toe 4 I IDailp iftebraekan VoLVL gfo.7. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 4906. Price 5 Cents. I t A P. ft r u' If K & 1 'A K . i Er&' L ? ? AMW SORORITY ALPHA PHI IN8TALL8 CHAPTER AT NEBRASKA. Charter Members Initiated Yesterday Banquet at the Lincoln Eighth Sorority to' Establish Chapter. The national sorority of Alpha Phi hns installed a chapter at the nUivor slty of Nebraska. Installation took. place yesterday afternoon and the ceremonies were followed by a ban quel at the Lincoln. The installation of the -chapter took place under tho direction of MssQjia Iinhoff of the Woman's College of Baltimore. Miss Ora Davenport of Northwestern and Miss Frances Staver of Wisconsin. Following is a list 6f the chartor members of. the chapter: Ruth-Be)!. Josio.- Frazler. - . ' ' .., Cora Faulkner. Helen Huse. Harriett Hutton. Pauline Meyer. Both Parkinson. Helen Redlngton. Ruth Thompson. Besides "these charter membors three others were initiated as this year's. pledges. . They were: Josephlno Huse, 1910; .Frieda Miller 1910, and Helen Barstow, 1910. Tho sorority of Alpha Phi was or ganized in- 1872 at Syracuse, New York, and has pursued an exceedingly conservative policy in the establish ncnt of its charters, the present one at Nebraska being the thirteenth to blT organized. The other chapters are locatedJt Syracuse University, North western University, Do Paw Univer sity, Cornell,. University ot Minnesota, Woman's College of Baltimore, Uni versity., -.ot Michigan' University of Wisconsin, Stanford University, Uni versity of California, and Barnard College. The colors of the new soror ity are Bordeaux red and silver gray and the sorority flowers are forget-mo-note and lillles of the valley. Tho pin is a monogram consisting of the bprority initials. Alpha Phi--will not have a definite home, for the present, .but it is expect-, cd that a house will be secured before long. Besides the members reported as initiated there arc "charter pledges'Twho ylirjoln iipo'rl their' re turn to Lincoln. These are three: .lane Blanchard, Iua Glttingsnnd Leah Meyer., Miss Mary, Wood, wlio isf at present en route to Europe will bo , Initiated'-Injan eastern chapter at an earjy date, Alpha Phi Is the eighth sorority to , establish a chapter at Lincoln and the selection of Nebraska as a promising Hold for a sorority of the strength of Alpha Phi indicates the , reputation Nebraska holds with some of tha largj. est and strongest institutions in the country. . On account of the largo divisions In laboratory work in Botany '1, .Miss Leva B. Walker has beon appointed- laboratory assistant, Miss Walker graduated from Pacific University in 1902 and has since then been engaged in teaching in Washington. This fall she came to the .University' of Nebras ka in order to take up graduate stud ies In Botany and Bacteriology, v Important Girls' Mass Meoting next Thursday morning. 4 " SENIOR CLA88 ELECTION. Important Political Event to Take Place This Morning. The Seniors meet this morning at 11 o'clock in Memorial Hall to elect officers for the coming semestor. TJiecampalgn carried on by tho supporters of the soveral candidates has been exceedingly .lively. Notwith standing this' fact, it has been a clean cut fight, devoid of tho usual political Arrangements,' tho. promised distribu tion of political plums which have characterized practically all Univer sity class elections in tho past It can Imi stated without fonr of contradic tion that the majority of tho candi dates for whom tho members of the class will ballot this morning have as their platfornTofllclency and efficiency ulono. Practically all tho candidates unequivocally opposo machine ar rangements of every kind. For the past three years the present Sonior class has.' beon .'tho -reenter of most blttor and intonso political riv alry. Tho class has been divided be twoon two political factions. In Una election all old .political fences ap pear to havo been broken down. Tho leadors of tho class, with scarcely an oxcoptlon now seem to be united on the proposition that no political en tanglements and alliances should be entered into, and that candidates .should receive Uiolr support solely on tho basis of merit. Fraternity and non-fraternity linos are not a political factor of importance. It now looks as if the question of admitting the Senior Laws would be settled by allowing tho logal poll ti tans to vote on tho academic class duco and assessments. The candidates for class president are: 'McWUUams, PltchTord, and Slaughter. Freshman Politics. It Is rumored that the Freshman class will hold Its first meeting and elect offlcors -the-lntter part of this week. It is rogarded as lmprobuble that tho "Freshles" will meet with any Interference from upper class men. The candidates for President, so far as known, are Lefler of South Omaha,, and McDonald, of York. McDonald Is said to b;nvir-tho support of, Omaha, York and some Lincoln members .qf. tho class while Lefler's support comes mainly from over tho state. Weaver, tho BeHlYrcTTTIebater, who Is considered by many to bo a likely candidate for- Presla:ent, is being pushed by his friends for the Vice Presidency and for this 'office he ap pears to have a clear field. Attention Cadets. . All. members of tho. Cadet Battalion must appear in linifbrtn November 1st Ml .fft-. .r- StmonvMban tickets .FOR- SALE AT PORTER'S Wei slay