ry !..- Vol. VI. No. 15. .UNIVERSITY OF. NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; FRIDAY, OCTOBER i2l906. Price 5 Cents. v v n v. t 07 APPOINTMENTS COMPLETE LIST OF8ENIOR COM MITTEES OUT." President McWIIIIams Announces the Chairmen and Members to;8cirve i Thrubut.'the Coming Year. With 'more than the usual' prompt ness dlspluyed-by Senior 'presidents .In ttio ;post, President C. C. McWllllama of the Class of 1907 announces today the complete list of appointments for the coming year. Following Is tho list" of appoint monts: '."" f Senior Prom. Chairman C. D. Slaughter., r ' Master 'of Ceremonies m - L: MeTUr. ; CommittedZola Delleker,-TLepta Lapp, G. Y,. Choney, IrK. Needham Don Wilson, V Senior Play. Chairman L. A. Higgins. Comralttee Alice Ageo.1 FJossy D. Erford, Helen Huse, Kathleen Llnder "man, Edward Affoltor, O .J, Gatz meyr, Kolso Moj-gan, E. M Sundor iand! Athletics. .Chairman and Football Manager, ,T. A. Klesselbach. Committed C, B. puer, A. L. Lott, Fjank ,Rush., . . .Coaches E, M. Little,. G. B. McDon ald. Caps and Gowns, . Chalrnian C. M.'Dunn. Committee Cleo Howard,, . Vln'da Hudson, D. D.. Drain, C. K. Smith. Commencement Orator. . Commltteia T. , A, .Browne, C, R. Weeks, W. E. Hannan, . r , " Senior Hats. t - ChalrmanM., E. Cbrnpllus. v CommlttsQ Elta? Boose, JoBle Fz-a-,'Vler, Ray Flndlay, R V. Pepperburg. ; r 4 ' " A FJnance7r .'. "t '" Chairman Paul Jones. . ... . .. : i: : fT - "T,,"'',!Tp,l"""", N . : " .. .':.'. v ' ' -, sW V v Nsi.- ? ..... r-. L V BHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHsBHkBVn BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVfVBTsKBBBBBBBBBBW bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI -W JfliKI r BM ' Ml ' ''BBBBBBBBBBBH V . - ('BBHBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBlBVR'nTkiSBBS BJBBBBJBJBBBBBBB3BBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1BBBBBBJBJpSE ' -) jImMBmB1B3PBWPJWBBBBBB ! . HKJuEflHK&UHBBjBEHijflHffl s. ik. . 'm BBBBBSflSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBMBBBBBBBBBBBBflDSBBBBBSQSSSSV'iL iAiift WiTiTnlT'iifciyiMtiiiMiiwBWBBBBBBBBBBM'" ' - . BCIBlWWiMPJPgMWglBBBlBMWWWP"JBP5fy3Cd'H ' - . "iiTisfitWTLBBBHliBBBtwrf ..-' f jCV'C&yH WTVVl"flHNBwVllBBBIBBBBBMBEsBBPABBBBBBBBVR BBBBgWCtif Vira1Wg.r.lVTrf:JTYT mPj4.gwiilBJtJAMEWMfZjif iAM?ll' ' 1I1HH li Ml t . X l ' ' . ' ' ; ..'"Vl ' ' THE UNIVER8ITY 8CHOOL OF MU3IC J "u: ' ' . " ' ' ..- . -' ' - , .,.'.. r l" V - : - - - iyt , - -",- If ''" '' " --- :' - -"'' -' .- -:- ---" !- Committee1 Louise Brace, Myrtle Kauffman, Edna King, P. R. Butler", Rood Green, J. B. Jackson. 8enlor Pins. Chairman A. E. Wolf. i i Commltteo Helen Hendrle, Flor- onco Parmalee, T. G. Hurden, A. E.. Palpn. CONVOCATION TODAY. Violin Recital by Mrs. 8ilence Dales Kriapp In. Memorial Hall. The following program will be given this morning: - 1. "Dammorung" Natrowskl 2. "Appasslonata" Ferraris 3. "Gultarre" . ...Moszkowskl 4. "Andante" .'