The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1906, Image 3
THE DVkLY NEBRASKAN. a? us Ft i ' -' JAiT1 v. y y y y y y yy y y Mm Jt ?n y y yt yjyyy y y jw OLIVER THEATRE b j " k V k 'P 'n n " y y y n TODAY f MATINEE, 2:30 TONIGHT, 8t15 the The. Moonshiner's Daughter , PRICES: Eve.: 50c, 35c & 23c. MAT., 25 & 10 Cents. 1 WED. MAT. & EVE.,-OCT. 10. YON YONSON bl - ! I 1 Mill! ! HI I ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. ' LYMAN TWINS ai L 1V 1 a U l L A 1 L i v V ..LYRIC THEATRE.. 1H . ,!, jf 1j if JU W aV aV aiaV WWW W W W JJL t'pVvVp fl t n THE GREAT FERNANDE-MAY DUO ( t t GIL BROWN !?V GRE8HEM AND BOSEN 5k MR. R. N. BAILEY i'i Black Face Monolbgist ; T WE8T AND HENRY lna Laughable Comedy Playet, "A stammering Proposal" MR. JACK WILDE THE LYR08COPE The BIJOU Program, Week of October 1r 1006. " FULLER, ROSE & CO. "8llck Dick" . MARCELL & LENETT Comedy Horizontal Bar Artists KIPP'a KIPPY. , Comedy i Jugglers MRBILLY HART The MuslcaJMonologue Artist MR. WILL H. 8MYTHEW . Vill Sing Miss Vestor Victorja'a Illus trated Song, . Waiting at th'e Church' - ' Wonderful Album and Subpoena Server ON THE BIOGRAPH LADIES! LADIE81 LADIES! Look In Hallett's window, 1143 O St., and see the Beautiful Clocks to be Given Away at Tuesday and" Fri day's Matinee. 3 SHOW8 DAII ILV 3, 7: 45- & 9 p. m. CENTS -rADMISSION TEN CENTS Reserved 8 eats 5c Extra. MatineejAII Seats 10c CXkXXX)OXXJCOCOCX)COCOCOOOj CITY Cleaners, Dyers K. C. Z1NK, Manager , Expert Dry Gleaners and Scientific Dyers . Auto 4428 Bell 2028 $04 So, TWELFTH 3COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JQOOO We 8 Would Like to be Your . Laundrymcn. YULE BROS. ;t. ' : JOOOOOO t w 7 O' ii . tt5jy3W BUSINESS Kvcry Loynl University Student Is urged to pntroiilxe theitc Ne brniknn advertisers, mill to incur tlon the pnper while doing so. , BARBER SHOPS Green's Pnlnco. BOOKS & "STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Book Store, Unl, Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Petry Bnkery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional CAFE Sam Westerfleld, Don Cam eron, University School o( Music Dining Room. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Palne's Fountain. CIGARS Llndsoy. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma geo & Deemer, Ludwlg, The Stor ing. COAL Gregory, Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol so m. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Herpolsheimor. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol Bhelmer. DRUGGISTS Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. iv Tiio Hnnwnv no. HABERDASHERY ?2.G0 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman Tanner. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett, J.. 1. Davis, F. B. Harris. LAUNDRIES Yule Bro LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING Now .Century, Goorgo. Bros., McVey, State Printing Co., Tho Ivy Press. MUSIS CurUce. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Por- kiii8, Electric Shoe Co. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln Cycle Co. TAILORS Unland, Union -College Tailors.Ludwlg, Horzog. THEATERS lver, Lyric, BIJou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. . October. Saturday, 6th. j Medical, i.Sodety meets 7:30. -Dr Ward speaks. Nebraska vs.' South Dakota on Cam pus. . ' Forest Club meets 7:30 p. m, Sunday. 7th. Dr. Bessoy speaks to University men" at 3:00 p. m. "Monday; 8th. Librarian Jowett at Convocation. Tuesday, 9th. Junior Class meots at 11 a. m. Wednesday, 10th. Professor Fosslor on Honrlk Ibsen at Convocation. Friday, 12th. Music at Convocation. Pershing Rifle Hop at Frjitornlty Hall. Saturday, 13th. Nebraska v. Drake on Campus. Monday, 15th. Hon. W. H. Thompson at Convoca tion.. Wednesday, 17th. - . Erof.G.-TD. Howard jit Convocation. "Democracy and Genius." Friday, 19th. Music at Convocation. Saturday, 20th. ) ' Nebraska vs. Ames on Campus. ' Saturday, 27th. Nebraska vs. Doano on Campus. - DR. M. H. ALEXANDER, DontlBt. Auto Phono 2516, 1213 O St., Lincoln, Neb. The Lincoln Sanltorlum. All kinds of baths and fine plunge. 14th and M. . Hair Dressers. Best soft water shampoo In the city, 124 No. 12th St, E. Goodman Tanner. -a, Lost On the campus, a pearl dumb boll cuff button Please return to Ne .braskan office. Tho place to buy a fountain pen. Tho University , Book Store. Green's Barber Shops are 'the, best In tho West.1 '.'