THE DAkLY NEBRASKAIN, iJc M ytUlU'tirfL'L'ily'lrfU1LL'A'l r c r lv-V -1 I 1 D a j OLIVER THEATRE f FFtl., 8At. & 8AT. Mat. the The Moonshiner's Daughter PRICE8: Eve.: 50c, 35c & 25c. MAT.', 25 & 10 Cents, WED. MAT. & EVE., OCT. 10. YON YONSON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. LYMAN TWINS i ls si t 1 si L 1 1 l tll fr U L 1 sfa A V ..LYRIC THEATRE.. . THE GREAT FERNANDE-MAY DUO GIL BROWN RE8HEM?AND B08EN MR. R. N. BAILEY Black. Face Monologist WEST AND HENRY a Laughable Comedy Playet, "A Stammering Proposal" In MR.-JACK-WILDE THE-LYR08COPE The BIJOU Program, Week of October 1, 1906. FULLER, R08E & CO. "8llck Dick" s MARCELL & LENETT Comedy Horizontal Bar Artists KIPP & KIPPY Comedy Jugglers . v MR. BILLY HART The Musical Monologue Artist MR. WILL H. SMYTHE , Will Sing MIbb Vester Victoria's Illus trated Song, Waiting at the Church Wonderful Album and 8ubpoena Server ON THE BIOGRAPH J. LADIE8I LADIE8! LADIES! Look In Halletfs-wlndow, 1143 O 8t., and see the Beautiful Clocks to be Given Away at Tuesday and Fri day's Matinee. 3 8HOW8 DAILY 3, 7:45 & 9 p. rri. ADMI88ION TEN CENTS Reserved 3eats5c Extra. Matinee, All Seats, 10c GATE CITY Cleaners, Dyers B. O. Z1NK, Manager Expert Dry Cleaners and Scientific Dyers AUto AAiSr Bell 2028 204 So. TWELFTH The University Man's Taller. ' iHE FINEST llriRK DONE ANB .PRICES RlBHT' 1230 O & rREfef" BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Lornl Unlverltr Btuileut Is urged to pntrontze tlieae IVe braaknn nilveriliem, nnil to men tion the pnper while doing mo. BARBER SHOPS Croon's Palaco. ' BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Book Store, Uni. Book Storo, Harry Porter. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAPE Sam WostorHeld, Don Cam eron, University School of Music Dining Roo'm. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller a Palne'B Fountain. CIGARS bindBoy. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unlantl, Ma geo & Deehier, Ludwig, The Stert ling, COAL Gregory, Whltobreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol 8om. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Horpolsholmor. DRY GOODS Millor & Paine, Horpol sheimer DRUGGISTS Blown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FURNITURE The Benway Co. HABERDASHERY J2.50 Hat Store. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett, ,J. 1. DavlB. LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros. LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING New Century, Georgo Bros., McVoy, State Printing Co., The Ivy PreB's. MUSIS Curtice. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafo, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Lincoln Cycle Co. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Herzog. THEATERS Olvor, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. DR. M. H. ALEXANDER, tfentlst. Auto-Phone 2516, 1213 O St., Lincoln, Neb. The Lincoln Sanltorium. All kinds of baths and flno plungo. 14th and M. Students' Reception. The First Bnptlst church will give a reception to all students of the Unl: versity at the church, Fourteenth and K streets, on Friday evening, October 5th. - A Business Opportunity. Collier's Weekly wishes to corre spond with some student desirous of earning his way thru school by sell ing artists' proofs of paintings by noted modern painters. A capable agent can earn from $10.00 to $25.00 rper week in this way. For further in formation Inquire at The Nebraskan offlce. An inquiry made at, the rooms of the Nebraska State Historical Society recently reveals the rapid growth of this state. A lady from this city asked the present price of buffalo robes, as sho had several she wanted to dispose of. She was informed that they are worth froiri one hundred to three hundred dollars. When she ac quired them the regular price was one dollar per skin. Lost Ladies' gold watch with U. of N. fob, Sunday night, between S street and St. Paul's, church. NijmR,, "Mabel Currier," In back. Initials on front. Return to 1323 S St. Every person connected with the University Book Store Is a student. Green's Barber Shops are the best In the West. ', Swell, snappy $3.50 arid $4.00 shoes. Sanderson's. ' '.."" EPlfiii! lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBpBBKiSyafllB BummmiiiiV' mmmiHkw'' j-.