Ylr m,.mmHt THE DAILY NEBRA9KAN, fma r. ... . HHHHHIHHHHIIbIHb1bHLPs -J . i v . i f -i1 Gbe ails ticb rfte ft ag S,lDg th0-f oneral cour8e of wor Albert Aron was oloctcd president. THE PHOPEIITY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, v . Lincoln, Kbbraaxa. PHUSMEI EVERY IAY EXCEPT SHNIAY AND MINOAV DY THE HESPERIAN PUM. 06. rrilfciNM Witt, 121 H. 14th St. . ' EDWIN MILROY SUNDERLAND, '07. I BDtTOB-IN-CniKr" 8. M. RinAxkr. 00 .... Managing Editor Frkd Dallahd, '05 Now Editor W. E. BTANDEVEN, '07. DUBIMEBS MANAOER GUyHahdy, - Aalfltant Managor Byroh E. Yodbr, '08. Circulator HTTELEMKHE, fall 1MB. KfOHT. Mt UK i 4472 Editor)! Rooms and Business Oilice E-AMmtnt, AdmlnUtrsUon Building PostotHce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents- Each. INDrVIDUAL NOTICES will bo rhargod for at tho rato of 10 oonta por Insertion for ovory nftoon words or fraction tboroDf. Faculty notiooa and Uulvorslty bullotlna will gladly bo published freo. Entorod at tbo poat fflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, an second-clana mall mattor under tho Act or Congroaa of Marob 0,1870. CLASS 8PIRIT. No force can oxert a more benefi cial influonco In University life, If nronerly vented, than Class Spirit. If all tho ohofgy and enthusiasm wo are accustomed to see annually wasted in the trifling, yet often disastrously ex pensive, squabbles of "Soph" and ITrosbio" woro turned into tho saner channols of athlotlc contests .and Inter- class debates great good might result. Each class should, as we have urged before, try to put forth winning foot ball, baskotball, track and ' baseball teams. ' Inter-class debates, which have un fortunately -boon noglectod hitherto, offer a Hold for .tho , expenditure of class spirit that Is Buro to provo profit able in tho highest degree. Mr. Aron is tho only charter member left In school. Miss Lucllo Long was elected vice-president, Miss Inez Fries secretary-treasurer, Misses Mattoon and Travis -studont mombors of tho executivo committee . lErofcBBorBnrbor gave- a short talk. on his vlBlt to -Italy. Whllo in Flor-, ence ho purchased a beautiful bust for tho Latin Club, having boon so in structed by tho club 'last spring. Large Class in 8tock Judging. Tho class in Animal Husbandry and stock judging this year is ono of tho. largest tho department has over had. In spite of tho inconvenience occa sioned by the place and hour, the State Farm and Saturday from 9 to 11, ovor twenty students 'Jiavo registered- for tho course, tho largo majority of them being upperclassinen. The course is given by Dr. Gaines at tho Stock Judging Pavilion. Stato Farm, and includes tho judging by score cards of all spooled, of live stock, mora particularly tho horse. Freshman Laws. Tho FreBhman class of tho College of Law met in Union Hall yesterday morning and agreed to meot for formal eloction of officers Tuesday, October 16. It was alBO 'decided to ask Dean Pound to preside at tho meeting, which he agreed to do. College Settlement Board Meets. Tho now College Settlement Board had its first meeting Monday at 5 p. m. In L. 107. Prof. H. It. Smith was choBen chairman and Miss Virginia Zlmmer secretary or the coming year. Professor Caldwell will continuo to act as treasurer. Mr. E. H. WilliBford -was reelected Resident at tho College Set tlement house. Ho has recently beon appointed, truant officer, and thlB should servo io increasdhis oppor- Students, Mention I 4 000& 3& it it it it it it it it it It it it it it it it it it n it lf 1 s- " --. N IT'S JUST A MATTER OF COMMON SENSE If the big stores sold you such hats as I do at $2.50 they couldn't sell their ,$3.50 ' "" and $4 hats. WHY PAY MORE? BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O ii54c5KIKMetwK)K3iK&Hc K HKSKK&345KK jR Those toho intend taking lVIechan icaf Drawing, Botany and Zoology ' should inspect ray line; the test articles at prices of cheap