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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
'-i - v .. - - - - ! j ' - r -... J r. . aPAi-,i..J : v ?j frw V"' t&) s, V ;: v N -,v 'Vi: 5 v'7. ) . ". ."- ..., '. i. jf'4. . -. !,, v. . .M 5, s V- yrr w y "r ri X 2 . HZ 5i - .i'? i f -i br? M H V '& ? ;Cff JNPEBRAS1.IJQ MAY 3 J, 90t5. Pike 5 Cents - y jHpe!Fi "" .- jr'W'v'. 1 wt Y taaam. . ,' ? n ''raiBi paiiilrl HjBikX 'v ;.? J(f ., .i.i .. Mb. -,.,i'.'aj f Mm JURE W' ..' II .Ti .. oAliitv L"' f- Biatov. y, . , FOH -aWECTyiie Wiwiracwpoii vviy", S&- W WllfLectgiir Oriental History y'iK'x ' w MftlfTtfecUl Btereoptidoh Secured. vn'xn Vw.. -v ....... '-" ; I; - ; . rCT ' n fdfessor Hodgmdn ofjtho Rummer ew ::. l' . - .ii . -., ,. lv$?F iBui'dette G; Lewla, '04, former atudent rS jnd' debater here, to give a week's C!t. ' j jcp6rgej2Llecture niwBtrMed ,by; vleWl, :VTi- loaned by Profosaorrleiftl&ot Cofneir 'V T' :' ":" ulvei,sTho weefcUVbeja June ..Tft' - "vJrand- tbe Teclures iJrlJUPonio Irbfiii we t ,' J ta, a o'ciocK eacn evenine. - - ISf j Mi ' . MITl-34 Sl 1.1 rn ; o w iqgBjyp IN C. .t-i J- T I ) ii .. i. .in i n m i . H 5 PJec Orcheatro. opoooooooooobo W ! r"C mEMORIAL HALL S5y REMJlt,- JJjrijp TfflQ. If NINE P. TVifc Ticket JSpo t $000$00030000000 Spyonty-flVD Jantern slides In all, se lected 'from 600 slides. III: liectur'ef' Grerft Britain in India. .T,h'e ISfewV ' Imperlaiism tiullt Upon prosperity. Colony andolher 'Co'un- iry. " ' , '1. A statement of? the dliUculties of. such a, government in India. . .2.vA;snorr History or juntisn ruie in India. - 5. &-T- if- a. Organization of tfib" goVbfnment.'1 '.b. KelMraircfvnervlce: " :. H.:.The Indlancbunclli ' w &&? ,i d. British 'provinces a.nd federated. native states., v. -'" e: -The-'BtltisTi judiciary. . f. The Indian national congress 0NIVEfl81TY BATJALION ti AVE NICE GROUNDS AT lEATRICC, J -, Lirge Crowd Went Down on the . j till.. , Excurelon pcoratlbn Day Exer ciser yresyery'8ucceeei,ul. B"T' 7)sr u i "ibT- nun-' exceuenL -qinjoiupjuf. i;; InSfi? '-.' 5fia4iarch'wbrk' At Wisconsin Mr. I .4-v;Y0? ill m'Mfmffimrf&M mrjgr.' -'avp'Yr-JtUto".' ?. Wm iv: wjMq Pmt '8pwicthot 'tP.i '.; QBirMjeflfW4iH iu nirii, ,yi uw r rvet i? . j' . ij .. j-. -...r -- v. .. .. .. ..ij; rMEK5' -3E - W.tatj-'.' aage Mae.fvivuizauon.v,. r5S:3tityii,4'Mkdciyiuzatiori.-'; v-, ;.;. L VvMMRV. - - IS VrjFarPaslem uestion. ;f f r wfl '.lViorap-hyi of the Par:East,' government .w yA ' v . f SRfei&'oirtBdicr- - - S? ,ln . A . ""Kr1 r ... lf .vi. ifii!i ? China.-. -LpctUre lllus3Ktted with, cholc , J Te liquify or rndlanivlllza estIider (fbin Protngr Jenks'-pol. fifr - "tW? ' s"-'- " f-Lf -Hctlorir ftnj;picturesken by him lV JBfc ' AXlHei4. literature. - '' - ' self durinr a year's residence l in 'tri eHL li-i LUB &' ,: kr. Lewis is well known in theUnl-' .JTerslty and has donS'spcial !w5rfeain heHsub3ectstvnpoh; whlcteho-will lec Cure"unQ;er sbmeof lhe lg'atesit raln&s ' IntiUir largest ninlversitrwr' Hecbmes I -! l.-ll. m t-l J Vmvm ", u'JUi iruuiui jiiuiuaeuw uuu uum -:; ., Jhefeis. v?r6f(5spr" wjBK.and Pro- -.; -f hmitf ffiffi$!fti&li&mlLfi&- &S -i isoclatipn "with .professor Jnka,, nradq stitutlonB. , s ft-...i ?.alhte-hv.W.iMlW--to-tha.Presl.-...Th0 Allure of local selfjgovern- .. v ;--- -y- -. r ir- --. -TV--. , ... ft,,,- ' " , f,V"te :dent A, DiH6wship:at' Cornell; U;4.,The characteristics. 