TW T. D -"' nfr lj . .J . .JL , in lm tfclt$W ' rt - -. f 1 V '1 ' : "?- ,?' -? .', .' - i . . x -v fi t f ..vv. N" ." - K THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. u X 0 ?. i- J SK r r S i r i ii "v" r p. the Daily Ikbraskan A consolidation of Tho HcspoVlan. Vol. N, Tho Nobraskan, , Vol. 10, Bearlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dully, except Sunday and Monday, at tho Unlverafty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by tho Hcsporlan .Publish ing Co. Entered as second class matter, March 14, 1906, at tho Post Office at Lincoln, Nob., under tho Act of Con gress, March 3,1879. Manager Fred Naughton Asst. Manager W. E. Standoven 8TAFF. EdItor-ln-Chlef R. A. Van Oradel Assistant Editor Fred Ballard Athletic Editor Harry Swan Reporters. B. P. Huso. Gone Sag?. JobIo Frazler. Telephone Au!maJ! JS Night Telephone Automatic 2365 "Subscription prlco $2.00 por year In advance. ' Tho way in which tho Beatrice peo- plo nro treating tho cadets show to a -groat extonl the fooling that is preva lent nil over the state. Tho Univer sity students are given as much con sideration by tho people in Nebraska nsT'ln any other state in tho union. This goes far to lndicato tho strong spirit of prldo-4hat exists in regard to tho Stato University. And while the people are proud of their Univer sity and Its students, tho students in ...... . .. turn arc proud of their state anu us citizens Much credit is duotho Senior play caato for tho way thoy ltavoworked and will work to glvo a good pmyon .junc iztn. ivor iour monum uiu mem bers have studied and worried in oV dor that their class might bo proud of their annual performance. If it is successful much praise will be. given Former Nebraskan Winning Honors. Walter Predorlch Motor, 1903, who is practicing law at Spokane, Wash ington, is doing considerable public speaking; Ho recently addressed tho Spokano high school on "Tho Demand for Character in Public and Private Life." Tho Spokano Evening Chroni clo, in publishing tho address at length, speaks highly of Mr. Moior. TJefore taking up the practice of law last year, Mr. Meier was instructor of English in tho Spokano high school, giving a good deal of attention to ar gumentation and debate. His instruc tion enabled Spokano to win tho championship of that part of tho Northwest and debate was mado a part of tho regular curloulum of that school. He has beon-frequontly callet' upon to judge debate. He was promi nent aa a debater during his college course, being a member of tho toam that defeated Kansas in 1901, Missouri in 1902 and of tho toam which was to have " debated with Colorado Collogo in 1903. . fteasslstod Professor Fogg in teaching argumentation in 1902 and 1903. Part of Mr. Meier's "Stony on the trust question was published, in tho American Journal of Sociology in 1903 "What Attitude Should Govern ment Assume Toward tljo Trust Question?" Remingt oh Typewriters Ibf Rent Terms Moderate. Ample Stock of Excellent. Machines, l TABULATORS ATTACHED WHEN DESIRED. ""v We. Will Send Them Anytvhere. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER,. COMPANY. 