Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
THE DAVLY JNEBRASKAN. I -4 W fr m i - ft. t I' ' WK ft $' I Stylish Clothes for Students There is probably nowhere in the west a larger stock of Young Men's Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes which, in style, quality and perfect tailoring, equal those to be found here at "The Students' Store." They are indeed "a step ahead of the hour.'' You'll be correctly dressed if you wear one this winter. This store has enjoyed for years a large patronage from the Univers ity boys, and we (UteA feel very friendly toward them and will show them all the favors possible Come in and see wVmt ixnntodate before - W T Jy 1 "W "k. T" , m m . JL,jlJLVWL,JV JCVXlJtfr Tj 1 you buy. A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes x szs; DEBATE OUTLOOK. (Continued from Pago 1.) nil charts are debarred from the de bate. 5. Each debater has seventeen min utes twelve for opening and five for rebuttal. The negative opens the re buttal. C. Each university "iytys all the ex penses of Its own debaters. All other expenses of the contest shall be borne by the entertaining university. 7. The question Is chosen in the fol lowing manner: On April 1 each uni versity sends a question to each of the others; on April 15 each univer sity sends the five questions to each of the others arranged In the order of Its choice. The question ranked high est by all -the universities shall be de bated. In case of a tie the selection of-the tlelng questions shall be made by the president of Yale University. The question for the debates this year, however, was chosen otherwise by agreement. The question is the loiiowing, w.nicn was origmauy huu mitted by Iown last May, before the lengue was formed; for the Iowa-Min-nesota debate: "Resolved, That the cities of the United States should seek the solution of the street-railway prob lem through private ownership." Each university will support both the af firmative and the negative the affirm ative at home, the negative away from home. Work on the question has al ready begun at some of the universi ties. , Preparatlpm for the league debates, then, will be thrown forward Into Iho first semester. How soon the pre liminary debate and the selection 'of the Nebraska teams will take place, the University Debating Board will T In, the faculty Membership In the Debating Board, Prof. George Elliott Howard, of the chair of political science uhffeQclology, succeeds. Prof. Edward A. Robs: Professor Howard brings, to the Board .hirgo experience as adviser of Intercollegiate debating at Stanford University. The fac ulty members, appointeuby the Board of Regents of the University, are: Prof. H. W. Caldwell, American History; Prof. P. M. Fling, European History; Prof.. M. M. FoggRhetoric; Prof. P. C. French, Philosophy; Dean Roscoe Pound, of the College of Law, and Prof. W. G. Langworthy Taylor, Political Economy and Commerce. The student members have not yet been elected. decide nt an early-date. . . ... Sorority Pledges. Altho the fraternities under the new regulations have been having a com paratively qufet registration week, rushing has been fast and furious among the ' sororities. The good na tured rivalry has waxed exceeding warm In the struggle to secure certain deslrablo pledges. Altho returns are" as yet by no means complete, we pre sent below a list of pledges, as far as we have been able to learn them: Delta Gamma: Helen McNeen, Katherlne Kimball, Ruth Prentiss, Helen Mitchell, Hazel Vnndenburg, Elma Mllllken, Mary Cook and Jean Fleming. Kappa Alpha Theta: Kate Field, Dorothy Miller, Mabel Dutch, Kath arine Cllne, Mario Barr, Rebecca Bailey and Helen Weston. PI Beta Phi: Sarah Martin, Mabel Lindell, Mildre'd Holland, Merna Sedg wick, Jessie Klllian, Florence Chap Chi Omega: Arta ' Kochen, Dessie Pearson, Katherlne Lewis uuid Ruth Stetter. Kappa Kappa Gamma: MlssHelon Sholes, Miss Nesbit, Miss Rldell and Miss Juvenile. Alpha Omicron PI: Emily Trigg, Charlotte Wallace, Eunice Bnumari, and Nellie Kitchen. . A complete list will be printed at the earliest possible date. Spoonholcfers Filled With Books. Political Economy and Philosophy alcoves urn nn mnrn A lmrri.hnurtrwl -.www.. Librarian has desecrated the precincts hallowed from time immemorial by the "whispers" of love-lorn couples. Books, common, ordinary books, have usurped the- field and the haughty Senior, In search of his Freshman "crush," must henceforth keep his date under the oyos of the entire Library. The romance of the Library will soon be a thing of the past, recalled only in the "josh" department of the "Cornhusker." No longer will mem bers of the Glee Club sing to their lady loves before going to rehearsnl, "Just- Keep a Little Cosy Corner In the Llbra-ree forMo," nor wljl there, be the sound ofa stealthy "Sh-h," as foot steps In the stack room-corridor pro claim the advent of our genial friend, Mr. Witte. - So here's to the memory of Pol. Econ. and Philosophy alcoves. Re quiescant In Pace." Forestry. Students who have registered for course 5, Forest Measurements, and course 7, Forest Utilization, are re quested to meet In Room 105, Nebras ka Hall, for a few minutes Wednes day, at 1:00. As the hours for these courses are to be arranged at that time, it is important that all who have registered for them should be pres ent. J Those who -have registered for course 9, Teacher's Course, will meet for the first time Wednesday at '5:00. F. G. MILLER. Swell, snappy, $3.60 and $4.00 shoes. Sanderson's, " F"'i' "fl" fl W " vp '5p '" 3p,)f)j()fla''K)p OLIVER THEATRE I Kft ! TONIGHT AT 8:15 WHITTEN'S- CELEBRATED Moving Pictures. Prices: 50c, 35c and 25c. WED. MAT. & EVE., SEPT. 26. ARIZONA By AuQU6tus Thomas Prices: Mat., 50c and 25c Eve., $1.00, 75c, 50c, .& 25c. Fri., Sat. & Sat. Mat, Sept. 28-20. "THE OLD CLOTHES MAN" ..LYRIC THEATRE:. . it it it it' At. A f & V( ft jl t t it 'It &'k'it&,'Jr'it'4tlL"J' '''"'' itt w NED AND MINNE WERNTZ . .Original Novelty Aerial Gymnasts.. NELLIE FLORIDE Vocalist M OUHUTMY ALDEN . In the 8atlre 'Comedy 8ketch, - "ONE-HOR8E TOWN" fCnnvrlnhi.rn ' ' ii$ ?"V u 3 HILTONS 3 The Peerless "Jugglers MORRIS JONES Black Face Comedians Buy your shoes at Sanderson's.; They have the swellost shoes that " grow. ' L SetHon's, Harlow's, Hanan'a nqd-all the' other good makes of shoes at' San- deTson's. T t '" t tfc. .1 , s ' v . . i ' ; . i n ' IV. iiii.ii..iiuiniTii Mp3e5tt'JJ ;i".,