-, - .. Si CAMPUS GliBANINGS Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blkr Unland wants to make your suit., 1042 O St. Call up the Star Delivery Co., Bag gage. Both Phones. LoBt Black Waterman fountain pen, $5.00. Return to Nebraskan office. . Remember to stop in at F. B. Har ris', tho Jewolor, and hnvo your watch repaired. Wanted Cppy of WatBon's Physics in good condition by R. Gantt, 1228 R Street. Tho Ivy Press is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. University work especially solicited. ' Francis Sward, who left tho Univer sity in 1904, is in tho third year at West Point. If you want to . seo tho swellest things you ever saw in shoes look In at Sanderson's show case and win daws. Miss Blanche Hargroaves haji been appointed a reader In the Department of English Literature. m i Green's barber shops oxcol all others inho west, Entirely modorn and tho bestwork assurod. Frank Beors, 04, and J. E. JBednar, 'OG, who are teaching -lhvBeatrice this winter, woro campus visitors yester day. A season football ticket means u saving to tho purchaser of $1.25, gon ernl admission, or $1.50rcserved seats. Buy n season ticket and support foot ball economically. "Do you believe In telepathy?"j ho asked. "Go on," she whispered, as b1io nestlod closer; Harvard Lampoon. "Say, Molly, Is your college sectar ian?" "Yes." "What?" "Why, fonialo, of course." YaBBar Miscellany. Mi. R. S. Bulla, '94i Ibjiow superin tendent of the Owo8sp Sugar com pany of, Owobbo, Michigan. Joseph Vavra, also a former student of the University, Is chemist In the same factory. R. T. Young, who received his Ph., D. here last spring, has been put in, cnargo oi me zoology anu Histology department at the University of North Dakota. Ho spent the last summer visiting laboratories in Englnnd, Gor-T muny and Franco. The class la History of American Economy 15 a, will meet hereafter our Tuesdays and Fridays in U 212, in stead of U 102, as is given in the schedule. 15a reports will b6 returned. In the pigeon-holes in 102, as before, until a new arrangement can be made. . Notice to Rooters. Seats .for7 the rooters m next Satur day's ganfp .wjJLb.erojp.ed off and re served for men carrying megaphones. The seats will be tho best in tho bleachers and. rooting leaders Slaugh ter and McWilllaras urge an early ap pearance on the field for preliminary practise. ' Tho Lester Piano Co., Philadelphia, Pa.: ; Gentlemen After an experience., o.f more than a quarter of a century with vnriouB makes of pianos, including nearly all those made by Philadelphia firms, I have concluded that the Lesi ter piano is the jnost satisfactory in strument I have ,used in rily school. I find, after years-of continuous usd that the tone retains its original qual ity and sweetness, tho action is unim paired and the durability, as evidenced by the- capacity of the piano to stay in tune, is marvelous. I have decided, therefore, to place with you my prder for twenty uprights and two grands, for delivery by September 5th. GILBERT 'R. COMBS. I Director Broad Street Conservatory - , or Aiusic. Sold by'Furguson & Ogle, 1210 O St. UNIVERSITY ! YELLS No. 1 U-U-U-N-l, Ver-Ver-Ver-sl-TI,. N-E-Bras-Ki Oh-h-h My. No. 2 Hoo-Rah-Rah Hoo-Rah-Rah HOO-rah, HOO-rah , . NfcBra's'.Ka. Hoo-Rah-Rah . HooiRah-Rah HOO-rah, HOO-rah ' Ne-Bras-Ka. No. 3 - j Not In use. No. 4 I A growl, a whistle, Hoo-RAH,! Ne-PRA8-Ka. MHMHIMHBMBBBtiai DR.,JNO.-J..DAVIS ! Graduated ' Rcfractlonlst and Optician. Havo Your Eyon ' Cared For. Now , Chickering Everett J vers & Pond Packard ftlchmoftaj Pianolas; Starr Ypse and "x. Victor Talking Machines- '"ArVSoId Only by 1 j " TUC MUSIC . 1 IIL . . STORE Ross P. Curtice Co. 1125 0 STREET Can ybit converse Intelllsrcntly retrardintr aor book you may hve completely? Well, a novel, a poem, a liUtoiy, a Been reaainar at 11 vou iiaa reaiiv iizn u tip- binirtanliv.'ft'ilrama. annota tion, a sermon, or any other literary production, If read or studied as cur new book tells one how, becomes a subject which one can dis cuss or write about in a thoroughly intelll rent and comprehen slve way. J?r. HOW TO STUDY ivft Cloth, is tents, Mifaid . HINDS & NOBLfe, PUBLISHERS 31-33-35 W. 15th St, New York City o SchoolQooAt of all tubluhert at ont stort JJJ!ulin W Of . X .o 8 C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler, J 8 -DR.S.S.SHEAN, Optrclan. o o 8 1123 (f STREET." JfELLOW FROHr 8 O . Q fi- VOUR PATR0MA6E.S0LICITEDr ? ffiP 1 1 LB?L Tr. Vf afrVrDlF ryvlBir Im 1 laWr 1 4t - - fit . J P ' h P V.. i?V Utr t. - v ' t . I . i , jW.