1-l -a 1 i?"f Zbc SMifl iH-b-i-a 0 ft a ft IS.. l a it it OLIVER THEATRE Jfl t"F" "3 ' . TrS hAV MATINEE, 2:30 I J,Jr I TONIGHT, 8:15 LYMAN TWIN JN . ' "The Rustlers DDlrCC. Matinee, 25c. , Matinee, 25c. , Eye., 75, 60, 35 &25c. I IVlVLiO , SATURDAY, NIGHT, OCT. 13. soOsa OPERA' co. WiftOok CAWTHORNE THE FREE LANCE Prces: $1.50, $1.00, 75p & 50c. MONDAY NJGHT, OCT. 15. & WILLIAM COLLIER .LYRIC THEATRE.. Matinee, 3 p. m.--Evenlng, 7:30 and 9 Admission, 1.0 and 15c. " HICKMAN BROTHER8 - Jhe Dramatic Sopraho BE88IE TANNEHILL the twoanp a half ca8ad8 , a georgia levis" 7 e'p, lazell 8lack Wire Performer THE LYR08COPE' the BIJOU DOOOOCOOOOOOOOpOO All the Metropolitan Feature Acts Headed By THE VIILITARV QUARTETTE, America's Foremost Musical Four THE FAMOUS TOURIST TRIO The Greatest High-Class Harmonizing 8lnglng.and Comedy Trior Before the Public - MORRIS MANLEY and " DOLLY STERLING In an Eccentric Comedy Sketch McCUNE and GRANT .. Eccentric Comedy Acrobats . . MR.WILL H. 8MYTHE Will Sing the Beautiful Illustrated ' " Ballad, "I Can Not Tell Why I Love You, Dear" ii i i IN THE CLUTCHE8 OF THE WHITE CAPS On "the Biograph Three Shows Dally. 3, 7:45 & 9 p. m. ADMISSION 10c ' Reserved Seats 5c Extra Matlnee,Al Seats 10c ,LOW ONE-WAY RATES. . Every day from September loth to October. 31st, 100Gr Inclusive, tho Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets ub fol lows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City, $20.00 ta Helena' and .Butte-, Montana. $22.50 to Spolcano and Wenatcheo, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 tq Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. ' . , . . $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore gon, 'via Portland ' $25.00 to Can Francisco, Los Angeles xwl Sin Diego Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho, points. Tlirniis'h Tniirlsrt oars.riin everv dav via UhlariJPacifro to the Pacific' coast.' W ST. .11) lfAHaitAH al1 a 1 1tA0Cl T or, mil ll!UJimp.uuu;p.uu u buuiodo -" B. B,BLOSpiJ,,Gn. Agt. 2g BUSINESS DIRECTORY Krerjr Lojrul Unlvcrsltr Stndeut L la Urged te jiatrentxe theio We- brkx ntlrertUera, and Co men tion tke paper while dalag so. fe BARBER SHOPS Green's Polaco. BOOKS & STATIOtiERYo-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry . Portor. t BAKERY Petry Bakery Co. BANKS ColumblajNational, First Na tional. .. CAFE Sam Westorfleld, Don Cam eron, University School of Muslo Dining Rddm. CATERER "Tommy," at Mlllor & Paine's 'Fountain. CIGARS Lindsey CLOTHING-Armstfbhg, Unldnd,JMa gee & Deemer, Ludwlg, The Ster ling. . COAL-Gregory, Whltobreast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol Bom. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Horpolsheimor. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol sheiraer. DRUGGISTS Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FURNITURE rTho Conway Co. HABE.RDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman Tannor. JEWELER Tucker, Hallott," J. 1. t Davis, F. B. Harris. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LOCKSMITHtt-T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING New Century. GeorKO i -BrosvMcVoy, State Printing Co., Tho-Iyy 'Press. MUSIS-klurtice. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & -Perkins, Electric Shoo Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cyclo Co., Lincoln Cycle Co. TAILORS Unland, Union College Taljprs Ludwlg, Herzog. THEATERS Olver, Lyric. Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo . writer Co. WAFFLES MrsDay, Sam's Cafo v - UNIVERSITY' BULLETiN; . uciooer. . -L. " Friday, ,12th. Music at Convocation. ' Violin Rot cital by Mrs. Silence Dales Knapp. Pershing Rifle Hop at -Fraternity Hall. Saturday, 13th. Nebraska v. Drake, on Campus. Monday, 15th. Hon. W. H. Thompson at Convoca tion. Tuesday lGtlji. Special Convocation. Hon. Norris Brown. .Seniors meet iri.U "207. at 11 o'clock. Wodnesday, 17th. " ' Prof.-G-El Howard at Convocation. "Democracy arid Genius." Friday, lOthr- ' MusIc at Convocation. Saturday, 20th. x Nebraska vb. Ames on Campus. -Saturday, 27th. Nebraska vs. Doario on Campus. . DR. M. H-ALEXANDER, DontisC Auto Phone 2516, 1213 O St., Lincoln, Neb. " The Lincoln 8antorlum. All 'kinds of baths- and flne plungo. 14th and M. ' Hair Dressers. . Best soft water shampoo in the city, 124 No. 