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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1906)
N- . t PA , th JfoUVI. N0.J6. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 t906. Price 5 Cents ?- 'C N-. t t tv lf vj-.. US. M, ? ' htt WW PROMOTIONS APTAIN WORKIZER COMPLETE8 LI8T OF OFFICERS., , ., Major, and Three Lieutenants Twelve !$ 8ergeant8 Twenty-four VT3 . ; Corporafs." '" ': rn i' k . i iDepartmentipf, Military Science, ' . v October 12, 1906. ' General Orders 'w'" " " ' 1 c No. 2? - 1 ,', .. s L The following, appointments, pro raouons, ana assignments are an- v M . 'A FOOTBALL MONDAY? is "8crub8" Meet .Lincoln High 8choo In t- - acpenaenc 1 earn. The second University team wlil play the Lincoln ifHlgh School Inde? pendentHeam on Monday, October 15, at, 4: 30 p. m. on .campus. Admission, i BOTANY 8EMINAR CELEBRATES. , V nounced: To be Cadet Major: UfE. Cornelius 9 . r ry "i . : . T rfi ' 1 1' i.,'it A'1- fi.i. f 25 cents. 'Line-up: Independents. Second Team. ;', Davis (Capf.),. J .L. E. ...... . .Bentloy Neff.. ,. .LisT , .VjHarte, Fritz li.dtK...'. .Flenrilkin Munn.. ........... C.,. v , . ', fyl .Farrls Smiley .. .R. G. . Cramer .Smiltn; -.j 7,.t..h ill. XT.. ... ;'. . . . .Kading Froy R. E.n. Minor Tlgho.. .'. i . .. .... Q. . . ,-. Boll; McWllllams. . . . ,R. H ...Hawley Walker. ......... L. H. ....'... . Burnett RubboI.-. . . . r. . ,F. B .. .Price E. P. McLaUghlln. Assistant Mana igpr.3q i . - v: -; o . . The proceeds of the game will go to, -.-1 , -, .-.. "i . t , ' : I- ,1 " -a Twentieth Anniversary Observed With' ., Fitting Ceremonies. " The Botany Seminar of. the Univer sity celebrated its twentieth anniver sary on Thursday afternoon in Ne braska Hall. This organization is one of the oldest and most Inlluontial in Ihe University; and Has played an im portant .part in tho' growth of pur in-, stitutipn. r In consequence of this thoro waB social intor,ostJ displayed in tiio oxo'rclses of ias Thursday'ahd an af ternoon of pioasuro1 and profit to all was sbont. . ' v The' oxerclses of tlio afternoon con sisted of 'addresses' by 'members of the Seminar, the initiation1 of new: members, and a 'siippor'tocap tho clP max. Speeches' wore given by Drs. BesQy Clements, BarbdUr, Pduriil, THE DRAKE GAME 1, . HUSKY IUNCH OF MEN ARRIVES FROM' PES. VofNEi.' . . . ' 1 r 1 -1 .Ti4 t . . f- 'i U -vti Varsity's Hard j-uok Schmidt and .WfcJL Matters i nje-rbthers ) Po.Q!! ,Qpndltlon "x i': .' Vv Nebraska has boen playing in hard luck $10 pa&t,ook, ' Our Jiard field is responsible for most bt the injuries that have occurred. Thursday ovohing Matters-injured his log atprkctlco and ,wlll probably bo dufof 'the.ame. jU' day.-"Thisris-tho last of7 a sorlos of .blows, wiicH hay.Q" handicapped; ; tie 'team considerably'.1 Schmidt is piit of .i'.f. -i s V l r S:'' !! if '.r '.t '. .. . . A ..." . . AGRICULTURAL HALL. ' - rfnlllllll 'islilmHHssMsBtirTKl " H&SSP'J Bill BbbbbbHibIb1HBb$SHPR' r ' : KbJIH IHHKJsKMKMsmMSl&sBsfEL " ". WBilaBSL'! BIsBgWiWEpMsRflBwMMBMs ' . - ' - ssislsMnjfc4d'tf 7wWffiB?WMSMsssw ''STtTw - V 1 asBBBBBBHBsEBtwnHBiknBi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBaVBBawSBEMHBlHBBBBaHBJJMBBHBflH " ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBiBBBBBBBBBWiwliiBWBE3sIES" X ' - . - J A ' " t i ; ! ' , . , , , ' .