The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1906, Image 4
fU- $mMmi9mmemmmmmmmvimummmi BtlUUttWIMWWMWlMWWIII THE DTttLY NBBRASJCAN. AN APPEAL FROM RU88IA. wwwi II , Why Not? Send your Laundry to us7 We do good work and save you money besides. Bhlrts 5c to 10c Collars 2c Cuffs, per pair Gc Pell Phone BOS. Auto 2441 Merchant's Laundry 'lYleetiYle-at ; Ed Young's Olde Smoke Shop (Stt r Eilllsfi Tobaccis) t . v t C A. SIMMONS Will do Vojr . . . . '. Printing JL048 N Street LINCOLN, NEB. 11; jr. heog m University Man's Tailor THE FINEST WORK DONE AND PRICES RiOHT 1230 O S rREET FRESH EVERY DAY! Our CrikIIor una Uiikeil Goods nro Alwnyn Froslfaml Good. CntorlnfC Is our Rieclnlty THE MAXWELL CO., Hatk Phone. 13th nml N Street Dr. W.olcott Receives Request for Aid from University, at Moscow. Dr. R. J I. Wolcott, Professor of Aunt !omy, hus received the following letter from the department of Icthyology, 1. 0., that branch of zoology pertain Ing to Ashen, of the University of Moscow : "Dear Slr: On the 13th of Decem ber, 1905, during the Insurrection, the building of tho Moscow Aquarium was destroyed by llro. Among other valu able things, It contalnod a library of tho Section Icthyologlquo, which It had taken -27 years to collect and tho,t under trying difficulties. Barnostly desiring to renew our sci entific pursuits and possessing no means with which to re-establish tho library, wo aro compelled to trust to tho sympathies of authors, hoping that 4 with their aid it will be possible to I collect a nbw library, which, though j 3mall, may yet enable both the Sec tion and tho oldest Biological Station in Russja, connected with It, (situated J on the Lnko Gloubokoje, government of Moscow) to continue their pur suits. Accordingly, the Section makes free kindly to beg you, Dear Sir, to con tribute to tho library whichever' work of yours you may see fit to mako a do nation of. President N. de Zogral. Secrotary Q. Zograff. Assistant of tho Station N. Vo ronkoff." This letter throws un Interesting sidelight on curront history In Russia, showing tho terrors of the rebellion there, and also the enormous difficul ties with which tho Russian champlon3 of tho cause of education have to cou tond. it Is a credit-to tho University of Nebraska to have In Its faculty men whoso work Is known oyon in benlghtod Russia. Dr. Wolcott In tends to send a collection of books In unBwor to tho request. Dr. Ward has already sont a largo number of books, and several other members or the fac ulty aro thinking of doing tho same.. ladies' WAITING ROOM COMFORTABLY LOCATED ' ON BALCONY iAii 1 ua: h-A u m,i mtiAiM m iKJWiSMJtEUJfliJip ii PHONOGRAPHS AND GRAPHOPHONE GOLD MOUNTED RECORDS 25 CENT8 r "- DONS CAFE 114 South llth jrWrighl,lCflr. Liiles' Dining Room In Connection. OPEN 0 A. M. TOl A. M. New Arrivals in Our Suit -Room-Ladies' and Misses' Box Coats with Velvet Collar, Self Strapped, In Oroy, Tan and Brown Mixtures. PrlceB $5.00, $6.75 and $7.50. This 1b the short box coat so much In demand jimt How. . New Shipment of Suits in all tho now leading colors. The assortment of stylos 1b very com plete Just now, prices range CCfV A A from $8.50 to.' JJ)U.UU Handsome Chiffon Waists in black and white, (tIS. A A prices, $7.G0 to .... . ZD.UU Lace Waists, Funcy Silk and Net, pfi n prico8-$3.75 to '. , . . . . . . . . rlZ.UU BELL PHONE 593 AUTO PHONE 3281 AmMmemeii HALF BLOCK TWELFTH AND N STREET FIRST NATIONAL BANK OAlXTAIi , 9300,000.00 Hurptua and Profits.. 500,000.00 DKPOSITS , 3,00,000.00 2- Students' Debating Club. Tho following program will bo given tonight by the Students' Debating ClubV Debate: Resolved, that It Is to the best interests of Cuba that she bo an nexed to tho United States. Affirmative Charles Allen, Mother scad. Negative Leo Legro, Mr. Hill. s ocoooooccoocccoccoco Electric Shoe Repairing " Factory?- The only up-to-date plant in thecity. It .saves you time and money ..,... 12 2 0 O St. ' Basket Ball. Dr. Clapp wishes to nnnounc thaTf In addition to practise on Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p. m. basket ball pruc-, tlsewlll be held aX2:30 p. raon Sat urdoy as well. I an You Pick the Winner? Dakota OR Unlverclty Forum. Tho University Forimytho new hon-l orary debating club, will meet this, ovonlng at 8 ,o'clock. A full attend ance is desired as important business must bo transacted. Nebi-aska SaBiaBlBMBBBBBBM'aBMiN'BMnM''BaBaBMBBBOTMaSIBBMIttBISM'iBHMMBl You're Suze to "Pick a Winner" ifyou come to Us for your New-Suit 01 Top Coat, L I- I MODELS ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR YOUNG MEN o 8 UOOGOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pctry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Fillort Promptly. Tine Rice Bread Our Specialty. Phono ub Mid Your Ordor WJll ' Bocolvo Prompt At tontloa, Union Meeting. Tho Union Literary Bocloty held an interesting meeting last "night. An ex cellent program was rendered by tho officora of the society. liiavcrDros Thlrty-olght law partnerships have been formed among the students in j tho College of Law for work in the ! Practice Courts. j i : 1 'Phn l?nrftrv Hlllh will ninfit Sni. . urdtty evening, October Gth, in U 110. t Best 15-cent "meals. Phoontx Ros taur'ant, 142 North llth St. The Daily NebrasKan Only $2 per Year MSMMWMMBiMIBMSMWWWBSSSlSSMSMMSMMSMSMMSaWMBWMMMMWMMM- n Gregory's Semi-Anthracite $7 r? & ? I vea 4 L -V W