"-. THE OVkLY NEBRASKAN. M7 TU 'M fy i L m if a w ir t BUSINESS DIRECTORY I J Every Loyal University Stsdeat te Z 1 t mrsea patroaipe ,un( nmrnnnt 9 Umm advertiser, mm A to anentleei J I lk paper while delug . i I 2 ttttifcai CLASSIFIED COLUMN All Advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance.' . Rate one cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ten cents. BARBER SHOPS AriBto, Croon's Palace, Mogul, Richards. BAKBJRY Mre. Petry. BOOKS-STATIONERY CoKp, Lin coin Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie, BANKS Columbia National. First Na tional: BOWLING ALLEY CreBcenL. CAFE Sam Westorfleld. Don Cam eron. CARPENTERr-Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Poine's FouaUia. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M. Conway, Erwln tc Perkins. CLDAKBRS AND DYERS J. .C. Wood &Co. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee St Deetner, Ludwig. I ; COAL Gregory, Whitebreast. CONFECTIONERS Maiwell. The Fol- BOB. DISEASES OF EY, BAR AND THROAT Dr. Brie . Wo4warl. DRT GOODS Miller ft Pals. Herps shelmer, DRVGGISTS Riggs, Brown, Rector. BXPRB8S Llacoln Local. FLORISTS Ck&pla Bros. GRQGBRS-O. J. King. 4b Bpa. HABERDASHERY $2.60 Hat Store. HOTELS Liadell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JBWELBHWTucker,. Hallett , LAUNDRIES Yule Bros, NOVELTY MACHINIST Tkerp. OCULISTS-r-Drf Daris, PHOTOGRAPHEB Ttwmad. PRINTING New Gestury, Klg ,A Jessup, Greer Cooper Co., Qeelf Bros. RESTAJJRAN.T-S Don's Cafe. SHOES Sanderson, Roger A Per kins. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. SPORTING GOODS-Lawlor Cycle Co. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwjg. TYPEWRITERS Underwoed Type writer Co. TYPEWRITING J. W. Brewater. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Woes ward. WAITERS' BUREAU Grant. BATH8. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-saline, shower, plain. 11th and P Sts. CLUB. RATES Three suits and O'coat cleaned Wd pressed, fl per 'tndnth. El liotts, 1136 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. FAGER BROS.. Basomont Wlrtdsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggago and parcels. DENTISTS BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St DR. H A. SHANNON, 1138 O. Auto. 2823; Bell, 212G. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and gents' tail oring: and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. LOST. LOST Alpha Thota Chi pin. Re ward for return of same, to Nobraskan office. fjjS Amherst College has adopted the honor system. Freshmen caught cheating are suspended a term, thoBe from the three upper classes will be expelled. Princeton Jiold Its third annual Press Club banquet laBt Thursday night. President Woodrow Wilson re sponded to a toaBt, "The College Man In Journalism." Michigan's annual has Just been placed on sale at Ann Arbor. It Is pronounced the most artistic and at tractive annual ever Issued at that university. LOST Pocketbook In Armory Tues day evening. Reward for return to Nebroskan office. FOUND. FOUND Viking pin; owner may have samp by identifying property and paying for this ad. Nobraskan office. WANTED Several men for school positions paying from $70 to $90 a month. tt-' OLIVER THEATRE Tr"Brrp"rPP"rT f p EbEI Stanford University will bo recon structed at once and by next Septem ber every building necessary to the welfare of the college will bo In per fect condition. The damage 'by earth quake was noT nearly as great as at first reported. YOU WILL Graduate Right IF YOU WEAR ONE OF UN LAND'S Tailor-Made SUITS If you want a graduation suit that looks well como in and bco me at 11th and O. Minnesota haschosen the affirma tive in the question for debate recently submitted by Iowa: "ResolvecJ, that cthe cities of the United States should seek their solution of the great railway problem in private ownership." This