The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1906, Image 4

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Engineering Notes.
Oco. S. Wllaon, M. E. '00, who has
boon In tho designing (lopartment of
tho Fairbanks, Morso & Co., at Doloit,
WIh., during tho summer, Iiiih JtiHt boon
appointed assistant professor of mo
chanlcal engineering In tho Stato Uni
versity of Washington nt Seattle.
J. II. Davlduon, M. ID. '01, who was
olocted URHOclate professor of agricul
tural engineering at tho Iowa Stato
College at Anion in 1 1)05, was made a
full professor last Juno. A. E. Miller,
M. 10. '06, haK boon olocted Instructor
In agricultural engineering in the nanus
"Cy" Cole, M. E. "06, and B. H.
Ilrown aro with tho Allls-Chnlmors
company at Milwaukee.
Leonard Hurts:,. B. ID., '0.1, formorly
city electrician of Lincoln, whb recent
ly made manager for tho Lincoln Auto
matic Telephone company.
L. A. Sheldon, M. B., '05, was recent
ly mado foreman of steam turbine
tests with tho Goneral Blectrlc com
pany at Schenectady, N. Y., and L. W.
Tumor, M. E 'OR, was mado on as
sistant foreman of turbine tests with
tho Bimo compnnyr
A very large down draft forgo has
been received for Installation in the
forgo shop, to bo largely used on hoavy
work in connection with tho sto;im
Mr. C. L. Dean, instructor in me
chanical engineering, who was so so
rlously ill Tor months of last se
mester, has returned from a summor
Bpont at his homo In Wisconsin. Ho
has fully recovered from Ills Illness
and resumes his work- in the Univer
sity. Samuel Friedman, 0fi, wns a campus
visitor on Monday. Mr. Friedman holds
a position on tho staff of a consulting
engineer of tho city of Omaha and is
at present engaged in the construction
of a caisson in tho Missouri river.
An ItomTnpponrlng recently In "Tho
JlopublicVof Docorah, Iowa, attests
tho high tlogreQ of proficiency in prac
tical engineering attained by students
In the Engineering Department. A. Q.
Schrolber, '07, has had fn charge dur
ing tho summer an oxtenslve paving
-contract which has Just been cpm
plotod, evidently to tho satisfaction of
all concerned. Mr. Schrejber will bo in
tho University thruout tho coming
'. All Electrical Engineering students
aro requested to consult with Profes
. 8or Morse, room 208, Mechanic Arts
flail, at their earliest convenleco.
Professor Morse doslres to establish a
social as well as a class bond between
himself and his students and a prompt
registration at his office is requested.
Now students are especially urged to
soo Professor Morsei)romptly. '
. LOCAL and personal
Miss Agnes Gordon, 0G, is teaching
at Wisner.
Miss Helen Laws, K. A. T., will not
bo in school tho coming year.
Miss Lulu . Abbott, '06, is teaching
In the. Norfolk High School.
Miss Louise Allen, '06, is teaching
.in the high school nt Wahoo.
Ruth Bell, '06, "" is supplying tho
University news to the Stnto Journal.
It. E. Temple, '06, is teaching bot
any and physics in tho Beatrice High
Claude Robertson, Slg Alph and
"varsity" tackle in 1903-4, 1b a campus
MaBon Wheeler and Ellery Davis,
son of Dean Davis, are studying at
A stone walk is being put down
from tho gate at Twelfth and R to
Memorial Hall.
Lola Southwick. K. K. G., will leave
this week for Philadelphia to enter
Bryn Mawr College.
11. E. Stone, '07, is now filling tho
position of Assistant Botanist at Pur
duo University, Indiana.
- Miss Mao Darling, '06, and Miss
Pearl Wilkinson are teaching in the
Belmont School of this city.