. .' Gulraud 5. "Humoreske" r Dvorak G. "Spanish Dance" . ...Rohfold Walter Green, '01, Is superintendent of public instruction at Tilden, Neb. The University School of Music. Tho home of the tJnlverslty School of jMusIc Is situated at the corner of Elovehth and R streets, immediately adjoining tho University campus. . It combines In Its three stories and base ment amplq facilities for the work car ried on within It. Besides the offices of the, executive department, tho building contains two largo parlor two ' large recitation rooms andten instruction rooms, as' well nS complete dormitory .facilities for Its studonts. Frcfd Dormah,. M. E.. '01, formerly instructor in descriptive geometry in the. University and who has been fore man of apprentices with the ;W8' Chalmors Company since 1904; 'has; been a campus vfsltor' for "tho past; nvedK, 'Mr. Dormun'is oh his ya'y4to' Denver, whbro m 'jpjDslUo Is 'awaing him. -' PRIZE8 FOR 80NGS. Manager Eager Offers Reserved Seats for Football Songs. Mauagor Eager wlshos to announce a footbail song contest, open to tho public, in which two reserved scats for each gamo in the beBt part of tho grandstand will bo given ,for the best words submitted for songs to bo used In tho games with Ames Agricultural Collego and with Kansas University. . To como within the rules of tho con tost words must bo set to tho nuiBlc of the popular song "Cheyenne and bo submitted to Manager Eager by mall not Jater than tho Wednesday preceding tho gamo for which they are intended. Awards will be published thru tho columns of The Nobraskan,. together T wltlf tho prlzo winning words oh tho .Friday preceding each ' of tho. two games. . , Words should bo written for tho en tiro song, Including verso and chorus, and one complete stanza is all that is wanted. It Is hoped that by this method a song may bo secured for each of tho gumos that will rival in effectiveness tho parody on "Molly O" that was used in Uie gamo with Colorado last year. ' "' "" " . " It is hoped also that u 'largo num ber of' students will compete and so work up their football enthusiasm to the -boiling point. ' ' Basket Ball. , . Dr, Clapp 'wishes tonnnbunc that in addition to practise on' Tuesday and Thursday, at 4 p. m. busket ball;prac Use. will bo held, at 2:80 p. m. op Sat urday 'as well. - '. . Till BIG RALLY j -: FOOTBALL ENTHU8IA8M AT HIGH ' PITCH YE8TERDAY. News From' Drake Quality of TeanT Unknowns-Practise Here Shows f Progress. Tho chapel was flllod'to. overflowing yesterday morning with a most vocif erous crowd bubbling ovor vwltbT .foot ball enthusiasm. From tho tlmo the first. fow gathered until tho last of tho crowd: left tho building thoro. was an almost continuous outburst of old-tlmo football enthusiasm that has mado Ne braska famous thq country over. ; ;, Dr. Hound .was tho presiding officer and at first, tho-ehief rooters bolngrab-seht;- leil tiro rooting. In response to tho vigorous demands of tho crdwd Dr. Bolton appeared on tho platform anil after receiving up ovation ofsovoral minutes duration, mado a fow re, marks in his usual optimistic vein. Coach Fpstor then made ft rousing speech in which ho exhortod the sUV dents to maintain, that reputation for football spirit for ,whlch Nebraska is notdd thriiout tho country. As usual tho band contrlbuated materially to tho success of the' occasion wlUvCitk spirited music. " - ' ; ",'.? The meeting was marked by the tryr out of ' now songs and yells. , Those seemed to go .very successfully f and should add materially to tho equipment of thq rooters. . ' ' ,, Advices from Drake, ouv noxt;:op- ponont Indicato that so far hf davpl- ,6pment of Us team, has beqiif. rather Contiuu;tl on pagQ 3.) .a c t'; we Pr N I V v ' f . . gii'itt-; -a if ' a'-0f- ' ' ,.. . ... ' - !' ,t f -iJ'i .