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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
Xlbe 2)ail$ IRebraefcan il'l if i h rkl l P. w- K rr Vol. VI. No. 2. RUSHING RULES fc FRATERNITIES GOVERNED NEW REGULATIONS. BY New System a Great Improvement Over the Method Practiced "In Tormer Years. Tin ioiiuwing rules were unanimous ly adopted lust June by the Liter ' Fraterniij Council, composed of ac live or alumni members of all the Ne braska Fraternities. Altho it Is as yet too early to tell what ultimate ef fect tho ru'es will have, they have been in operation long enough to dem onstrate their deckled superiority over the methods previously In vogue dur ing registration week. Rules Governing Pledging and Inltlnt- "No fraternity shall pledge or Initi ate any new or, prospective student until after the mid-semester reyorU are received In the Registrar's office (on the Saturday preceding Thanks giving Day), and not even then s'lnll nny now student be pledged or Initi ated whose name appears on the de linquency list." Rules Governing Rushing. Rule I. No new student shall be Invited to or entertained at any social function v. whatsoever, except as mentioned be- . low, glven-uvithln OKwithouWthefra-, texnlty house, by any fraternity. Nor shall axnew student bo Invited to or entertained any social function given In behalf of any fraternltyxby anlndlvidual or other organization. The single' exception to .this r.ule shall be that "new students may be Invited to "smokers'' given at fraternity .houses on Friday or Saturday evenings. It being understood thnt the refresh ments on these occasions shall be of a simple and Inexpensive kind. Rule II. No new student shall be-furnlshed orijiven a meal by any member of a fraternity, either within or without the chapter house. Rule III. , "7 No new student shall remain in any ' chapter house later than 6 p. m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays,-nor later than -12 p. m. on, the other three days o the "week. Rule IV. It shall be agreed and understood that each fraternity wishes to stand on its own merits' with the new stu dents, and will request all the Sorori ties and other friends outside "the fra ternities not to discuss In any Way with the new students the subject of fraternities and their respective merits. Rule V. Io new student shall bo met at the train by any fraternity mnn (with the single exception of onej brother' meet ing another brobnenxj nor shall the baggage of a now student be sent to or kept at any fraternity house until after he shall have lieon pledged. Rule VI. Those rules shall be bindln'jj upon all fraternity men, alumni as well as active. ' " Earl M. Maryiri, 'Oty. of "Beatrice, Is In Colorado temporarily. . -, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, smbriA1. .& "rT".'rLZJ&jr)inai'93Xmv,v,&i'.' - ffiv&t&fo mmmrn: &. ; && &m t h&gwbi r?. wi w.1' i' Air iv a:. rT , : . .v. Jte ' Mil -,-;' K$maK385& &Q&fofc3 COACH AMOS OUR NEW COACH. .-Pi an am pi. i 'j rlvl" " i if'1 I i ' i - A Brief biography of Booth's Suc cessor. Our new coachr Amos P. Foster, comes to us very highly recommended and with a most opvlable record. Mr. Foster Is" a graduate of Dartmouth, Class of 1904. While in college he took part in almost every branch of athletics. Ho was fullback on the 'varsity football team and was named by several-eastern authorities for the All-Amerlcan team. He was captain of-l Dartmouth's basket-ball team ' Hi 903, and admittedly one of the best playy ers In Now England. , Besides this, ho did much work In track athletics, base ball, and gymnastics and knows- these branches of athletics, thoroly. Not withstanding, the great amount of time demanded by his athletics, Mr. Foster made a most excellent record in his college work, standing high as a scholar. Ho was prbmlnent In col lege life, having been a1 member of the college senate and president of -his- class. Also, Mr. Foster belonged to the Theta Dolfii Chi fraternity and was a member of tho order of Casque and Gauntlet, an honorary Senior so ciety. Mr. Foster has coached three years; at Cushlrig Academy, In Massachu ococxxoccxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 Season Tootball tickets 1 : . ' " $ E O R .i S A L E A T I PORTER'S ; I Wednesday MornlHg. $ Gen. Admission; $5 Grand-Stand 