6f the prel- ent population as a dosis oi govern ment. . hV Thexraces 6f India. 4.-b;.Ih6irv religious differences. .. vf - --i. ..;-. f . , ,. rw.r.Kr-"";.'r"-'. -""x. c. 'rno occunationa neoDio ." I4'leefux'e lor tlie -Summer Schdor'fol- b: S&aif the BrlUshVgovorament bo: ' So.WTH'W "' C s- " condbmBe.d.toMts-rtscorddnilhdlit? '.. .:i. inouunu.quusuonr 4 b.v Thetaxquestion. i .v c Native manufactures. r l. (Famines anuxamine reuer, e.heurrency nrppienv , -i rri., ,kn ii.JiA' woof -o; r. internal imprayQmeniB,.ruuroau8, Z&L .- 1 - t.' canala and diversification of Industry. ,West, The taew aignlQcance-or-theiTgjijutjjja; ; Moier Elected Captain. At a meeting of the "University Ath letic Board Tuesday ballots cast by the members of the basket ball' team for the captain of theolub noxt year wero opened and counted. -The next captain will be Waltrir Mosori center' on last, reason's ioam. A report was . . . 1 1 . ..iVr... Ji.' -ri, - ., i 0. inopreaent BovuranaBujf; ; jjprcHuniqu uy inanager luagor online financial condition of the baseball teahi. The Cohort showed thai Vhe warn nas ciearea aoout izov on tno games played! The season' will close with a game with Creigh'ton Unlvor-' Tho University Cadots""atrbeIhg ' royally -entertained by 'Bbatrict?a her citizens this week? Jieycampfng . -and parade grounds are by far the best-,, thoy have ever had. The officers are furnished with cottages for headquar ters and apartments and thoro Is a largo eating house, wjfteh s" used as mess house. I)r. Leonboff "of tho bAt tallon made ah examination of the ' water yestordaV and found, It '.exceo'd ; Ingly pure and. absolutely Treo from any contagious r dlseas&beaTing germs. '' - " -'-- -''!' . ' Captain ,ybrkizer and the ' battalion arrived in peatrlcabout;7)'45".Tuedfy nightandlmmediaft?y pVoceedel to the Chautauqua grounds.' Here every ' i." . 1. Tne inaian nauonai congress. 1 ... . .i '. . .: .... .. An -attemWte introduce Western fif1H,iy ol umBa " Ameiope. rare nexi thing was qultb wet owing 0 a drencfi: innii.HJk. mu .ii ' v t,-. tii .- . r, . ... ... outuruuy. luu uiucuou ot u mauager lng rain- whjch occurred abo'uf '' six" . ' V- '.-! A. .'- X j ' . . . b ,. r , , w ior me looioau team. waB nqt auempv o'clock. ThlHliftrt a&tiiiviA.mi&nt-AZm.-" -r of the board some time before thfllnVJi. mi v -'i Iji'-.-a'.' " close of the Unlverflltv-Vear. A mes-T ix.' -i-i. ; r:i.. '-: i t . .. v. Afew lessonsfor the Philippine ,x- J fcffiailXEi.A -, China l&sEP .-'t?- J V .tlfese slides are designed to sftpw-ihft ; Ji W,;)0I : Uie De.0Pie.i- m. fivery particular,. . w .-.. ,.. . c v. njt9trdvlj.oJn,v 2.. The - character ; of 0hlnoso local and central government. n - c ! T3. Treatytoorts and extra terrltor cality. , - 4. Thef customs service, internal 'tax iete Contrast shown by an at- to analyze. Indlan'ior 'Oriental1 gye ykere will b shown dlf "rfxiim. 