -- , , , - ,- ,.,j, wt. yr- G be -at Is Webrasftan AT OTHER COLLEGES. A BSKCAWWi I . gbe 2)a 1 l g TR e t ra 0 ft an TUB PHOPBIITY OP THE UNIVERSITY'OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NsmusicA. 'fttLIIHED EVERY DAY felCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE HESPERIAN PUD. CO. PubllClHon OfflCl, 128 N. 14th St. BD17IN MILROY BUNDKRLAND, '07. sorron-iN-cmir 'B. M. RtaAua, '00 - - - - Managing-Editor Vjuu BaixihdT'OS News Editor W. E. BTANDEVBN, '07. , BUSINESS MAKAOER Gat Hardy, Assistant Managor Btron E, Yooin, '0d, Circulator MTTELEPHtlE, JUU 1621. KIOHT, Aate MIS sod 4472 IsVterUl Rooms sad-Business Office fisMtntnt, AdminUtratlon Building FodoMktf, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Pybl In Advnc inflt Cdples, 5 Cents Each. .lVblYIDUAL NOTIOKB will ba charged (or ffl toe rat or IB oenu words ar frac i as4 yttlTaraity bulletins will gladly bo 6 rat of 10 oents per Insortlon (or every iuc Ion thereof. Faculty Xaisred a the posfcoflloe at Llnooln, Nobrnska, aao-cin mall natter unaer we Act ol of March 8, 1870. .:imo( Oeflreas THE 8CRUB8. In our worship of the Bturdy horoos of tho Varsity team wo are prone to forgot an equally sturdy, an equally loyal and an equally useful band of gridiron warriors lgnomlniously de nominated "tho Scrubs." Perhaps their work Is of a less brilliant order, perhaps It loss frequently falls to their lot to take the grandBtand by storm ,and to delight tho rooting hosts, yet it is in a vory large degree duo to their persistent and often unrewarded ef forts that tho all-conquering Varsity is able to down its foes. Such, stead fast loyalty as Is displayed by the with all his might his more fortunate Interesting Innovations Initiated in Institutions Elsewhere. "Tho knoll of co-education at Chi cago co-oducation in the old, long en durod Benso, has been Bounded," says tho Dally Maroon. Not content with tho partial segregation attempted with some dogroe'of succobs last year, the faculty is urging now a complete seg regation not only In tho class-room, but In every department of university life- Collego buildings aro soon to bo built which will Boparato the mon and women of Chicago as completely as if they really went to different institu tions. As tho Maroon puts it, "Tho arrangement of buildings will insure privacy both to tho mon and to tho women. They will meet on a strictly intellectual basis. The campus will permit they every freedom they desire, whllo their own division, will afford them all soclusion. When the plan is accomplished, which will be very soon, tho girls will enjoy tho sweet, pure homo life of Wollesly or Bryn Mawr, whllo tho mon will be accorded aB delicate and refined a dormltoryexist otfCe aB at Oxford or Cambridge. At Iowa, according to the Daily Iowan, special Gym classes aro to form a largo part of tho work of tho De partment of Physical Education. In cluded under tho heading of special work are courses in wrestling, tum bling, and fencing, all of which are expected to afford unusual induce ments to would bo athletes. At Minnesota, archery isihe coming fad -among tho women of tho institu tion. Says tho Minnesota Dally, "Much interest is being Bhown by the older girls as well as by the Fresh men: Already there is talk of an inter- scrub who year after year oppoBeacia8B tournament to take place some time before Christmas," oooooooooooocooooooooooooo J. CU Wood & Co. Expert Cleaners and Dyers We are ihe recognized head quarters for first-class Clean ing and Dyeing , . . . . TJjTE CLEAN MenTCbats, Vests, Pants, Overcoats, Ulsters, Gloves, Neck " ties, Etc. Ladle's Skirts, Waists, 3-4 length Coats and Cravanettes, Jack ets, White Dresses, Mulli, Organdies, Silks, Satins, and Children's Qo hes of ail Kinds. We Also Clean Curtains, Draperies, Portlers, and Theatrical Costumes. GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY J 320 N STREET, LINCOLN. COCXXXX)C)OOOOOOOOCOOOOOO O OOOCCXX5CXXXXXXXXXXXX)0000 and brother player, is entitled to more in- telligont and generous appreciation than is usually accorded it. ' - S Lawyers, Attention. Tho attention of'the second third year law jtudonts is called to tho course of looturess-to bo -given thruout tho comjng year by prominent lawyers of Lincoln and elsewhere. This course leprovlded by Dean Pound- for tho solo benefit of tho students kf the College of Law and is expected to prove of great value- A lecture is given every, Monday evening in U. 207, and subjects of practical importance to evory lawyer are discussed. On last Monday even ing udge S. J. Tuttle delivered the first of a series of flvo lectures on Examin ing Abstracts and will continue with the series on next Monday. It is hoped that a largo attendance will reward .the