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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
I ..' 77?- Jiy'.vy-1' VM"M'-V1$? l'W I ' in ii f . o fjl "Vtt-t; r 73 W' 'ry -" r . THE DAILY NBBRASKAN. i.T- J U E !-' V F l s II i r P & Cbc Daily Utbraskan A consolidation of The Heiperlah, Vol. El, 'The Nbmkan, Vol. 10, Bcarlot ands Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by the Hesperian Publish ing Co. Entered as socond class matter, March 14, 1906, at the Post Office at Lincojn, Nob., under the Act of Con gt ess, March 3 1879. Manaoer Fred Naughton Asst. Manager W. E. Standeven STAFF. Editor-in-Chief R. A. Van Orsdel Assistant Editor Fred Ballard Athletic Editor Harry Swan Reporters. D. F. Huso. Gene Sago. Joslo Frozlor. Telephone Automatic 162t Night Telephone Automatic 2385 Subscription price $2.00 per year In advance. Apropos of the "supposes" glvon In the joBh department of the Senior Book concerning the department of Literature and its need of room, a word might well be said seconding the suggestion. It seems strange to the casual obsorvor that the Literature department should not bo accorded moro room than they now havo. " Many of the other departments of tho University havo fewer students in tho different courses and yet are much hotter equipped to handle the work. Tho X.ltorary department now con sists oLtwo professors and seven road "" ers, ull of whom are compelled to work in one small office. They also havo a largo number of reference books which have to bo kept close at hand and overy inch of room Is occu pied. That tho coursos offered aro impor tant and popular may be judged by tho pilqs.of, note-books which nearly hldo tho fow 'tables in the room. The noto-books "are handed in dally and must each bo handled separately. Temple Delayed.- ,, A peculiar difficulty has presented itself in the construction of tho Uni versity Temple, at Twelfth and R streets. The stone work on the' two entrances to tho building is to be very elaborate, and one of tho details calls for four solid Bedford stone columns in each entrance, nineteen feet long and two feet ten inches in diameter. It is claimed that there is no wagon or other vehicle in Lincoln adapted to haul tho big stones from the rail road tracks to tho building, and it is feared that the only way to get them there. will bo to roll them through tho streets on logs or other rollers. The contractor suggested that tho columns bo cut into threo sections, but the architect would not permit this plan to bo tried. The weight of tho stonos is not the chief difficulty, since stones used in tho new federal building weighed more, yet were handled with out trouble. The longth and peculiar shape of the columns will make their transportation a matter of some dif ficulty, however. Tho columns will probably bo the largest single stones used in any structure in Lincoln. Those in the now postofllce are larger than those for tho Temple, hut are built In sections. Cadets to Be Appreciated. From tho following article it can easily be seen that the cadets are to have a good time in Beatrice. The Beatrice Sun came out with this state ment in its editorial columns: "Tho cadets will find the Beatrloe girls to bo tho most charming on earth. It is a fact much to bo regretted that the boys of thlB city are not as atten tive as they should be, henco our girls will appreciate the visitors." Temporary Organization Effected. A temporary organization of the Ne braska, chapter of Delta Sigma Rho, ,tho honorary debating fraternity now in process oi iormauon in Buverui ui tho most prominent universities in tho middle west, was completed yes- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO It's to Your Interest to Get Ac quainted With 1141 O Street nCXXDOOOOOorxjEjCj ac .50 Hatter 8 In the next redistribution of space it would seem feasible and 'really noc esaary to recognize tho department of Literature. The General Forestry Club meeting which was given at the Phi Psl house Monday evening was enjoyed by all present After light refreshments wore served a number of good toasts woro glvon. C. J. Humphrey acted as toostmastor. 0. H. Scott, member of the Forest Reserve, gavo a short talk on tho work in tho" office of extension in connection with reclamation ser vice. Dr. Condra spoke of tho rela tion of geography to the distribution of' forest trees. Many other short and snappy toasts were given by promi nent members of tho club, winding up by a humorous talk by Mr. Miller. lerday afternoon in the debate trophy room, and a permanent organization will be effected before the close of the week. A. M. Leyy of Lincoln was chosen temporary chairman and C. A. Sundorlin of Tekamah was selected temporary secretary. These students, with A. C. Hough of Lincoln will draw up tho constitution of the local chapter. oooooooooooooooooooooooto fKMT ID N'T GO HOME Trl Deltas had a picnic' supper and dance at tho State Farm Saturday wains. ,j&.w4a. ProfessorConklin to Sail for Europe. Professor Clara Conklln will sail for Europe Juno 5th, whore she will spend the summer. She ill be accompanied by several Lincoln friends who will meet her In Now York at the close of school. William J.' Bryan was- present dur ing the delivery of President Wekerl's speech before parliament at Buda Pest. O o without a nlco new'pafr of shoes. We have just what you should have. If you don't want to take them with you, come In and let us register your size and we "Will send you our illustrated catalogues. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO A. Q. SPALDINQ & BROS. Largest Manufacturers in the World of OSclal Athletic Supplies BA8E BALL ARCHERY CRICKET LAWN TENNIS ROQUE, QOLF LACR088E IMPLEMENTS FOIl AM, SPORTS FOOT BALL QUOITS CROQUET 8pald!ng's Official Bate Ball Guide for 1905. .Edited bjt Henry 'Chad wick. The most complete and up-to "date book ever published on the subject. Fulfy illustrated i , f .price 1S Cents. Spalding's Official League Ball is the adopted ball of the National League, and must be used In all match tames. Every requisite for Lawn Tennis and Golf. For over a quarter of a ' century Spaldlng'iTrade Mark on Bate Ball Im plements has marked the advancement of this , particular sport 8paldlng'a Trade-Mark on your Athletic Implement gives you an advantage over tho other play er, as you havo a better article, lasts longer, gives moro satisfaction. Every Base Ball Manager should send at once for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Free. A. Q. SPALDINQ & BROS. Now York, Chicago, Kansas City. Denver, St. Louis, New Orleans Artistic 'Photography The Kind that Pleases A-r j. Kennedy STUDIO 130 MO. TWILVTM. 11 ' ' '' --?faJW wwmwipwwipwwswwwwwwwii FRATS- - . i When in need of COAL caH and u the ' !jf" Grace Trigg has been elected grade assistant in the Lincoln schools for the coming year. v WHITEBREAST COMPANY . We will treat you tight Office 1106 O. Phonei, Bell 234; Auto 1610 i v .ra.u.u.tttTTtTtttTtTTrrTMfi-ittj:r1..ty Dawson's Aqua Pura Bath House TurkUk, .Vapor, Sulpho-Sallne, Salt Qtew. rjot and' Celd Baths Nw and Modern. Open ajl Night. Good Beds. Auto Phone 3627. Jas. T. Dawson, Prop. l ' ' Corner Ilth and N Lincoln A " s ,jfi .Vf Mi - . ' . . . i ,.jr ,i. It .K. 1 r jar