goods. Largest stock of Fountain Pens in , the city . . Haoe you seen the neto History Cooer, a loose-leaf one, for only 26c: History paper 8c per 100 sheets, 36c per 600 sheets. Come in and see for yourself . . , . . "-- -v , - "v- Y Barry Porter Location 1123 0 Street, Lincoln. MEN WANTED. it it it it it it it it m a a a a it H it it it it it it - THE LIBRARY AGAIN. . Altho in a previous 'editorial wo 'strongly urged tho necessity of enlarg ing tho seating capacity of tho Ll ' brary, wodo not think the students - properly avail themselves of. the spaco already thore, Tho selfish habit of holding chairs indefinitely cannot be too sovorely con demned. Many persons whoso disre gard for others is equalled only by their own shortsightedness havo been known to leavo chairs turned down whilo they have gono to dlnnor or at tended classes. Such action b'y fostering- this pernicious custom , not only reacts upon those who practise it but above all injures others 'who disap prove of it. Latin Club. Tho Latin Club met yesterday even ing at tho University Woman's' Build ing., The meeting was devoted to electng? officers for the semester and $- unities for work in the College Settle merit Tho Board Is to be divided Into com mittees, to do away with the Inevitable delays In action that occurred when tho Board had to act as a whole. Department of Commerce and Labor at Washington Looking for Nebraska Graduates. Professor Taylor of tho Department of Political Economy and Public Finance is In receipt of a letter from J. R. Uarflold, Commisioner for the Department of 'Commerce and Labor at Washington in which thero-Js an urgent request for graduates in Polity icnl Economy from this Unlyersity to tako the special examination for, exam iners and special agents for the Bureau, of Corporatlons.-that is to bo given "in Lincoln on "November 1st. There 1b a special" demand for ex ports in tho economic field at the pres ent tlmo and .Nebraska's reputation along these linos is apparently well known. For somo years Mr. W. B. Hunter, '98, who took his A. M. in tho Department of Economics at Nobraaka, has boon nctivo in tho work of tho Bureau and recently ho has beon en gaged as a special commissioner work ing all over tho country on tho Stand ard Oil investigation. Ho was a wlL ness of considerable importance in that portion of tho investigation held In Cleveland. Anyone desiring further information in regard to tho examination or tho na ture of tho work' should see rrofoasor Taylor at onco'. sav -- WHEN "WALKOVERS GO ON n rV, Shoe Troubles Go Off Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street. A New Clover. . A now typo "of red clover Is being introduced by the United States De partment of Agriculture. It differs from the ordinary kind in being desti tute of hairs on the MoniB and leaves, and as a consequence is not as "dusty" whenmado Into hay. This mattor Is of epecial interest to University peo plo'since this variety was introduced through the efforts of ono of our grad uates, Dr. Ernst A. Bessey, '96, who visited Russia and other far eastern regions several years ago while In the service of tho government. Ross McLaughlin, .Law '0G, is prac tising law at Vallsscn, Iowa. Why not tako your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th andT'Sts.? Just Try Us One! State Printing Company Stationery Dopartmont. All kinds of School Supplies. J2J2 N Street, JLincoln, Neb. MMmimMm -it m m Iml M li st iwb rm, i i L t it rv j (. it it it it it Special prices on O'coats, Cloaks H and Jackets and all Fine Work ' it it ir it it it it it it it it it it it it a 15- THE EXPERT CLEANER and DYER 114 No. FOURTEENTH it it AUTO 2325; BELL A809 mmmmmm 4. i r -3 Y 'il ,TJJ& W ,V Look Herd Wc afc still in Business Hot Spda TT Icc Cream and Lunches wt' and Ices j M i AILKMIII CHOCOLATtS II RKIORS J i.. . . Sffiiya? &,..; ""'4p "Wl li.iw f i iiiC 'I'"' Hi hiii m.i,., .&