-niiBiB Harry W. St.iith is perhaps ono of I ho best friends the Daily Nebraskan lms. It ie ho who "gets the paper o.jt." Mr. Smith Is foreman of the West ern Newspaper Union and Democratic candidate for the legislature. Hair Dressers I3est soft water shampoo-In tho city, 124 No. 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. LoBt On tho campus, a pearl dumb bell cult button. Please return to Ne bVaskan ofthSe. Dean Driscol, '05, is visiting with his Phi Psi brothers this week. Dean H engaged in the banking business at BoiBe, Idaho. It. A. Van OrBdel, '06, is superin tendent at Ohlowa. Henrietta Bank son, '05, and Margaret StevenBon, '06, are also teaching there. Win. Holman, who has been fellow for tho paBt two years In Physics, has gono-to-Germany to pursue graduate work in Physics at the University of Goettlngen. R. H. Saxon, ex. '06, has returned to complete his course In Engineering. Mr. Saxon has been in the employ of the Burlington at Casper, Wyoming, the past year. Mr. W. D. Harris, fellow In the Physics department the last two years, has received the position of pro fessor of Physics and Chemistry In the Wesleyan Uuiverslty of West Vir ginia. Tho American History Department has done away with the old style of reading report cards and will now use small reference cardB which will be kepLon file, thus facilitating reference to a student's work during the year, and also keeping a record of it for future ubo. Tomorrow afternoon the flrst recep tion and tea will be given to tho co- feds by Mrs. Andrews and the Faculty Ladles. Go and get acquainted. From four to aix, In Art Hall, In the Library Building. The weekly service of the Y. W. C. A., it is thought, should not interfere with the reception, as It comes only from Ave to juix, Friday. Mrs. Ruth Bryan Leavitt, "one-timo member of '05, arrived in Lincoln on Tuesday morning to attend the dinner t given in honor of -the wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryap by some of their Lincoln friends. Mrs. Leavltt is the author of a short drama, "Mrs. Sherlock, Holmes," which was produced In New York on the occa sion of the arrival of her father from his trip around the world. It, met an enthusiastic reception. . , FIRST NATIONAL BANK $ CAPITAL 1300.000.00 A Sttrnlna and Proflti.. 00,000.00 W DKVOHITS 3,flkU,t)00.00 A $ FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Oalidlofl and Baked Ubodo aro Alw,nyn Front! nnd Good. Catorintf In our Hjwclnlty THE MAXWELL CO., llotlt Phoau. . 13th and M Street.! DONS CAFE 114 South llh J. Wright, Mr. Ladles' Dining Room In Connection. OPEN 0 A. M. fO 1 A. 1. Lawlor's That's vhere you buy the Fotball floods, Guns, Ammunl tlon, Edison Phonographs and Records, Racycles, Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries. ' Come in and net acquainted. liwlor Cycle (o. 1324 O STREET. Printing.... ,& 8 XiTdavis l JEWELER and OPTICIAN I X 1210 O STREET & O Fine repairing a special-' a n ty and the best of goods 8 x at reasonable prices. P fi Sam's Cafe q wilifl '; SPECUL SEBVICE T0 v Q r '' Bll-Phme. 353' Of X 1 Anto, . . 3350 9 g A Specialty In Oysters In Season o 0 11719-21 NO. 13th St. g !n hetterstjles fejfs' to better resuft ::: Ifou can secure original styles at ' reasonublo prices if wo do yonr work. .Now idoaajn design make ' offectivo advertising, Try na oik yonr next order eend it to tie printer who always 'strives "to make oach job bettor than tho ono before. l Cfje Hew Century PvinUrs:t 1241 N St., Lincoln, NeK Aotofone J6J6"' ' ' '. "-''K". r Mr V