m rnHf. $3 CHANCELLOR AT CONVOCATION. Compares Gettysburg and Sodowa Tells Significance of Each. Chancellor Andrews compared tho two battles of Gettysburg (July 21, 1803) and Sadowa (July 3 18GG) at Convocation yesterday morning. At Gettysburg tho Confederates were the attacking party, ,On tho first day tho Fodorals wero worsted; tho second day was a drawn battlo; tlio third day brought victory to the Fcdorals Among his soveral polnUt of compari son tho Chancellor mentioned the similar formation of battlo line that of a flsh-hdok. Tho Austrian troops, about two hundred thousand in num ber, stationed on tho inner lino were plttod against the Prussians, who had about an equal forte, and occupied tho holghts on tho outer aide. Most important of all wore tho re. suits of theso decisive battles, which determined the courses of human civ ilization. Gettysburg nhd Vicksburg were both Important. Vicksburg, however, was bound to fall; yet if Gettysburg had not also fallon, tho Confederacy might havo beon power ful. Austria had been In paramount power In Europe, with Prussia sec ond; but after Sadowa, Prussia forged to the front, and becamo the dominant nation. Later, In tho Franco-Prussian war, she also gained the ascendancy over Franco. . Among the dissimilarities was the use of cavalry. Tho Prussians and Austrians utilized thelrB well, but at Gettysburg neither sldo made use of that branch of the army. General Lee made the great mlstake-of sending off I he cavalry Just before tho battlo. His eminent cavalry force, with ''job" Stuart, an ablo commander, was the, very eye of tfie army. There was great loss on the Confederate .side be cause they wore working at cross- purposes. On the third day General. Leo had tho wholo Army of tho Po tomac In Tront of him. The long fish hook loBt at Gettysburg but won at Sadowa. Tho AuBtrlons-had two lnmdrotV and 'fifty pieces of the best artillery, while Prussia had only 'forty-two or forty four pieces, yet Prussia held, her po- fsltlon. The tactics of yon Moltko wero superior to those of Bonedek, and tho latter was beaton and forced to re treat. Tho victory to the Union sol dlors at Gettysburg made the United States opo republic. The Prussian victory at Sadowa (tho greatest fight ing day since Waterloo)" made Prus sla one of tfie leading powers of Eu rope "" "Lord" Roberts, Georgo Ablo and Charles Burkey,"c. E. '06, are engineer ing for tho Burlington nt Pleasant Dalo. a .. A 4 Gen. Admission; $5 Gran Stand OOOOOCOCXXXXXXXCOOOOOOOOOOO AN EASY VICTORY NEBRA8KA DEFEATS HASTING COLLEGE READILY. New Rules in Evidence Forward Pass Works Fairly Well An In teresting Game. Tho new order of thlngB In football began most auspiciously at Nebraska last Saturday aftornoon. Tho opon lng gamo of tho season waa satisfac tory, whothor regardod from tho standpoint of coach, player, or specta tor. Indood, it is Bafo to say that not for years havo Nebraska rooters witnessed so pretty and so spoctacuinr an exhibition of football at tho open ing of tho season. Tho Cornhuskers lltorally swamped their opponents .piling up 5G points to Hastings' nono in two twenty ralnuto halves. Tho work: of tho team, both individually and collect! voly was most gratifying and tho Intorforonco nnd long runs wero brilliant and spectacu lar to a high degree. At no time may Hastings bo said to havo boon in tho game, save for tho first few minutes when frequent fum bios on forward passes onablod. them to gain possession of tho ball often enough to prevent a scoro. But there after the gamo was ono continuous procession towards their goal lino. Coach Foster's now plays worked admirably, liotlJng long and froquont gains for Nebraska. Once, at least, his toain showed that It could scoro by tho old line-smashing football, go ing straight down the fleld for a touchdown by plays directed" at nnt" just outsldo of tackle, - On tho wholo, tho now rules scorned to W6rkv6ry satisfactorily and tho general impression eemed to bo that in some particulars, at least, football had beon improved. There wns moro spectacular playing and less of tho old monotonous plunging at tho lino, and .tho weaker team seemod to have a bettor chanco to get into tho game and make things Interesting for its stronger opponent. The forward paBS introduced a new element into the gamo -which addod to Its interest, both from its "Uncertainty and tho brilliancy of Iho resulting plays tyheh worked successfully. But perhaps tho most gratifying impression of the change in the gamo was that, to some extent at loast, it put moro of a .premium on .speed, agility and brains, and less on weight and brutef force. However! any final expressidirbf .opinion on tlio" now rules is stlirpremature, for until two evenly matched teams, well drilled in all departments of football, come together, it is impossible to determine fully just how the game has been changed. Tho game'thruout was clean and sportsmanlike and the conduct of the Nebraska men reflocted gratifylngly tho decided stand of Coach Foster against dirty football. The Game in Detail. "Pip" Cook kicked off at 3:40 nntT Hastlngs returned to hor 25-yard lino before being downed. Nebraska held for down on the 45-yard line and tried the. forward pass for a gain of 15 yards. 'A fumble gave Hastings the ball on hor 5-yard line and she re turned it to her 25-yard line and punt (Continued on Page S) ''J t :" t ' 'if