0OCXXX)O0fXXXXXX500O0O0OO0O0OC)CXX5O0O0O0O0O00O0O000O - V, .j&j! P. FOSTER. setts, one year, and tho University of Cincinnati, two years. At Cashing his team fyon every game and was not scoredTTpbn; at the University of Cin cinnati, the only teams to cross his goal lino during the two yearsworo those of the University of Indiana and the Carlisle, Indians. Hls-work as coach at Cincinnati was praised most enthusiastically and It was with great rqgret that they let him go. While It is premature to speak of Mr. Foster as coach here, his work has already excited very favorable com ment nnd he has created a most fa forable impression among both play ers and students. Senior Class Meeting. President Myers of the Senior class announces a class meeting for the elec tion of officers nnd the -transacting of necessary business on Thursday, Sep tember 27th at 11:00 a, m. A .room has not been 'secured for the meeting yet, but It will be- announced In the Nebraskan at theflrst opportunity. Rumor hnB It that tho following men nre candidates for' tho o'fflcd of Presi dent for the first semester: O. ,L. PItchford, C. ,C. McWilllamff, C. A. Sunderlln, and Denton Slaughter. Miss. Mabel Muir, '05, Is teaching at Friend. J906. rice 5 Cents. DEBATEJDTLOOK PROFE880R FOGG OUTLINES THE DEBATE SITUATION. Nebraska Meets Wisconsin and Illi nois -Question Settled The Date Uncertain. What tho Intercollegiate dobafn pro gram for 1906-1907 will bo is as yet uncertain for the University of No braskn as well aff for tho othor uni versities In tho now debato loague formed last sprihg (the Central De bating Circuit of Amorlca) Wiscon sin, Minnesota, Illinois nnd Iowa. Tho uncertainty arlaos from tho inability of tho five Institutions to agree so far on a dato for tho five debates. All the llvo debates are to bo on the riamo question and arc to take place on the same evening WIsconsIn-Nobraska at Lincoln, Nebraska-Illinois at Urbann, Minnesota-Iowa at Iowa City, Iowa Wlscortsln at Madison, and Illinois Minnesota at Minneapolis. For Wis consin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowu. Friday evening, Fobruary K3,HeomH to be tho only convenient clnte, but on that date Nebraska cannot entertain Wisconsin here because tho Mid-Winter and Charter Day exercises are hold that ovenlng. Nebraska has urgod a later dato for the additional reason that to hold tho debates oarly in Fob ruary Is to put them too closo to tlib somostor examinations. Aftor this year, however, the league debates -will bo held tho Friday ovenlng In Decern- -bor before tho Christmas recess. What tho outcomo of the presont dls- agreement over dates will be, it is impossible to say. The contests may, be held on February 22 or March 1. In any event, however, Wisconsin and Nebraska will debato at Lincoln. With tho oxceptlon of tho date, tho arrangements for tho league contests are practically complete. On tho constitution representatives of the universities worked during tho summer, the burden of the correspond ence being taken by Prof. E. E. Mc Dermott of Minnesota. Among the provisions of the constitution nro tho following: .. v 1. Each -university must create- a debating board, a majority of whose members shall be of, the faculty. Iu organizing suchn bpard Nebraska took,, the initiative, In tho West flVp years"" ago at tho instanco of student mom-; bors of tho Debating Association. -Two- of the other universities In tho league declined, to enter it unless such boards dispatched the business of the league. , 2. The judges of any debato aro se lected from lists submitted by tho universities of the states contiguous to tho state In which the debate is held, but not from a list submitted by a university participating In tho de bate. For Instance, judges for the No'-" braska-WIsconsln debate ,at Lincoln will come from list submitted by Iowa. 3, Each judge shall be Instructed to decide for himself what constitutes effective debate, except tliat hoshai consider both thought and del Ivory jy .He shall vote, .without cpnsultntionon the merits of tho debate, pot the merits ' ui uiu queaiiuu, ( 4, All private - correspondent co and j ';.( Continued' m Pago 3.) ;-a X V N. X N -v s V J a r r T. n'.i.-iLiTv.t - -i- --Ll-T BVif " .""5.'&?-.,t- "tf iT! -A t tblit&fH ., jtT f ."Ar'itrtiM i 4j.' ,ujrfjtr.tJi!t.ttjMtr jt