debate will come off about the end of next February. May 26. Nebraska-Kansas track meet on Unl. campus, 2 p. m. Kansas-Nebraska track meet. State Fair grounds, 2:30 p. m. Union picnic. Epworth Lake Parle, 2 p.m. May 27. Dean Bessoy speaks to University men in Memorial Hall at 4 p. m. Sub jectjTho Value of Bible Study to' College Men." May 28. Shirt-tail parade. May 29-June 2. Cadet Encampment The College Topics of the Univer sity of Virginia Bays that since Presi dent Alderman became head -of that Institution he has secured gifts for the university amounting to $1,000 per day, not including the amounts recent ly given by the state legislature. Mary Is a grand old name, says the Chicago Daily Maroon. It is not only an excellent title for a song, but tho senior girls seem to think that It Is appropriately connected, with their basket-ball team. T-hero ,aro six of them, Mary Heap, Mary McElroy, Mary Smith, Mary Moran, Manager Mary Johnson, and one Is called Marie Marie Ortmayor. !VArrr OUR80DAI II JT TA8TE8 LXKB IfORB fl RltPi The Ore Cittir CJ li 1921 O St. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 9300,000.00 Hur pitta and Profits tOD,OOO.nfr Deposit 3,040,000.00 , WAITERS' BUREAU W. D. On ANT, Manager Virak cliua ftorvlco cruaranteed aft all ro. options, parties, eolation and banquet. For Information ring up topltoae 3383 13 No. tOtk at. June 4-9. Semester examinations. June 12- Senior Play. Oliver Theatre. June 14. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement. MATIMK 8i30 NIGHT 8US TODAY AndA1l Summer Every Night at 8:30 Mat. Wed. & Sat. at 2:30 Fulton Stock Go. Featuring ENID. JACKSON and t JE88 B. FULTON Tonight, Frl., 8at & Mat "DORATHORNE" " .' i First Half Next Week . . "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU." Eve., 10c, 15c & 25c. Mat 25c & 10c. TakeNfemr Clothe atad go to J. C. WOOD & CO. BncceMora to Bonknp & Wood Expert Cleaners and Dyers Ball Telephone 147. Aat IKO'4 1330 W STIIKET i Phi Delta Forfeit Game. Owing to an oversight on tho part of the fraternity league managers, tho game which was tohave been played between the Phi Dolts and tho Kappa Slgs on Saturday, April 7, but which was forfeited to the latter team upon the failure of the former to appear -either upon the scheduled date or tho second date agreed upon by the two teams has not until now been taken Into account in rating tho percentages of the team. Tho standing of tire va rious members of tho leaguo at the present is, therefore, as follows: Games. W. jphi" Kappa Psi.; 3 Delta Tau 2 Phi Gamma Delta 4 Kappa Sigma ... 5 'Alpha Theta Chi. 3 Delta Upsllon ... 4 Alpha Tau 4 Sigma Chi 4 Beta, Theta Pi... 4 Phi ( slta Thota. 1 SigmaV Mnha ...4 The Lincoln Local Express, 1343 0 St W. L. P.C. 3 0 1000 2 0 1000 3 1 .750 4 1 .800 2 1 -.666 2 . 2. .500 2 ?-2j .500 1 3 .250 1 S .250 0 1 .000 0 4 .006 At the University of Iowa announce ment has just been made that seven teen students have Just been elected to tho Phi Beta Kappa. Fourteen of .these are co-eds, tho others men stu dents. This- appears a commentary on co-education until further on in the article it is stated that "only those" who take Latin are eligible." Per haps that accounts for It. I' -l AJ I Coat Shirts f iM Go on and come off j' jfl like a coat ;j 1 . A $1.3U and more I 1 Clactt, Peabody & Co. ( j ft : ' "V I TAKE THE IIOHTIOAD FR.OM r OMAHA CHICAGO chicu. GREAT ...WESTERN HAKLt LEAF ROUTE PAIUWY Unequalled equipment on all t vins makes traveling a pleasure on the 6KUT WESTERN , . For full Information, Writ to F, H. DVNLOP, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT, 1612 Farnam St. - Omaha. t v i.,.n;.,,u.3 K. JL. PTT ..JlJI te jJrtmf " V ' ' . , ryT l ' --ytij...i.if..-jj' mSMmWmfmmmmSVtmWSm V"' "tj""fP j.S., . tit T- u JitrViiiiiii'V r f.i'fflitlr Jir1 . i. Ti r..rf,. -"tuix- N ,1 V S ' u' MHHCHIHnMMflMMnJHaB'i KHHkBkVEiH