speaker. ,Call up the Star Delivery Co., Bag gage. Both Phones. , .The Pershlngs. Tho'"Pershing Rifles had their first drill . last Thursday evening. Throe squads wore out and a lively drill was held under, the commandiof Captain Anderson and Lieutenant Slaughter. Tho drill was good and snappy for tho first of the season. Last night tho Pershing Informal took place. Tho dance was well at tended. Tho proceeds above expenses areto be used in purchasing for the company a distinctive uniform of its own. Both tho khaki and olive-drab uniforms are being discussed, the util ity of tho first and the handsome ap pearance of the second procuring for both warm advocates. LADIE8' . I , PHONOGRAPHS WAITING J nffiafci , X AND room .frypffiAUtYLsii S5lSH0P -COMFORTABLY BCTEiaPiMilr MOUNTED LOCATED 'WTHlMlRffraMffi RECORDS ON BALCONY '" si7i TarTUg 25 CENT8 News of Extreme Importance Best for your money and greater variety of everything In Dry Goods, 8hoes, Millinery, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, China and Glassware. We are quoting exceedingly 'low prices in Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, Gloves, Men's Furnishings, Notions, Fancy Goods, Art Goods, Ribbons, Laces and Embroideries, Muslin Underwear, Linens, and Domestics, Comforters, Blankets, Trunks, Dress 8ult Cases and Travel ing Bags. Visit our Ready-to-wear Department on the Second Floor. Here you find Style, Fit and Quality combined, and-the prices are right. BELL PHONE 693 AUTO PHONE 3281 j7 r w f v Jw I ksity)vuiianei(v HALF BLOCK TWELFTH AND N 8TREET New Book by Dr. Maxey. In the Baltimore Sun for October 3d there appears an exceedingly favorable review of a new book by Dr. Edwin Maxey, who is a prominent member of tho faculty of the College of Law. The book is entitled "International Law, With Illustrative Casos'-irad is up touthe minute in very particular. It is Intended as a college text book and is expected to gain wide recognition. Football Games Today. Nebraska vs. Drake, at Lincoln. Colorado vs. Colorado College, at Boulder. Wisconsin vs. Lawronce, at Madison. Michigan vs. Vanderbilt, at Ann Arbor. Kansas Wants Training Table. In a recent issue of the Kansan a Jayhawker writes as follows: "A. "A. Stagg, Chicago's coach, who s one of the purists in athletics, has announced that ho has found a way to evade the rule without technically vio latlng it. HIb training table goes-by tho name 'Students' Club.T Coming nearer homo, at Nebraska, it is known as a 'Co-operatlvo Club.' Kansas should-run a training table openly and above board, and should call it a train lng table." . '09 to '10 at Cornell. "Get roddy. Time is neoring. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. Talk clothes. with Ludwig about your J. E. Weaver, t)5, Is Instructing in the Auburn schools. Special 'Varsity dress suits, $35.00 and ?40.00 at Ludwig's. McVey Printing company does tho best University work at 125 No. 12th7 Why not take your baths at, Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? The place to buy a fountain pen. The University Book Store. University printing done by Sim mons the Printer, 224 N. 11th St. For Sale Gymnasium suit, nearly new, lady's; size 36, $2. 1600 P St. We are not too high toned to sell you a good dollar shirt. Unland, 1042 O St. - Cart yur hides way ojit of heerlng. Pad yur tails and ddpo with llls for "soon ull r.ot upon thesoJiillB. Shake your pipes and fancy bonnets and boar in "mind these direful sonnets. U will heer our shrieks of lafter Thursday nlte or soon after. With yur blood tho streets we'll wash, frltened, fren zied,' freeklsi, fresh. (Signed) "1909 by Slawter Committee." Ex change. . German Club. The German Club held Its first regu lar meeting Thursday evening with Miss SJtebblnB. Officers were chosen for this semester as follows: Presi dent, MIbb Scena Hansen; vice-president, Miss Anna Krumbachf Secretary-treasurer, Pauline Rleth. Wanted Copy of Watson's Physics in good condition by R. Gantt, 1228 R Street. . ,t i All kids are not like our "klds.'4 Our dollar kids tho best in Lincoln.! Unland. For Rent Furnished room with heat and light, ?7 per month. Inquire at 1524 U St. . A little knowledge about Harris' Tiffany glass is not a dangerous thing to the pocketbook. There's one place In a thousand where you can find the real Rookwood pottery. Come Into Harris and see it. Lost Tho only Moore fountain pen on the campus. Finder please return to MIbb Sinclair,Departmont of Mathematics. L?.st""'A tnes,s bv A M- Levy, on "Railroads In Relation to CriseB." Finder please return to Department of PPolltlcal Economy or leave at Tho Nebraskan office and receive reward AHEOEm (IKKOLATiS AT RECTORS u c fL i i j' -1 ' '.'.. :-y x: ,w 'v ,''v v'30 : ';' .1. va mMbaii" iww