Ij t minimi iiiinlm Ulil. ".'' ' 1 i'i"i'"!W t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, iVt TT"Pffi"M Y CAMPUS GLK AGINGS Miss Lillian E. Anderson, '00, is at Osmond. MIsh Mabel S. Fisher Ih at Wake Held, Neb. , . Miss Holcn Glick, '00, Ih lunching nt Nelson, Nob. . Miss Ethel Hhynos, 'Ofi, is tenchlng at Ponoa, Nob. y For rofroshmonts nnd light entering v.!wortt boot" "TOMMY" nt Miller & '-Paino'tf. ?ik MIbb fidlth C. Field, '00, will upend the wlnior nt Nollgh. Miss Almn D. firickson, '00, is teach ing science at Pnwnco City. Miss May Bothwoll, '00, will spond the winter at Garrison, Neb. Miss Jossio Farnsworth, '00, will bo nt NeWninn Grove this j'enr. V Srtoncor Coftblyou, '02, la vlBltlug jwlt'tf frntornlty "brothers in Lincoln, Mr. Cortplyo'u is, a district, .onglncor in 'tf o,JkcWtcoruiicIo niri !ln ;tho Phil- t40plnoa anrf iff KonWoh n'scVcn months' i'furlcigh.vviQahlsVjrnyv'to. Uho Unltol Siatos, Mr. Cortolyou cumo via the .Sues canal nnd spent somo months in rTTO.,',&K' t!orteVbVs McCoys Ti , hjchirVfer.ftn TdSmona oy ii JuWo ot tho unusual'cfflcioncy of grntV Vales from the Engineering courses. in-the llnlyarsliy. i4?.r. ; : Eva C9OJ)or(,, 'pp. who fior.vpd a year , .fcs president of tiie V. W. C. A., is now, . jk-jnlsslonnry nt Cavitc, in the Phltlp- . (line,, islands. V51 ' T rl'i - . Convocation October. Miss Penrl Stevenson, .'04, is teach Ing at Dcndwood, South Dnkotu. Miss Margaret Dyers is visiting friends in Rock Island, ill. I Dr. Ward's Talk at Y. M. C. A. Dr. II. & Ward, Denu of the De partment of Medicine nddressed Uni versity men nt the regulnr 3 o'clock Sundny afternoon mcotirtg last Sun day. Tho subject of his talk was, "The. Price of. Success." Ho said that It was the ambition of every man to succeed in life, whatever his Idea of success might be. One of the things uocessnry for n successful life wns n sound body. "Statistics showed that the average Nebraska student was a llttlo taller, no Jrondcr, but a. little thicker than tho students of oastorn Institutions. This meant more lung spneo, and more life. Students onter lhg the University usuallyjiylde Into two classes, one class devoting most of their time to books, the other giv ing most time to nthletlcs. Tliorc is n hnppy medium between these ex tremes which some men have found and which all should find. The powor of concentration Is nec essary to success and should be developed. To obtain the highest success one must sacrifice many pleasures and In terests in order to concentrate upon a certain definite line of work. Miss Charlotte L. Haskell, '00, will 'spend the j'enr In New York. Cortelyou, -who. played a strong end; two years ago, Is In the city. . John L. Clarkr .'Ofi, Is .taking work at the Harvard Iiaw School. ' Lylc Mllllkon, n former University student, spent Sunday in Lincoln. -!" Wednosdny, 3rd Rev. Anna Shnw. ProsIdopli.UpiiSa.: XVonlnri Suffrage! j'ASjSooiatlof. 3 , i' v ' i v - " v ' ' .iYl'tfaV,- Stu Muslc' ,4""" Chaplnin for tho week: Dedn C. 13. pceaoy.' . fv Monday, 8(h Librarian W. K..Jow? tt, "How-to Use tho; Library." ; i' VoUnesday,. OthPfof; Lau'ronco . rjler, "Hehrik Ibseij.'