& ft I THE DAkLY NBBRA6KAN. it v L by' T" 7 i . t 4f. 4i -p A V MATINEE, 2:30 I JJr TONIGHT, 8:15 YON YONSON OLIVER THEATRE h' nDIEC Matinee, 25c. rKILCO. Eye., 7.5, 50, 35 & 25c. FRI. MAT. & EVE., OCT. 12. LYMAN TWIN "The Rustlers" DDirCCi Matinee, 25c. r KILCO. Eve., 75, 50, 35 & 25c. SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. 13 THE FREELANCE Sat BV Wk W aW l vtl L1p iill 1 i tlA Uyt .LYRIC THEATRE.. ?f it Matinee, 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admission, 10 and 15c. HICKMAN BROTHER8 ' The Dramatic 8bprano BE88IE TANNEHIUL THE -TWO AND A HALF CA8ADS GEORGIA LEWI8 ED. LAZELL Slack Wire Performer THE LYOSCOPE 'All. the Metropolitan Feature Acts Headed By . THE MILITARY QUARTETTE America's Foremost Musical Four THE FAMOUS T'OURI8T TRIO iThe .Greatest High-Class Harmonizing Singing and Comedy ( Trio Before the Public -- 'MORRI8MANLEY --- and -POLLY 8TERLING 1h an Eccentric Comedy Sketch McCUNE and GRANT t Eccentric Comedy Acrobats MR. WILUH. 8MYTHE Will Sing the Beautiful Illustrated Ballad, JV-" Can Not Tell Why I Love You,Dear" M-THE-CLUTCHES OF THE WHITE CAPS On the Blograph s tf V Three 8howa Dally. 3, 7:45"r9 p. m. ADMISSION 10c Reserved Seats 5c Etra . Matinee, All 8eats 10c Pctry Bakery Co. Baking Ordors Filled , Promptly. Fine Rice Bread Our Specialty. Phone us and Your Order Will . Rccelvo Prompt Attention. LZ5j 4 Thft nlnon tn Vmv a. fountain nen. f j The .University Book Store. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kvery lyml Ualreraliy gtafteat Is urged' to patronize thcae Ne braikaa ndvertlacrapmtl lema tlon the paper while doing ae. BARBER SHOPS Green's Palace. BOQK&& STAyiOIERY Co-op, Liu cola' Book" Storo, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY -Retry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE-Sam Weaterfleld, Don Cam eron, University School of Music Dining Room. CATERER "Tommy," at Mfllor & Palne's Fountain. CIGARS Lindsey. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma- " gee & Deemor, Ludwlg, The Ster ling. CJOAL--Gregory," Whltobreast. CONFECTIONERS1 Maxwbll, Tho Pol som. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Herpolsholmor. PRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- shelmer. DRUGGISTS Brown, Rector, o EXPRESSrrLIhcoln Local. FURNITURE-ThoBonway Co. HABERDASHERY-$2;50Hat Storo. HAIRDRESSER EGoodman Tanner. JEWELER-r-Tuckor. Hallott, J. 1. - Davis, F.- B. HarrlB LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros. LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. TRINTING Now Century, Goorgo Brps,, , McVey, State Printing Co., The Ivy Press. MUSIS Curtice. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Por- klnB, Electric Shoo Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln Cyqlo Co. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg, Herzog. THEATERS Olver, Lyric, BIJou. TYPEWRITERS Undorwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. October. Wednesday, .10th. Professor Fosslor oh Henrlk Ibsbn at Convocation. Thursday, 11th'. t , ' Football Mass Meeting,-. Memorial nail, 11 a. m. ". Dramatic Clulnneots In U. 106 at 11. a. m. Friday, 12th'. Music at Convocation. Pershing Rifle Hop at Fraternity Hall. Saturday, 13th. Nebraska vTDrako on -Campus. Monday, 15th. Hon. W, H. Thompson at Convoca - tlon. Wednesday, 17th. . Prof. GE.. Howard at Convocation. "Domocracy and Genius." Friday, 19th. Music at Convocation- , Saturday, 20th. Nebraska vs.- Ames on-Campus. -Saturday,- 27th v ( Nebraska vs. Doano oh Campus. DR. M. H. ALEXANDER, . Dentist Auto Phono 2516, 1213 O St., Lincoln, Neb. , ,. "ii- The Lincoln 8ahitorium. All kinds of baths and fine plunge. 14th and'M. Hair Dressers. Best soft water shampoo in tho city, 124 No. 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. : Don't go south to keep warm; go to Unland's. Try our $1.50 gloves when 'you want a good pair. , Tho Ivy ProsBTa nDw located at 212 , South' Twelfth street .University Vork especially solicited. If you are too late for class you can stop In and have Harris clean your rings and pins. A pin thatwon't staff wherb it is put should be fixed by Harris, tho Jeweler. Green's Barber Shops are the best In the West X),, VUNIV(ERSITY ITJLJgENT KILLED. m . P V .