Charles Sawyer, "06, left for Har
vard oarly last week, where he will
join tho Nobraska colony of will-be
Albert Levy, '07, is ill in a hospital
in Chicago. He is expected to re
enter tho University within a few
Miss Mabel Hays of the Department
of English Literature, is substituting
Tor Miss Miller at the Lincoln High
Miss Helon Allen, Delta Delta Delta,
Iuib boon In Lincoln for tho past few
days. She will bo in Wahoo for tho
coming winter.
Work on tho Tomple, on the corner
of Twelfth and R streets, is well under
way. The walls of the first floor aro
going up rapidly.
M. L. Corey was married to 3Iiss
Lola Lowis of Fairfield, Neb., August
1st, Both tho bride and groom are
Univorsity students.
MIb8 Dorothy Green, who has been
teaching in tho stato for two years,
returned to tho University this fall
to finish her course.
BurdetteG.JLowls, '04, has boon re
elected to" the Andrew D. White fel
lowship in economics at Cornell Uni
vorsity. Mr. Lewis was offered a sim
ilar fellowship at Harvard but- pre
ferred to remain at Cornell. During
tho summer session tif tho '"University
this summer Mr. Lewis delivered a
eorles of lectures on Eastern Condi
tions that were .well received.
G. C. Kaar, '03, has been appointed
chief chemist at tho plant of tho
American Beet Sugar Company nt
Blackfoot, Idaho. William Green, '05,
is assistant chemist nt the same place.
Stetson's, Harlow'B, Hanan's and, all
the 'other good makeB of shoes at San
derson's. '-.
. ' v: - : , :
YRay.nibhd L. Hi-Phl Gam, is seri
ously HJ'ln Mexico, . . " '' '
f Harry"PArter;ii73: Ot., sejls draw
ing -Instruments.';1' I" . 'x . i ' : . -, '
Edwin F. Myers, 04, stopped over
In thiB city this week on his way to
Boston, whore ho goes to complete his
law course at Harvard. '
R. S. Hiltner, '94, Is now a chemist
andjlrjig oxamlner in the U. S. Cus
toms Service In Chicago. His address
Is the Appraiser's Office.
Miss Howell, who has been deatined
In Washington by the sickness of her
mother, Is- expected back again next
Thursday, the twenty-sevonth; T
Miss Blrdio Scott, '06, has s been
forced to give up her position In tho
Falrbury High School temporarily on
account of tho sickness of her father.
Tho Y. W. C. A. bible Btudy classes
aro being rapidly organized, and all
girls aro cordially invited to register
for ono or several of thorn. They
come ono hour a week.
Miss Kathorino Lumry, '05, who had
been reappointed fellow In German for
the coming year, has accepted a posi
tion in the high 'school at McCook un
dor Superintendent Thomas.
D. P. De Young, '07, has again en
tered school. Mr. Do .Young loft tho
University .in the' spring for a trip to
Europe In the service of the Interna
tional v Harvester company, visiting the
prlncipal'cltlesdf Russia nhtl Germany.
Compare Your Shoe With
a i MM
C n
Compare the Stetson Shoe
with any other say the one
you take off in the shoe store
look at the stitches in each
count them slin vour foot into
the Stetson and you will know g
you've found the better shoe.
Stetson shoes give you back
their cost in actual wear and
See the Stetson before you
buy your next shoes.
Full lines all stvles all leather.
I ' For sale bv
Sec Our Windows
Truur-Fn,ucrnM I
Students, JIttention
Those toho intend taking Mechan
ical Drawing, Botany and Zoology
should inspect ray line; the test
articles at prices of cheap goods.
Largest stock of Fountain PenaJn
the cjty . . Haoe you seen the
neu) History Cooer, a loose-leaf
one, for only25c: History paper
8c per 100 sheets, 35c per 500
sheets. Come in and see for
yourself . ..... .......
LocutionJ123 0 Street, Lincoln.
Ludwiqs want to see and talk "with you about
your clothes. Now's the time to have a nobby
Varsity Suit made, and Eudwig is the' man to
1Q36 O
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