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. Did you get one ox those free bottles of' ink at the University Book Store? If not, ask for one this weok. Wc want to, give away 500, Christmas conies but once a year, but that won't prevent you from hav ing" a free examination of your ring and Jewelry, " Green's barber shops excel all others in the west Entirely modeVn' and the best work assured. The Ivy Press is: now located at 212 Sputh Twelfth streefAJnivorslty work esneclallv solicited. I if ' vYoii-will 6e satisfied lyitfi Cameron's Lunch ' Counter. ' . -, '' - . f '-. ------ .'.', e THE BIG RALLY. ' (Continued from page 1.) slow. They havo .played no game yet but havo Ijnod up several times for practise against West Dos Moino3 High, School,.. Sovoral of thqjnon are now to the game and tho team as a whole may hardly be said to bo in mid season condition. However, tho team, has been rounding into form rapidly this .week and may bo expected to put up a good article of football next Sat urday. Tho men aro in good condi tion, there haying been no seriousMn juries thus far. In fact wo may look for, a stiff contest with the boys from Drake and-it-may bo that their hard luck story is slmplya ' blind. How over, one thing is certain, that after last Saturday's experience Nebraska will, not bo caught napping. Practise on our own field this week has consisted mostly of signal drill and work at the elementary foatures of the game, particular attention being paid to the handling of punts. The team Is showing marked Improvement in its formation work and is rapidly correcting the faults of last Saturday. Drain is being tried at quarter and Cook is alternating at quarter and end. Schmldtwhoso unklo was badly sprained last -Saturday, Is out again and. w'ill soon be back Into tho game. This afternoon the scrubs will lino up for a short game with a Lincoln team composed of old High School men and other local players. REGISTRATION 8TATI8TIC8L Figures on Distribution of Freshman Enrollment. - The statistics regarding attendance given in Thursday's Nebraskan aro for male. Btudents registered in 'tho Freshman class only, and aro based .upon figures 'furnished by Assistant Registrar Harrison. ItK js 'believed, however,- jhat the percentages giyon 'would hold approximately for tho Mother classes. Ii' should bo noted that tho figures given do not-lncludo tho students registered in the schools. Tho whole Freshman rpgistration, including, women, is. approximately 612, distributed as follows; -Literature, -Science and Arts. 44.1 Engineering ;. . 2535 Industrial (other than on- ,- glnoers) ,...t 14.25 law ..rrrrr V . U.2 Medicine , 5.1 " ' 100,00 The following High Schools aro ready to bo -acted upon by the. Com mitteo on Accredited Schools at" its "next seBsion:J3eaver City, Campbell, Lyons, Cameron, Oakdalo, Clay Contor, jorenco and Beemor, all of which jire. Nebraska towns. Watertown, S. D. Oregon, Mont; -. Lorfitto. Acadomy, Kansas City, Mo., and the High Schools of the American Association of the"CItyn3I Mexico aro also on the list. Next Saturday at 7:30 a Republican Rally will bo held in Memorial Hall. The Cadet Band will furnish music and 'speeches .will bo made by prominent Republicans. OAlcers of tho Univer sity Republican Club will also be elec ted for the coming year. Miss Candis Nelson, graduato stu dent in American .History last year, is meeting with success in her" now posi tion as head of the Department of Education in Greenville College. Miss Ruby Jessen and Gussio Durkcs spent Saturday and Sunda at their homes in Omaha.' Miss Carrie Strong, of tho Univer sity Y. W. C. Ar is organizing a Bible Study class in the Academy. WHEN "WALKOVERS ! GO ON Sho Troubles Go Off. Rogars & Perkins O Strt. o "Here We Go" f Foot .Balls, Punching Bags, Head Gears,; Unlofi Suits' and all sorts of Athletic. Goods at ths ' -"" q You are always welcome me in and see. t . Lincoln Cycle (o. S . 1317 o fst: H. E.-Bldlcc' Old Stand. A M-A-N-N THB BXPBRT VLEHiicn ana utch t 'Spoclol prices on G'coats, Cloaks and Jackots and all :; .. , 'Pino Work "' "' Vi 114: No. FOURTEENTH.! AUTO-2325; BE4U809" :-;jftos t it f fU I- II JJ 1 ml r I JA-lffl r -v , u pSamys Cafe - S.F.Westflffleld q LsPKLALJEBYICE TO . P f ' PARTIES -rQ . i i i i I, i i Sjr . "t'Q Uell Phone. 355 O A Specialty In Oysttrs in Seasoi 8 O 117-19.21 Ne. 13th SI. 0 W 'AA'D'DAlAf'V' S8 i-rJjvJtvsLW w r.A s ! ) r : ar. ..J , PC--- Fv' o u fl f O iv. . o .. L'1 .,i t r i i '? - JOtf .'' , -. ,.vt i ; !'