5gpviBrnment, re . ( -. bnlaw, personal ideals, family life; rift'w''. '3 . . inaian casies: a careiui aiaie- fmxmmtrr- , Mohamme- iir; yxr?. it bUt WnBuSHl- iw. 4' .i." :-s; wKn" a" g5moM with-'Boane -College -and U16 ontracl has' been agreed, to. . M l..'"iitefr ' -, ' J bar ,3, when theJ;anio between the two .Yesterday m6rmiicdit a. teams is .scneuuiea w,oo piayea. xueiH -tod In fha.DAcorStiaii'rfMvrhnUMWi. former ;dale has1 already been filled AT nine" o'clocV ifrfikMrihTift 1, Central 'hlgK-school sroM JtaV"- " 9 : 80 they proceed'edHV kelrf tfce - procession to the bid cemetery. Tpte . cadet band alternated ;wlth tie. Ba- uiw uauu iu laiuiouiHE uiuaiG uunag the entire forenoon's program, Ihir" - lng the-Decoration day program "jat ' me anernoon xneDana gave a aaert and intefaal. trade, x, v KV 1.6. .ChinesdMcivil -".service and the m'andarlnate. - ' - y- r "'.Si. r"&."A'g(ahcIes'fof refonhHih;rChina:' J -Tir xiauwaysr ' ' "-" r - - - - , rbi Manufactui'es. . - ? c; Mining. ,'. ; .,,,,.. Md.Educatlori: .: 'A S-v if 'efArmy aTad' navy' ' ' 7." The boycott and the "yellow 'J ' : . ', Battalion Leaves. ( The Ba'ttalloh left Tuesday for Bea trice, where they wjll camp at the Chautauqua grounds until Saturday. About "three hundred cddew were' "in line and the full band and artillery wore 'taken,, along.- Every preparation Ithose assisting him and the boys, will no doubt enjoy the fWdftysflpqntat Beatrice. Weather predlctJonsare'for air weather and Interested ones are, inanKing cue powers, mat oe as nere tofprVt&e" boys haye-usuallV tia'dsome bad.weatHbrdurfng' their sojourn' as soldiers. '.'-' v J . if- ,1 .'A. kJ ' , 1 1 ' 7 Rhetoric 2 Examination. . . The ;flnal examination InHahetorlc ;2 will be :held ojLMonday, June 4, from 8 to 10 d'olOftki PVr the rnnma In which the several .divisions will meet; see the bulletin- board. , ' ( ' Department of 'Rhetoric. concert and Samuel Rlnaker, Jr., pre-" identof thePjresfimEna8l,TeiIiiiv 1 " wwrf w o hww wm -r- " j- At four, o'clock the band gave, a ce'n- tK -- - rtndBrlthe different . S;.ii ..fni colnV Oettysbufg 5efcfe-v' At ofnnaMi.nuitiie different en- 1 lMeA paniea foil .ia for dress parade. Tiiis a, M' ,, .a.- i .4 m :m ai .4 lasted, lor about half an hour,,, iaA1 V rtAY Judging from the geaerous rmUuh. . .- -7 the 'BASrMopfe wfoyedlttl rlit ;::; v . v 4 i4 T I W'MTi SWeet Views of rgreatauthprltie.5Vv- ' , - I1 "y.' vh!,,w-." 1 - - .7. - " ' v.: . . . .. .'Vi.... ! .; I5V : "" 'II. Xecture. Social conditions in la-. ; -wcJuuuupcwquuxxjuuow SiT -ftfi TASeff-fike.n-'V bl' aCT-HL- - 'g . Jj JpS . L JUg ,j fe, - 'lm ' "tW Jolted ' SuIeahnterVa-' q' - i v , - S, :Mc;;oMcy .1.- r SATLIRD AY. JUNE 2 . " ,. S': avs:. M:wua2sfYir.A :q . ' ' "v -vw Tft - - - ,:f iw.-" '(' r wi itatt. .-,ii'i.i. ?fij j z--'. ""r-. r- '. -i.4 - -, . -, i. i-r . t-w ff ! '---- .,(T nsiij K)fe:'' :"' rmmmm &kj? .u ' ,, irnrsww r: " I' Pm,:: A?W " .:-'' v'1: -SP Pr':frir r "'":Miir ' ; .riit -: ' '-iiwti:m Over (IVd .thousanipVerot '' ' V '' Chautauqua" grouhdg fo11AkfAii t. t -' ' f A Captain pjrjclzer haV establtSfcr'a .1 '... r- hew system this year of havTH&tl- '- '', ,;" graphic (Sbmmunlcatldm; &?& , tW-U , .11 , iDoVpp1 headquarters, am) if? 19 phone prlvjlef es place ' thesMinl h A . ' HlrAAf ytAVinAAltAW Mill 4W'Jlk.. ' M ' . r -.& u" WUHOVUWU TVAVU U Uil Tf ' F"1 ...- . . i .. .. i. ' , .j i-- me. urst one pfne aruuery equipit f ... has been taken to camp, aiid :uhHn ; '- i salute is flred WcfclflVy. tl ' J ' i' ' M . '-'it. .1 - " as 6ftyeari'k1.VcIfrSE' ;,. ' i C.ii -2i. '.. .f . )I . rtfci'H W ' ? ' .-J uaia on jiuesaay lugnt. OMew vaAtM' lisl and from ; recdei" kr qgw . engUktiHL- wTamar. ' - j '. J"" " ' J. . " T that tMy -are fiTtftylrprtnei K. 'r 'V eyjft '; U Cfreebo. i jn4, m. mi ia- JfW : jfc" n-.Cr -.; '". 1. &a l