- y . Agricultural hall. ' "' J ' ' '' ' J ' M ' ' To bo SecondTJTeutenants: ' O, L.iPhilllps, assigned to Co. A. A. C: Mannln, assigned to Co. D. -. .jCrJrFrankfprter, assigned to CorC, i To bo Battalion Quartermaster Ser geant: , S, M. ;Rinaker. To be Sergeants: .I.'j..Lalngerf assigned to Co. C. C. K. Shedd, assigned to' Co. C. -5 ; rF.'C. Hawkes, assigned to Co. B. J,G. B, Laing, assigned to Cp. D. ' F. M. Weller, slsslgnod to Co. A ' T. McAllister, assigned to Cp. C. F. A. Jones, assigned to Co. B. E. F.'Guldinger, assigned to Co. D. .',F B. Bt, assigned to Co. A. ' ..B, W.. Hills, assigned to Co, B, " . S.r P. Dob assigned to Co. Pn. , To be Corporals: Agricultural Hall. Agricultural Hall f (1905), the main building at the University Farm, is a beautiful .structure, perfectly adapted to its design. X)n the first floor aro the quarters of the Department of Ani mal Pathology; on the second floor, the executive offices and library, and on the third floor, an auditorium. On tho second and third floors are 'also the class-rooms of the Departments of Animal Husbandry, English, Mathe matics, and Physics. A . .,, J H. Blomenkamp, assigned tojuo; u. v'i4ft R ;L, LaChapello, assigned to Co, D. , (Continued on page 4.) purchase equipment for the second team. The second team has' worked hard to develop the Varsity and they Reserve hearty encouragement from the student body, Turn out for the game. ' " Band Informal Postponed. ' The Band Informal announced" for Saturday, October '20, has been post poned to Friday, October 26. Tho change has been necessitated t?y the inability of the management to secure desirable, music on the 1 evening tsfirst proposed. : IY: "iV;j,: i . - z& Opportunity knocks but once. Other Heald, Davis, Wolfe, and Bolton and by Mr. Pool. An invitation was ex tended to and. accepted by the mem ,bres of the Botany Club to Join the Seminar and for almost the first time in the existence pf the Seminar under graduate's were Initiated -into member ship. The Seminar was formed in 1886 by seven charter members, of whom Dr. Pound is the only one now In connec tion with the University; For some time membership was confined strictly to, men and only men of acknowledged ability were admitted. Finally women were admitted also, altho the standard (Continued on page 4.) the gameTwith-a had ankle,' Denslow has, bad kneT; Cook's "charley-horse" is in poor condition,' and -Howard, the scrub halfywlU probably be prevente- from playing by W injury received last Tuesday. .The prospects certaiily . look bad. The game undoubtedly will be an opportunity for the scrubs. A great deal cannot be learned about' the line-up of Drake's team, but it will ,. probably be as follows: r A ' Center, Pallas; guards,-Jones, Kern-, yon; tackles,Frazlor, Hoffman; ends, Nelson, Jacks; quarter, Finch; halves, Loverln, IVoodrow; fullback, Cona way. While little could be learned of the weight of Drake's-team, the probability is that they will outweigh us; as weight -is not considered one of their weak' .., ..'.". .. 1 Ye olden 'candlesticks and ye new ones, too, at Harris'. y knockers please copy; -a v1 - ' v' rf7 - 1 -x t-1 -XflX- 4'y Wli MmtArrs- P-Hf4t oJw V tfwyni-i, 'KT - -v . 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