. ,- V ; ' ) Friday, 12th Music. . ' 1 Chaplain for tho week: Dean L. A. IjShornmn. . ' Monday, lothHon. W. H. Thomp 'ion. j WctlnosdaylTth-Prof: G. E. How-( !rtl. ... -. - . v ! j Friday, 19th Music. ' $ Chaplain for tho week: Dean H. Ii.. iWard." "'- ' i- '" Miss Nettle L. Burllngame, '04, will bq at Hooper for the coming yonr. ftUsa Alary Cook spent Saturday and Sunday at her homo in Beatrice', Neb. Green's bar.ber shops excel all others in the west. , Entirely modern and tlewbest work assured. Miss Bnn Brach. '0G, is at Loup City where she will romnin thruoiit the winter. New Pledges. Some University girls who; have lately pledged to sororities are Julie Atwood and Mary Bowlby to Kappa Alpha Thetu, Lillian Wators to Pi Beta Phi, Marie Duggan to Kappa Kap pa Gamma, Helen Gray, Edna Perrin, May Pershing, Ednt Storen, May'me Hartley, Harriet Muir, to Delta Delta Dolta. Augusta Harnshburger to Delta Gamma. Any ndditlpns or cor rections to tho nbovo list will be very wolcome at the Nobraskan office. History nnd Seminar Paiers 7c, per 100. History Covors, leather back, 10c each. "U. of N." Fountain Pons, .war ranted li kt. gold, ljoach. Water man's "Idoal" Fountain Pens, Parker's ''Lucky Curves-Fountain Pons, A. A. Watorman's "Self-filler" - Fouutaih Pens. Tho Lincolij Book Store, 1126 O street. Coach Whltmoro of South' Dakota and Coach Fuhrer of Donne wore on tho football field Saturday. JYhltm.ore says that, unless Nobraska plays bet tor football than she dfd Saturday, South Dakota will havo a snap. Harriot Brayton, '04, is teaching school in Billings,, Mont. LUDWIG S He's the man you want to see for a INfolblby &talt $ of Clothes. - Who's LUOWIG I Varsity Clothes Our Specialty 1030 'o g 4 i Ray Cochrane, '05, and A. L. Moon, '0G, are toaching, at tho Industrial School at Kearney. t( Tho piaco to' buy !i. fdiintaln pen. The XlnivoraUy Book Store. . j J r& i.-i n ? Chickering Everett Ivers &, Pond Packard " Richmond Lawlors .-jii : ..i' Starr ,.. . .. vose Victor Talking Machines Are Sold Only by ' MUSIC ..STORE ' Ross P. Curtice Co. THE i; H25 0 STREET - Miss Bortha F. Marshall, '05, will be In Missouri-Valley, Iowa, for tho coming year. Mlss.-Agnos Gordon, '0G, nnd Miss Edith Hnggnrd, '0G, nre both nt Wlsnor, Neb. Look Here! Wc arc-stilt in Business Hot Soda (r" 'cc Cream v and Lunches qggtm and Ices Try Mrs. Day's Hot Waffles 1435 o and Maple Syrup Lincoln Miss Evollno-FV Gibson, '05, will' be principal of t)io. Hgh. School tot Su-, peo!or for t)io coming year. -t Phi Gamma Delta fraternity onteri talned at the chnptor house, ,1232 R street, Saturday, evening. - A now circular drjvo Is being laid out to the south of the Administration Building. . Doan BeSsoy .delivered an address at tho Congregational church Sjunday r morning on tho subject "My Under standing of the Book of Genesis," McV-EY PRINTING CO: Wake fa Specialty of Printing for Uni versity Organizations Atrto Phone 1927. J27 N. J 2th ooo Last Thiireday afCernoon Miss Ruth Jnkway entortnlnod for Miss Mnrlon Foster who roturnod to Omaha. Satur day, where sho will attend Ferry Hall. Lost Ladies gold watch with U. of N. fob, Sunday night,, botweon, S st root anil. St. JPaul'a" church. Name, "Mabel" Currier,", in back; 'Initials on front. Return to 1323 S St. . Football Schedule for 1906 Sept. 29 Hastings Collego, at Lincoln. : Oct. 6, University o Soutli Dakota, at Lincoln. Oct. 13, Drake College, at Lincoln. Oct. 20, Ames College, at Lincoln. 1-QcJt. -2TfItoa.no Colloge,vat Lincoln. Nov. ..3, University of Minnesota, at Minnoapollsr Nov, 10, Crelghton Collego, at Omaha. Nov. 17, Uniyo'rslty of Kansas, nt Lincoln. Nov. 24, Chlcngo University, nt Chlcngo. Nov. 29, University of Cincinnati,. at Lincoln. 4 XXKDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaCKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Clean Goal At Gregories. jkrAMnAmHMAMAiM '.V..". v w 1 ve y ri r 4&2 r- my ' M f- 4T&; J .,4.-.!t!ta.'a i iAjj 1 ii ii ,V.4i. . ; ,iJTi.-- f.vi. . lt, j-wlt3&Lii-.'.i.. I a! .m