- 'Herbert Burke Murderedln Omaha No Trace of AssassInT Miss Marguerito Burko was called, to Omaha Monday by the suddon death of hor brothor, Horbert. Mr. Burko was found dead Monday morning at' the Florenco waterworks station: His appearance showed that ho had been the vvlctim of foul.-play, but.no trace of tho murderer, nor clue bf any kind, has yet been found by tho Omaha po lice. No cause has as yet boon as signed for the atrocious deod, as Mr. Burke's watch, money and tho other valuables on his porson woro-unmp-lested. . Herbert Burko was a Unlvorslly student, having spent a year at tho Agricultural College Ho spent tho summer In tho com mission- ofllcoof -hlBifather. and -undo, in South Omaha, and had all arrange ments mado to re.-ontor the University at the coming fall registration. Ho was twenty years of ago, a. bright and promising young man, well, liked by- all who knew him, and. no ono. knows that ho over had unvOnomy. Ho-is survived ontyby his slstor Marguerite. and his mother.'TioIr loss is mado tho harder to bear because of the death of his father, also, less than a month ago. Engineering; 8oclcty. . In tho "election of officers for the coming year, tho Engineering Society, which meets tonight at 7:30j). m. In M 211, hopes to find available men who will uso their influenco and tho weight of their position In reviving the custom of bringing several promi nent lecturers to, tho University during tho school year. Before ltat jyeaf tlils was dono successfully und engi neering studonta wero greatly Inspired by tho addresses that wore delivered, Init last year for sotno reason, no et fort was made and unless prompt ac?. tlon is taken to mend mattors It Is feared that tho custom may bo aban doned altogether. Band Informal. Tho first Band Informal of the sea son will be given on Saturday, Octo ber 27, In Memorial Hall. Last y.earJ' these dances wore exceedingly well attended, which attests their popular ity. It is the Intention of thoso In chnrgoto give an Informal every 'two' weoxs alter mo aaie apovo. aji uio -p'roceeds of tho dances are used to defray tho expense of purchasing music for .the Cadet Band. Glee Club TryouY. t mo ulep' Club hold its first tryout Monday night Jn Momorlal Hall, and the director reports that a very good lino of tenor men presented thorn-Bolves.i-Still more are wanted, ljow over, and all men who think they can sing eithor first-or second tenor should get tholr-nppllcatlons"ln at once. Barl tones, and bassos will Tie tried out to night in Memorial Hall at 7:30. University News Letter. Registrar Clark is arranging to Bend letters of University news ,to about 500 newspaper editors thruout the state. These letters, which will be issued weekly, will supply tho editors of tho stato, with accurate and interesting, information concerning the state's big school. Mr, Paul Ewlng will have charge of tho collection of news. Injured Player Recovering. "Buck" Bellzor, who was seriously injur'od dur)ng a practise gamd last week, .la rapidly recovering and. will probably be ablp to don the moleskin again the latter part of tho week. UNIVERSITY YELLS No. 1 U-U-U-N-l, Ver-Ver-Ver-sl-TI, . N-E-Bras-Ki ' Oh-h-h My. ' No. 2 Hoo-Rah-Rah Hoo-Rah-Rah HOO-rah, HOp-rah Ne-Bras-Ka. Hoo-Rah-Rah Hoo-Rah-Rah HOO-rah, HOO-rah Ne-Bras-Ka. "-v No. 3 Not In use. No. 4 A growl, a .vyhjsUe.-.Hoo-RAH.- NeBRASKa. . 1AI... Ml.4 v wnm n mr rfji ari '.r m. wwii bw' Send your Laundry to us? Wis do good work ...and save yeu ' money' besides. ' "'" Shirts, Gc to 10c "Collars 2o Cuffs, per pair .iGc Pell PhoTre-8b5. Auta241 - "! ? ,. - . r Merchants Laundry DR. J NO. J.OiVIS Grid"' RtflKffCHift. fHcta. Spectacles and Bye ataiies Correctlv Fitted. Offlco 1222 O St., Anto Phono 8Q3I C. A. SIMMONS Will do Your Printing 248 N Street LINCOLN, NEB. GATE CITY Cleaners; Dyers It. O. Z1NK. MttDBger Dry Gleaners Scientific Dyers Auto 4428 Bell 2028 204 So. TWELFTH J FRESH EVERY DAY! Oar Candles and Baked Goods are Always Frosli and Good. Catering la oar npeolalty 1 nc iviaawcll j u Both Pkottce. 13tk anil W Birttm jj MXXmt :t -,--., im .tjj SHIRTS IN WHITE OR .FAST COLORS'. THE BEST VALUE OBTAIN ABLE AT SI. OO OR S.1.M. CLOCTT, PCAOV A CO. MAHBMI T eUpMCTT IMt tUl ppppmBaEV ifin-apBBi) vtiBJfApHpjBBJBjRat . . ".. A; : .:, - e -" '"v 51 3v H . ml . ;t 4 .'ii . i-.. , ... . 1 k I ,." ;'