THE DAILY INEBRASKAIN. tbc Daily Htbraskan A consolidation of The Hesperian. Vol, CI. The Nebrasltari, Vol. 10, Scarlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the University of Nobraska, Lincoln, Neb., by the Hesporlan Publish ing Co. take off its hnt to Cnptnln Syford and the men of Company "C." Entered aB aocond cIbjbb matter, March 14, 1906, at tho Poit Office at Lincoln, Nob., undor the Act of Con gress March 3, 1879. Manager Fred Naughton Asst. Managor W. E. Standeven 8TAFF. EdItor-ln-Chlef R. A. Van Orsdel Assistant Editor Fred Ballard Athletic Editor Harry 8wan Reporters. B. F. Hubo. Qeno Sage. JobIo Frazler. Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2305 Subscription. price 12.00 per year In advance. A very complimentary feature of the dress parade held after competitive on the campus last evening was the num ber of students who removed their hats while the band played our no, tlonal hymn. Tho now 1906 concrete circular seat is proving a complete success By actual count twenty couples exclud ing representatives of tho faculty sat between tho Btone arfs of the scut during the hours of one aud two yes terday afternoon. Theso statistics prove at least one thing and that Is that tho University must duplicate tho gift of the class of 1906 nB frequently and Jii as many Instances ns tho campus will permit. Not only do such fixtures add" to tho general appearance of the grounds, but they" bid fair to boIvo the "bench Elocution Recital. On Wednesday evening the classes In Elocution four and six gavo a pub lic recital In Memorial Hall. This was by far the best recital that has been given this year. Every part on tho program was well renderod. Espe cially worthy of praise was ho work of Mr. Del Gibson In his Interpreta tion of "For Dear Old Yale." Tho School of Music aided in tho enter tainment by giving three selections. The elocution prognun an carried out was as follows: Old Hickory Dromgorle Miss Jessie Cook. A Scrap of College Love. . Dromgorle Mr. John Walker. The Worm That Turned Kipling Miss Vera Fall. For Dear Old Yale Mr. Del Gibson. The King of Bryvllle White Miss Mae Ferris. Merchant of Venice Act II, Scene II Shakespeare Characters. Mr. Isaac Baldwin." Hamlet Soliloquy Shakespeare Mr. Charles Sawyer. King's Soliloquy Miss Goldena Finltv. Closet Scene Character Queen. Miss Kathleen I.inderman. Hamlet. Mr. Charles Sawyer. HENRIK IBSEN DEAD. Great Norwegian Poet and Dramatist Passes Away. Henrlk Ibsen is dead at his home In Christiana, Norway. News of his death, which occurred Wednesday, reached this country yesterday and memorial services aro being planned by many colleges nnd universities throughout both America and Europe. By some critics Ibsen wns consid ered tho best dramatist slnco William PLEASE PAY UP! If you have not paid your subscription, please let the matter have your early attention, 75c for second semester. Office open daily J to JJ:30. Room 2 JJ 1-2 University Hall : : : : work" problem. Tho concrete arm idea was, in this, respect, most for tunately unique. Nearly everybody feels glad whon, , n "good man wins, nnd if tho victory comes after a prehistoric sequence of adversity, all the more glory comes with it. Although till yesterday "C" company had never laid hands on tho Omaha Cup, in all the years it has been tho prize for excellent drill; al though the cynical classed "C" Com pany with tho band in its continuous failure to get first place; although an evil and inseparable Jonah hns kept "C" Company's ship from port, theso men have never given up. Year by year the men have worked loyally and tho officers have striven tfrelessly; nothing has" ever broken their pluck. And today tho whole Uni is glad to Shakespeare, dml all concur in placing him at tho head of the playwriters of his century. At the time of his death Ibsen wns seventy-eight years old. Foresters' "Feed." Tho third annual "feed" of ihe For est Club will be -held at tho Phi Pal house, 226 North Twenty-sixth street, Monday evening, May 28, at 8 o'clock. All Forestry students are urgently re quested to come. v There was a young man from Sque- dunk, Who came into town and got drunk A cop said, "Skidbo!" It's 23 for you. And they shipped him back home in a trunk. Ex. Kansas-Nebraska Track Meet To day Campus, 2 p. m.; 35c to Grandstand. Br. MMtart, M2-31I Klduurdi Blk MAGEE DEEMER 8 EtejWL (KB 8 wSiL l MmmJ 8 MHS STwWKHr 8 la ' i. mmmMi 8 i h KSomi 8 fJ; $iMlml 1 '" Jfmmp- ' 8 unirjyMj M ooo giggf "Kensington" "Stay-in-Shape" CLOTHES There is nothing quite so an noying ns an otherwise good Coat out of Bhape. Nowadays shapeliness is the real test of good clothes. On this issue "Kensington" Suits have won their popularity. Tho shape positively holds good to tho end. They are fast coming to be known as the most economical clothes worn, because' they give more service and satisfaction than two of other makes. If you onjoy seeing and trying on really handsome clothes, drop in and see the new gray and blue serges we are selling at $15, $18, $20 on up to $30. We fit men of almost every proportion. "Kensington" Clothes they fit. OQO SHiPnBBBbA I k The National Highway To California Is via "THE OVERLAND ROUTE." If you contemplnte a trip to this pleas ure seeker's paradise, this route offers you tho highest degree of comfort and luxury with no additional ocst and a great saving of time and expense. Be sure your ticket reads over the UNION PACIFIC Inquire at E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agent. O o o A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Largest Manufacturers in tho "World of Official Athletic Supplies BASE BALL LAWN TENNIS FOOT BALL ROQUE, GOLF QUOITS ARCHERY CRICKET LACROSSE - CROQUET IMPLEMENTS FOR ALjL SPORTS Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for 1905. Edited by Henry Chad wick. Th6 most complete and up-to date book ever published on the subject. Fully Illustrated. Spalding's Official League Ball is (he adopted ball of the National League, and must bo used in all match games. Every requisite for Lawn Tennis and Golf. ruptB -i Price 10 Cents. For ovor a quarter of a century Spalding's Trade Mark on Base Ball lin ' plomonU has marked the advancement of this particular sport. Spalding's Trade-Mark on your Athletic Implement gives you an advantage over the other play er, as you have a better article, lasts longer, gives more satisfactioa. Every Base Ball Managor should Bend at once for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Free. A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Kansas City. Denver, St. LouIb, New Orleans Do it now! Subscribe for the Daily Nebraskan V ' S