The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. VI. No.3.
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Price 5 Cent's.
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Contest" for Presidency Close Dark
' Horse Makes .Hard .Fight Other
' Officers Selected.
vThp Juniors elected acompleto slate
oCofllcors for the first semester at
their nieetlng heliLyjesterday morning
in Memorial Hall. As was predicted"
Mrj. "M. HugheB Avas elected to the of
- fipo of nrfislflonL I111K -rnntrnrv tn nil
r ., . ..
expectations, there was a contest for
the position that threatened seriously
to "make' things interesting". ;Tho
Gridiron Work On in Dead Earnest
Steady Improvement. ,
Practise oh tho Athletic Field shows
that Nehraska realizes her wjeak spots
and 1b determined tb rectify her mis
takes of last yoar. A good deal of
tho time this wcok has been spent ,in
punting .and catching .punts. Howard,
one of tho most promising scrlhs, has
been detailed for .duty on the squad
and shows much promiso in tho way
he handles pUnts and plays his end- in
the scrimmage. Tho line-up may bo
changed considerably in next Satur
day's game and sovoral of tho scrubs
ntay feet a chanco' to show what they
can do.
Rqports from Drake say that they
mo havlng-tho sanio trouble that wo
A. E. Gordon, -02, Drowned in Freshet
Near Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico. '
Word was recoivoinmb Monday eve
ning of tho death of Mr. A. E. Gordon,
Lb. 13. '02, near Tdnala, Chiapas, Mex
ico.. Mr. Gordon, whoiPin, tho Univer
sity, vas a member of tlieJVarBlty.
bafloball anl football teams and had' a
Jargo circlo ofrlonds. Details of the.
accident which was. ' responsible for
his doatli. aro not available as yet. It
Is known that ho was drowned -in n
river heavily swollen by a recent fresh
et and his body has not yot been re
covered. Tho accIdenE occurred on
September 30, while Mr. Gordon was
at work with the engineering party
of which ho has been a member for
tho past four years.
President McWIIIIams 8elects!.the
Football Manager and Two
- Coaches.
. v. .
Prosldont McWIIIIams of tho Senior
Class luuNannouncod his cholco for
manager ajidScoaches of. tho Senior
football toam. T.A. KlcflBolbach -has
lieen solected for tho former ofllcb and
Messrs. Glen Mason and B.-vM. Little
for tho latter. Practiso will bokln ,on
Thuraday at tho Convocation period
aiid-will bo held on Iho. athlotlc flold
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other offices on tho. -list- were Jdllod
. wllhout difficulty andthe vote in-all
casos was by acclamation.
President Yodor called the mooting
to order' roniptly and in a short
speech urged a continuation of the
, support that has been extended to the
previous 'Officers of the claw. After
a vote had been taken which legalized
the vote of the Junior Laws nomina-
tlona for president wf re, sailed for.
' Two name only wore presented;
thai of Mr. Hughes and that of Mr, -O.
"N, ftlunn, a Junior of- the engineering
department, pay. Munn naa not ner
aided his candidacy for .the office and
"considerable surprise was manifested
when his name was presented. Bal
lots were "cast and the re turngr showed
Mr. Hughes elected by a voto 'of 71,
' while Mr. Munri polled 65 ballots.
iThe. other officers elected are as fol-
Viee president Miss Laura A.
"fRhoaties. " '
.Secretary Miss Pearl, Murphy.
Treasurer Mr., Serlock.
, Sergeant-at-Arms Byron B. Toder,
Brace' Physical Laboratory,
The" Draco Laboratory of Physics
which was finished last year, Is named
In honor of the' late Professor DeWitt"
Bristol Brace. Besides tho "depart
ment of, Physics it housesvon the third
floor tho United States Weathojr Bu
reau. Tho rest of tills floor is occu
pied by tho mechanics laboratories and
a largo sound-and-heat laboratory. On
tho second' floor is a large laboratory
for optics with adjacent dark rooms
for photometry; a laboratory for a
teachers' course in methods and man
ipulation; tho auditorium with a seat
lug capacity for two hundred" and fif
ty; tho adjoining apparatus cabinets,
a smaller lecture room; and the, de
partment library. Tho first, floor is ro
sorved for work requiring freedom
from mechanical vibrations and for
tho shops. On this floor are tho lab
oratorios for electrical measurements,
a large laboratory, and several smallo
rooms for research. Undo this- floor
is a corrido.r' for special work in op
tics, 'x tending the whole length of the
building, and a constant temperature
are -having hero at home. Drake
seems to havo a good line smashing
team, but feels, weak on her ends and
back Hold, snap ana speed are wnac
they aro working for at presont, and,
many changes have been .made in
their Hne-uk during the past week.
C. N. Walton, 'Q6(, has -been re-elected
to thesuperlntendencq of the Chad
ron schools,.
8ouvenlr Views.
It is Uie intention of Tho Nebraskan
management to rua a set of, views of
the University buildings ln tho next
few issues of tho paper. Those who
wish to securo extra copies as souve
nlrs for themselves 'dr their friends can
dso at this office,
Alfred Grago, 'Q5, is superintendent
bf tho Tobias schools again this year,
ovory day thereafter. It is hoped that
a large number of Seniors will turn
out regularly. s
Tho cnptaln of the team will be se
lected by the vote of the men who
finally mako tho team, thus following
tho precedent established in 'Varsity
football. f -
Tho prompt action of the Seniors in
dealing with the class football ques
tion will make' the other clasee hustle
for tho gridiron supremacy.
President McWIIIIams will announce
the rest of his appointments this
morning". It is rumored-.that Denton
Slaughter, one of the prominent can
didates for President in the recent
Senior election, is slated for Prom,
chairman. ' -
MN-Week Meeting. v.
The mid-week devotional meeting pt
the Y: M. C. A. will W.l4 by, Arthur
Jorgeasen, Wednesday evening, 7
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