THE DAkLY NE&RASKAIN. W CXX)OOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXX000( (Contlnuod from Pnge 1.) There aro sovon vacancies on tho Uoard at tho present tlmo and all aro oxpoctod to bo filled within a fow days. Two of theso mombors will bo chosen from tho Faculty, four from tho student body, and one from among tho citizens of Lincoln. MIbscs Leah Moyor and Mildred M. SIntor, who wero student mombors of tho Board last year, have both loft Lincoln and are teaching in tho state. Sam's Cafe k mi mm: S. F. Westerfleld Proprlitor. '? p5: .-tVk ' Jt SPECLAL SERVICE TO PARTIES Is The Better Shoe Sj Hell Phone, .ISO Auto, . . 31155 f - V 1M 7 - "r. m- !'tJ WJ V Mi- f?. -'C II. - w kVLXJf . fit ' b' - h V'V . The Stetson Shoe is not made to sell at a price. It is made for quality only. The result is real shoe value. Every cent of the cost goes for skillful, conscientious, workmanship for better leather for better linings. The Stetson is rightly called The Better Shoe. See it before you .buy your next shoes. Full lines -all styles all ' leathers. For sale by 'S lolj awL of $5. to $8. j Sec Our Windows J2290SrJ!r.' OOOOCXXDOOOOOOOOO:OOOOOCXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXX0000000000 Students, .Attention "v. i .1 Those toho intend taking Mechan ical Drawing, Botany and,; Zoology " Should inspect my line; the test:. articles at prices of cheap goods; -Largest stock of Fountain Pens in -the city r . Hape you seen the neto History Cooer, a loose-leaf one, for only 26c; History paper 8c per 100 sheets, 35c per 50( sheets. Come in and see for yourself ....-...,.. , . -frfo-. darrp Porter Location 1T23 Q Street, Lincoln. The Administration Building. Tho Administration Building, tho latest building to bo nUded to tho Uni versity's equipment, Is also one of the finest. It was recently completed at a total cost of about $35,000. pf this sum approximately $3,000 was spont on equipment. It is of tho classic stylo of architecture, made of dull sand-flnlshed brick, trimmed with terra-cotta. Tho architect wob Thos. It. Kimball, of Omaha, and tho con tractors, Stephens Bros., of this city. All equipment was Installed under tho supervision of Mr. Chowlns, tho Uni versity Superintendent of Construc tion. Tho hallB of' tho building aro fin ished in oak, making a pleasing con trast with tho whlto walls. All desks and similar equipment In tho offices aro also of oak, but the room fin ishings aro of hard pine. StairwayB and doors aro of oak. ', Tho Chancellor's offices In ItoUni 101 are very tastefully furnished. In tho . private offlco aro handsomo desks, elegant rugs, and a beautiful terracotta fireplace, which is useful as well as ornamental. At one side is a rest room, we'll furnished. The Chancellor, in common with all the other officials, expressed himself as more than pleased with his now quarters. The Treasurer's and Registrar's" departments, in Rooms 102 and 103, aro well equipped for their respective needs. Each officer has his prlvato office and vault. Little can be said of the. remaining offices that has not been said, of tho other rooms. All are well equipped (and tastefully furnished. It may bo Bald that all, both students and oc cupants, aro moro than Satisfied with their now building. Especially Is this true of the forces of tho "Rag" and "Cornhuskor," who have been seri ously cramped hitherto. Homo Economics. Home Economics I, scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays will' meet on Thursday at 1:30 p. m. in room 109, Agricultural Hall, State Farm. Take 1:00 o'clock car. -Home Economics 17 will also meet at the same place on the same day at 4:30 p. m., Take 4:00 o'clock"car. ,i I IMPORTANT LtUUWiy warn. iu occ auu. tain, wim jvu. ouuui your clothes, No.wis tH time to have a nobby . Yarsity Suit made, and Ludwig is the man to see. ' 4 ' 1Q36 O STREET j ' Italian Art. Tho courso in History of Italian Art- Is given at 5 o'clock, M W.,'F., In stead of at-3 o'clock, as printed" In the time schedule. V.M. ' A second section of the course In Greek Mythology Is offered at 5 .o'clock Tuesday and Friday. U. 202. WMt F. DANN. A Specialty In Oysters In Season 117.10-21 No. 13th St. jas. i. Davis JEWELER and OPTICIAN 1210 O STREET Fine repairing a special ty and the best of goods at reasonable 'prices. Lawlor's That's Where you buy the Fotball Goods, Guns, Ammunj tlon, Edison Phonographs and Records, Racycles, Bicycles and Bicycle 8undrles, Come in and get acquainted; i Lawlor (ycle (o 1324 OSTREEf. . 1 1 4 ROljIVEfl 8 C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler, . 8 . DR, S, SSHEAN, Optician 8 II23 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT -R YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICIT. - ' dining-room;: Registration. Up to Tuesday evening, 1,645 stu dents had registered. The registra tion for Tuesday alone was 99. Tho total registration exceeded the pre vious year's record by 30, 'Notice. . All men' who are not reporting for drill should remember that demerits are accumulating to their account. t - i' 7i?. ir; New Management Efficient Service ,- ,. Reasonable Rates In 'University School of Music Building:, Corner 11th and, R r ' I m tpwfi'v . : j