149 No. 13th St., Lincoln, Neb. 1619 Farnam St., Omaha, Nefc. " n.l -t t I . ,fM . .JfcM i j ,-uri r-. u " " MJss Heppnef to Teach. Mlsa Hoppner of the doparlmont of Goimnnics has consented to talto the courses in German horetoforo assigned in Prnf Aiifriiaiio lfnno rtf TTnli-.n College. ProfePBor Kunzo's suddon, death aBhQrt time'lago will b9 remem bored by nflvMl8S 'Hepin;)'8 j:a'nto forms a valuablo addition to tho Sum mer Sohdol faoulty COCOOCXXXXDCOCXDCOCXX)CXX)OCOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX50COv It's to Your Interest to Get Ac quainted! With BUDD, $2150 Hatter 1141 OStret u. )COCCCXXXX)COOOOOCOOCpCOOCO tho. ,caste,- and wo feel.t success will bcrtho result. One thing Is sure and that is if long continuous toll merits rewards tho casto will bo heavi- ly ladencd after ttfb 12th. The play this year, "Prisoner of . Zonda," is much more difllcult than tho ono presented by last year's clasB and of a highor ordor than any previ ous Senior play. It is simply up to the members of the clas to help mako this function a success financially! Do not let thcr committee slavo away with out offering a helping hand. For tho members of tho play committee 'and . casto have tho .most monotonous ;and thankless task that falls upon, any member of tho grdauallng class. Every Senior should remember the 12th of Juno and boost the thing along. ;. "Push; don't knook," - v X-'m -i" ' ' ' J !. -1 St Prof. C. N Gould Lectures. Prof, C. NGouId, who has been do ing graduate work in thq University for tho past year, lectured before two University classes lately. His first lee turo was before the class In Geology II and tho second ono boforo Dr. Con- dra's class in Geography ot United Statos. Professor Gould's subjecl for tho- second lecture was "Geography and Geology of tho Southern Part of tho Great Plains." Mr. Gould holds his professorship in the University ojf Oklnhonia, and during his stay of on,o year in Nebraska has mado many frionds. t -. u A. Q. SPALDINO&.3RQS.- Largest Manufacturers in tho World of Official Athletic Supples BA8E BALL LAWN TENNI8 FOOT BALL ARCHERY ROQUE, GOLF QU0IT8 CRICKET LACROSSE CROQUET IJIl'LESIENTS FOR AIO. SPORTS Spalding's Official Base Bali Guide for 1905. Edited 'by Honry Chad rick. Tho most complete and up-to dat book ever published on tho subject. Fully illustrated " prc 10 Cents. Spalding's Official League Ball Is the ad6pted' ball of the National League, and miist bo used In all match games. Every requisite for LaWn Tennis and Golf. -SjSf For over a quarter of a tSentury 8paldlng's Trade Mark on Base Ball lm- plements has marked the advancement of this n' "particular- sport. Spalding's Trade-Mark ' - , on your Athletic Implement gives you an advantaVo over thd 'other play? or,-as you have a better article, lasts longer, gives mbro' satisfaction? Every Base Ball Manager should sead at onco!for a'copy of Spalding's Hprmg ana Hummer-Catalogue-rFrco., A: Q. SPALDINQo: 'Now York,- Chicago, Kansas City.; 9 Denyor, Lotaisj New Orloans BROS Artistic that Pias?fl crtf , f ...Kennedy '-Jrhotographx) ,TOd,o XtijtOtottjXHOotenoloiotott twmotottiXmnoioxifcMijfcMnfcm FRATS T H .t u: f r f Who) in need of COAL call arid sec' i " me-i . ,.,,. f, (A , WilL.i Ti-. r? - t ,L .Knt'J? ri JA t Kt ' i COMPANY t We will treat you rigt Offic,eai06' O. t i i 'Tho unlor girls gave a reception, to tho'bonlor girls Thursday afternoon In tho Y, W. rooms. Punch and wnfors wore served. Souvonlprs wero dls? trlbutod on which a likeness of Miss Vlbbard, tho secretary, was printed, ; Tht.&ncoln LooaVxpreg, 1843 OJSt ft Phons Bell 234j 1610 ' n2" -M ' 1 v. "TT sro ERWIN & PERKINS, PROPRIETORS ' '.. ' ' . , RETAILORS AND JOBDJSRS OV TOBACCO - CIGARS - NEWS I i ' ' ' .VT erry til "tb loading branflaot Cigars and Tobacoo. 8pocIal attontlon glvfen'to box trade. . ' " fc 'x Ws bulletin til League and University Bass Ball and Foot Ball Bans 11 Nn. 11h. Rail Rfl' An4n A.tTf - J- -j- ;-, ;-"' .'"" T "," -w.-.. , f t M & "f j n r a w . -- . ; s' .;. ji 'I "" J ft) . ' ' ii